Monday, December 31, 2007

You were born a millionaire!

Every person was born a millionaire. He/she just doesn't know it, and nobody has ever taught him/her how this is true.

The secret formula to memorize and thoroughly understand is this: Performance = Potential - Interference.

Performance refers to how well you're doing in your life, whether it's about relationships, finance, career, etc.

When you were born, your potential was infinite. There was almost no interference to what you could imagine and grow into.

Then, as you went through the "indoctrination" system (also known as the educational system), they (the big people) began to assert their authority and impose all kinds of restrictions on what you could think, say or do.

Of course, at school, you were just one of the "little people" who had to obey the "big people."

And then one day, you graduate from university and have zero imagination and zero creativity. The only thing you have is the proof, in the form of a diploma, that you are a good, obedient, conforming person who will do as he is told.

So the dean of the university issues a diploma as if to tell future "big people" who will handle you (such as employers) that you are a good, obedient, conforming person who will do as he is told.

Buckminster Fuller wrote that we are all born geniuses, and that society "degeniuses" us.

In my case, it took me 7 months to figure out that being a "permanent employee" was not to my advantage, so I quit corporate America at age 31 (in June 2000). In my 20s, I consciously opted to work as a contractor to several Fortune 500 companies such as IBM and American Express while politely declining their permanent job offers.

Since June 2000, I've been a serial entrepreneur making more money than I thought possible. Once, I made $10,000 in a few hours.

I predict that Gen Y (aged 12 to 30) will quit corporate America much sooner, in their mid-20s.

In fact, to help young people choose the right economic option which will enrich them by activating their "abundance" mindset, my brother Joe and I will be launching in January a special personal empowerment portal focused on:

Personal development
Ideal career
Small business
Money matters
Smart investing
Real estate insights
Financial freedom

This special portal will offer, free of charge (!), tons of valuable and practical knowledge and resources for the liberation and empowerment of millions of people.

Create a knowledge product and get rich!

I have over 700 connections on Linkedin, and in 2008, they'll all become affiliates who can make a lot of money by offering my instructional materials to their connections. In some cases, they'll buy my eBooks which give them also the resale rights (meaning they can charge any price they want, as they keep 100% of the profits); in other cases, they'll become associates and sell my various consulting and coaching services.

It will be fun to watch the passive income flow into my bank account!

This is why I've always recommended to people to use Linkedin and build their network of contacts.

After you have a few hundred connections, you can start "deal-egating" (not "delegating") tasks so that it's win-win.

The key is to CREATE a knowledge product that enough people want to buy. The book The E-Code by Joe Vitale shows several ways to create a unique knowledge product that you can sell over and over and over via the Web.

The formula for wealth seems pretty simple: net worth X network.

Think of "net worth" as the answer to the important question: "What is it that you know that is of use to someone else?"

The problem people have is that their knowledge is not specialized enough or concentrated enough. Most people's knowledge is "common sense" and extensive, rather than "strategic sense" and intensive.

But don't worry, it is never too late to become an expert. Just choose a topic and learn everything you can on that topic. And then package all your knowledge into an eBook that you can sell on the Web.

The point I want to make is that unless you have a product that you own, it is almost impossible to become wealthy and financially independent.

When you have a product, the product works FOR YOU. If you don't have a product, then you are forced to work for somebody else.

There's nothing wrong with working for somebody else, as long as you're learning from them HOW to create new products or services. (Note: It's more difficult to build wealth through a service since, unlike a product, it cannot be easily standardized or replicated as it involves the co-creative participation of the client).

So once you have a product, it works for you in two ways: it offers value to your customers WITHOUT you having to be there (as with a job). For instance, customers can enjoy reading your eBook while you are sleeping.

Secondly, your product can convince other people to become resellers and affiliates (an affiliate only generates leads whereas a reseller generates leads AND closes the sale). In other words, assuming your product is good, it will sell itself so that you can easily recruit distributors and e-retailers and social marketers.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

The secret to financial freedom

"Entrepreneurship" is a big word that tends to either impress people or intimidate them. Depending on the attitude or the mood of a person on a given day, entrepreneurship can mean different things, such as "building a fortune" or "taking a lot of risk" or "creating a revolutionary product" and so forth.

The fact is, entrepreneurship is above all a choice. And the choice is very clear: choose freedom or choose non-freedom.

Obviously, everybody in their right mind would choose freedom. For instance, if a person -- any person -- were asked: "Would you choose a life where you could do anything Monday to Friday without having to answer to anyone (except the person you see in the mirror), or would you rather choose a life where you have to show up, five days a week, at a specific location and do what they tell you to do?"

The above two options are clearly stated and the right choice is rather obvious. Then why is it that the majority of people are working for somebody else? Why is it that the majority of mankind is forced, at least five days a week, to show up at the manufacturing plant or the office in order to work hard and enrich someone else?

The answer is a secret that nobody told you. It's a secret fully understood and thoroughly mastered by the elite for centuries, yet this secret is neither taught at any university nor explicitly explained in any book.

Here's the secret: Rich people choose JOY, poor people choose JOB.

Rich people choose to do what they "want" to do, not what they "have" to do or "should" do.

When you focus on doing what brings you joy, you naturally become a creator. When you focus on doing what you "have to do" or "should do," you naturally become a worker employed by someone else.

It is not this "someone else" who deprives you of your freedom; it is you who give up your freedom to seek joy and create!

Once you affirm your freedom and decide to seek joy, you will naturally become a creator of solutions. And you will own the solutions you create, so that you can sell them to thousands of people who will then reward you financially.

This is precisely how smart people become financially independent. They use the power of their mind and imagination to create new solutions that did not exist before.

People who give up their freedom and work for an employer do not achieve financial freedom, because they never create anything new. They are hired to execute routines and procedures developed by the business owners.

People who achieve financial freedom have succeeded in shifting their mindset from being a mere "human resource" (which is how employers treat them) to becoming "resourceful humans" capable of continually creating new value all the time.

This new value, in the form of a product or service, belongs to the creators according to human laws governing countries where democracy and capitalism are protected. For instance, the laws concerning copyright, trademarks, patents, intellectual property, etc. protect the financial security of creators.

In short, financial freedom is for those who decide to create a product. It is not for those who seek a job.

The choice is very simple: create and you will become rich, work and you will stay poor.

Once you've created a product that you legally own, you can sell it to thousands of people and make lots of money while creating a lot of happiness. Even better news: these customers will help you to constantly improve your product!

The alternative is to get a job, which you can never own and where you cannot create any new product. Even if you do create a new product within a corporate setting, all rights and royalties will belong to the employer forever.

Some people make the mistake of choosing a job and then staying with it until they are 65 years old. They do not realize that an employee is not in a position to create new solutions, for there is little freedom in any workplace and without freedom, creation is not possible.

Ultimately, all humans have a major choice to make: either we decide to control our lives by exercising our freedom to create, or we decide -- often unconsciously -- to give up our freedom and be controlled by others five days a week.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

I just wanted to take a minute to wish you a Merry Christmas! Indeed, this is a time of joy for Christmas is a celebration (and remembrance) of love.

About two weeks ago, CTV (a Canadian television network) interviewed my parents for they were interested in a story of how an immigrant family was able to come to Canada and start over while harmoniously integrating into Canadian society.

I also participated as I desperately wanted to promote this success secrets blog! (Just kidding... half-kidding, actually).

Although I didn't think about it at the time, I realize now that what I learned from my parents is their example. Indeed, no one can learn from any other person except through the clarity of their (conscious or unconscious) example.

Although my parents came to this great land with zero dollars and 8 kids to feed, aged 4 to 15, they always had faith. Faith as in "the absolute certainty that everything will be alright."

This faith is quite formidable for it is the basis for peace of mind and the platform for seeking joy in life.

My parents are practicing Catholics, but I think the particular name of their faith is not as important as the fact that they are LIVING their faith. In other words, they could have been Muslims and it would not have made a difference, since religion is just a set of beliefs. Strength doesn't come from intellectually knowing a set of beliefs but personally living by such beliefs.

Personally living by a set of beliefs is either incredibly hard or incredibly easy.

It is incredibly hard if a person is resisting the idea that joy is the purpose of life. It is incredibly easy if a person accepts the idea that joy IS the purpose of life.

So in that sense, Christmas Day is a reminder that every day should be Christmas Day! Every day should be filled with joy, love, fun, friends, family, good food, entertainment and excitement.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas today and every single day of your life! :-)

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Why read this blog?

Here, you'll find secret knowledge, concepts, ideas and insights extracted from hundreds of books, magazines, white papers, websites, and other sources so you SAVE TIME and SAVE MONEY while acquiring powerful and practical success secrets! Most importantly: it's completely FREE of charge! So subscribe today and enjoy! The powerful and practical ideas and insights that we share with you WILL help you in your career, in business or in life. It's FREE! (The regular subscription fee we charge companies is $800.00, which includes related consulting, briefing and special services). Good luck in all your endeavours!

Questions? Write to me at My bio HERE.

CEOs, HR directors and training personnel: Why not give your employees all the tips, tools and techniques so they can succeed faster while improving your bottom line? Employees want SUCCESS and if you help them succeed, they are more likely to be loyal. Please contact me for corporate sales. Yearly rates start at $800. Write for subscription details: or read more HERE.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Slow Rewind technique for dream manifestation

Here's a technique that can help you to FOCUS on what you want and avoid thinking about what you don't want. Remember what Donald Trump wrote in his (latest) book: "I don't think about anything except what I have to think about to do a great job."

I call it the "Slow Rewind" technique, because it's like watching a video but starting from the end. That is, you start the movie at the last scene, and then rewind, one frame after another, back toward the beginning.

Here's how it works:

1. Picture clearly the end result you want. This is the "last scene."
2. Then, picture the state of your world (as well as your state of mind) right before the "last scene."
3. Repeat this process by "slowly rewinding" and seeing the scene before the previous scene.


1. Last scene: I'm counting my money and realize I actually have $2 million!
2. Previous scene: One of my sexy associates call me on the phone and tells me she just closed a deal worth $100,000. I tell her: "Thanks, babe. Keep up the great job!"
3. Previous scene: I'm in a conference room, talking to young people in their early 20s. I'm doing a sales pitch to convince them to join my team, so I can train them and turn them all into happy millionaires. Strangely enough, I speak like Ben Affleck in a similar scene in the movie Boiler Room.

The point is that you do NOT have describe HOW things happened. You just clearly describe WHAT happens, sequentially, so that you reach your end result (or desire, or vision, or goal).

The purpose of this amazing mind-blowing exercise is to increase your "wealth consciousness" and focus your powerful mind on important visualizations.

Remember: Wealth only comes to those who are already wealthy (in their minds, through their imagination and positive expectations). People who think big, get big things. People who think small, get small things.

In other words, if you FEEL wealthy, you WILL BECOME WEALTHY.

Let me repeat this important, powerful, mind-blowing truth: People who FEEL wealthy, BECOME wealthy.

Yes, I mean exactly what you think I mean: They BECOME multimillionaires. Even billionaires.

Some people might say, "Well, Peter, I've wanted to become rich for quite some time now, but it just doesn't seem to work!"

It's possible for a person to WANT wealth, but often, the wealth she wants is only a way to cover or compensate for some weakness that she thinks she has. In other words, she's wanting wealth from a place of lack or inadequacy.

Lack attracts lack, in the same way that wealth attracts wealth.

The key (or success secret) is to really FEEL GOOD about yourself BEFORE you begin any visualization process or any lucid dreaming (as in the Slow Rewind exercise above).

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The truth shall set you free!

Don't worry, this is not a post about religion. And I won't try to impose my religious beliefs on you. At least, not today. :-)

I would even go further than the title and say, "The truth shall set you free AND will give you financial freedom!"

I don't mean "financial freedom" in the sense of "being free from having to work" but "being free of financial concerns so you can choose the Work you want to do, even if you have to pay for it."

Remember, "Work" is what your life is all about (and your life is about something far bigger than just a "career" or "business"). The founder of eBay, for instance, became extraordinarily rich and decided that he would use his money and connections to create social-cause movies in Hollywood. Same with Bill Gates, who is stepping down from Microsoft to head the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to help fight povery and disease in the world.

You're probably thinking, "Peter, this is very inspiring, but can we get back to how I can become rich?"

Good. I like your focus. :-)

The statement "the truth shall set you free" can be illustrated through this thought experiment:

"If a genie could, in the next 60 minutes, make 1,000,000 people aware of the product you are offering, how many of them would buy from you? And how much would you charge?"

This "truth" experiment will instantly reveal to you many things, such as your readiness to become wealthy, how much money you can make per hour, etc.

So supposed that you have a product which you sell for $50, and people can download it via That is, they pay by credit card or Paypal and can instantly download your product. (You make money while sleeping).

How many people, out of 1,000,000, would download your product?

Suppose 50,000 people do (that's 5%). So your revenues would be 50,000 X $50, or $2,500,000.

Although you offer a no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee, no one asks for a refund because, remember, this is a "truth" experiment: everything you promised about the product is absolutely true, so prior to buying your $50 product, people know EXACTLY what it is that they're getting. Some might estimate that the value is worth $300, others might estimate it at $100. As long as people see that the value TO THEM is greater than $50, they will accept to buy your $50 product.

(Note: Memorize for life the previous statement if you wish, for it is absolutely the key to wealth in this life. In other words, you must provide more "use" value than you are asking for in cash value. Imagine, for instance, a fur manufacturer offering a $1,000 fur coat to someone living in... the Sahara desert! The "use" value is zero, therefore even the best salesperson cannot possibly sell the fur coat for any amount of cash! Of course, the "trade" value is something different altogether, and I will write more about "use" vs "trade"value later if someone sends me a reminder email about it).

So we can see that with a genie's help, you can transcend time/space/mind and make, in 60 minutes, $2,500,000.

Let's push this experiment further. Since you offer a money-back guarantee (because nothing is more important to you than customer satisfaction), you allow customers to click on ONE single button on your website which says "Refund" and they immediately get their money back into their Paypal account or credit card system.

So you have 50,000 people purchasing your $50 product as in the first case, but this time, 50,000 ask for a refund. Something is wrong. What happens -- and remember, this is a "truth" experiment -- is that the value your customers received is NOT what you promised. Therefore, it totally makes sense that they asked for a refund.

This thought experiment shows quite clearly why and how the "truth" can set you free financially. In other words, if you create a good product whose "use" value is greater than the "cash" value you ask for, you can become phenomenally rich.

It doesn't mean you can make $2,500,000 in 60 minutes. This is what you would make in a universe OUTSIDE of time and space. But it does mean that you can make $2,500,000 over the course of several years.

For example, it might take 5 years, in which case you would be making on average $500,000 per year, which is not bad! :-)

Notice how you feel as I throw around those numbers ($2,500,000, $500,000, etc.). You haven't had the experience of "dealing" with such numbers so they feel a little uncomfortable to you. You might even think, "Yeah, Peter, that's nice, very nice. But let's get serious, here. Who am I to believe I can make that kind of money?"

Well, who was Bill Gates before he had the idea of riding on IBM's market clout to create DOS as a standard operating system? Who was Warren Buffett before he learned from Benjamin Graham or from his partner Charlie Munger? Who was Jeff Bezos before he created And who was Ray Kroc before he created a system that became MacDonald's?

They were nobodies. Yet, a single idea changed their destiny.

Lesson: Don't focus on who you are right now. Focus on finding ideas that will make you a fortune.

Those ideas are everywhere. You just have to be careful not to close your mind to them. Those ideas are, to me, as visible and tangible as the furniture I see around me.

And the best part is, once you get an idea and begin to think about it, enjoy holding in your mind, view it from different angles, then something magical happens: other ideas like it will come to your mind quite effortlessly! Before long, your mind is becoming a wild party of outrageous wealth ideas and all those ideas are dancing like mad in your little head!

Your task is to crash your own party and spot the sexiest idea at that party. Of course, a sexy idea is like a sexy woman: she will be attracted (consciously or not) to the most confident male in the room. She will go home with him.

Your mission is to spot the sexiest idea and then "go home" with it. This won't be too hard, because as you vibrate with the supreme confidence of a super duper alpha male, the sexiest idea (like a woman) will unconsciously obey your every command. "Do you like this party? I own this place." The drop-dead gorgeous and totally sexy idea/woman: "Oh, really?! (she's very impressed). This would be the exactly right time to call your chauffeur and whisper "Now", so he will bring the limosine in front of the house right in time as you and your sexy lady are walking out the door.

You might have heard of the expression, "He acts like he owns the place." It would be more accurate to say, "He owns the place, that's why he acts like that."

In other words, if you truly owned your mind, you would be super confident too. Most people, of course, are so "open-minded" that they invite trash and junk information into it every day (TV, ads, gossip, magazines, etc.). Think of your mind as a Presidential Palace, and place guards everywhere! Once you thus protect your mind, you will begin to increase your confidence and personal power.

Often, it takes meditation to "get rid" of all the ideas that you do not want in your mind/spirit. These ideas or thoughts might have been put there by events or people or encounters in your past. These events or thoughts might be SEVERELY debilitating and might constantly weaken your self-confidence. However, realize this: you are ALWAYS the master of the house and can get rid of any idea, thought, emotion, etc. that you do not want. As you order a guard to show an unwanted thought the way out, you will find it easier and easier to show other unwanted thoughts the way out, until only You remain in your sacred temple.

I know this sounds a little bit crazy because it borders on the mystical, but try it for yourself and see how it feels to "clean up" your mind. Your mind is the only thing you truly possess in this life. Yet many people give up control of their own minds and then try to hire coaches or read books or take actions in order to "recover" ownership of their minds, yet it doesn't work that way. Mental ownership comes from within, not from anything external.

Ross Perot, the self-made billionaire, wrote: "It takes just one idea to live like a king for the rest of your life." Write to me at if you want to know what Perot's idea was.

Once you have a sexy idea, develop a product from it and use the "truth" experiment I described above to see how much money you could make. You either will make A LOT of money or VERY LITTLE money.

How do you know whether a product will succeed? Customer satisfaction. If you offer it to 10 people, and all of them are happy with it, then you should offer the SAME product to 10 million people. Why make $500 when you can make $500,000,000?

I can predict your question: "How will I reach all those people?" My clever answer: you can reach them because they all live on planet Earth. These people do not live in distant, unknown galaxies! My more sober answer: hire affiliates and pay them 30% or 40% of sales. Today, everybody is connected. But not everybody has a product to offer. If you have product to offer, you are way ahead of most people (who are not product-oriented but job-oriented).

Why would you give them 30% in commission? Because 1. you have better things to do, such as improving your product all the time so as to increase the use value, hence the price hence the profit margin, 2. you can become extremely rich if you empower others to become rich too.

Allowing others the "plug and play" ability to join your wealth creation system, will only make you richer faster. There are only two master principles to get rich: create use value that is greater than the cash value you ask for it, and multiply ways through which your use value can reach people. One way is to recruit affiliates.

These two concepts are captured by the equation R = MV, which every CEO understands and masters. Write to me at to request the details.

There are other reasons to recruit sales and marketing affiliates, such as: Others are more connected than you. They can serve as quality control inspectors and help you improve your product. They can help you adapt your product to their market. They can help you recruit more affiliates, or increase the rate at which you recruit affiliates through the perpetual finetuning of your affiliate pipelining.

In conclusion, the "truth" experiment I described above can help you figure out pretty quickly whether you are ready to become financially free. It's quite simple, really: Just focus on creating a product that people find useful. If the "use" value is $5, then charge $2. If the use value is $200, then charge $30. You get the idea.

Don't try to market or sell a product that has no "use" value. There's a lot of get-rich-quick schemes on the Internet where the only "product" is a fraudulous marketing system. If they had a REAL product, they would just allow you to download it for free for evaluation purposes, or they would allow you to buy the product with a no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee.

This post is one of the best 10 posts I ever wrote on this blog (out of 705) in the last two years so if you like it, please forward it to your loved ones by clicking the "Email to a friend" button below. You will benefit by being able to discuss it with them, and they wil benefit too. Equally important, by forwarding this email, you adopt the critical abundance mindset that says that there is infinite abundance in the universe, and that the key to financial freedom is to be creative, not competitive. Once you switch to a creative mindset, all ideas will flow to you effortlessly and you will be making more money that you could possibly imagine.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Millionaire Secret - Parents Edition (part 2 of 3)

In Part 1, I encouraged readers to forward the post to other parents because it was a life-or-death matter. What I mean is that all human beings die, but not all human beings truly live.

Life requires freedom. The freedom to pursue what gives one joy. The result of this "pursuit of happyness" is growth.

Right now, not many people have freedom. Every day, hundreds of millions of people are forced to show up at work in order to "earn" a living.

Here's my question: If, every morning, you could press a red button that said "Get today's work done in five minutes", would you press it? Of course, you would. Then, five minutes later, you would engage in a fun activity that gives you joy. In my case, it could be calligraphy, tennis or blogging.

This is a highly idealistic scenario which won't become real at least not until 2012. So let's get back to planet Earth where we have to "earn" a living.

As a parent, how should you guide your children so they can find a suitable, fulfilling and rewarding livelihood?

Parents often have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, they tell their kids to "do what you love to do." On the other hand, they hope that the field or profession chosen by their children is "in demand," that is, one where they'll be able to find employment without much difficulty.

The problem is that no matter what parents say with words, it never has as much belief or conviction as their actual example.

A parent who works at a job she hates, won't be able to effectively convince her children to "follow their bliss."

However, it is possible to follow a simple formula to maximize a child's "professional happiness" and financial well-being. Here it is:

1. Follow your bliss
2. Then, money will follow you.
3. You become an amazing success story that inspires others to follow their bliss

A wrong formula would be:

1. Follow their money (employers can offer very tempting financial rewards to people who have the right skill set)
2. The money you follow, will follow people who follow their bliss (entrepreneurs, business owners)
3. You end up chasing money for the rest of your life because money is running away from you; to repeat, money follows people who follow their bliss.

Most people will immediately see the wisdom of "following one's bliss." Yet, why is it that the majority of people (90% at least) work in jobs that they either hate or that don't give them fulfillment?

That's because a critical teaching has been missing. This teaching would enable children to get in touch with their Source -- their true Self. Also called their Soul.

Parents should not be blamed for not teaching this secret art to their children, for they themselves have never received such teaching.

The Law of Attraction, as described by the movie The Secret, teaches part of the process.

However, the REAL secret was not mentioned in the movie The Secret.

The real secret is that, as Deepak Chopra says, "we do not live in the world. The world lives in us."

Indeed, there is a Grand You, a Big You, a Higher You "out there". It's your Soul.

Parents can truly teach and empower their children IF (and this is a really big IF!) they can teach through the clarity of their example. That is, if parents followed their bliss and were truly in touch with who they truly are, then their children would naturally learn from them.

If you are a parent who is not following her bliss, don't be hard on yourself. It's never too late to change and listen to your heart's desire. Just trust yourself a little bit more, and don't take other people's opinions so seriously. They mean well, of course, but nobody knows better than you what the best path is for you.

So assuming a parent follows her true path, then her children would learn from her example and develop the ability to naturally be in constant touch with their inner selves. Their Souls.

A Soul is the best guide for human beings, and the inner guidance system which connects the Soul to its physical self, does not fail. It's also an extremely simple system, so simple in fact that even kids can use them. This magical system is "the way we feel."

Women are closer to mastering this system than men, because they are more attuned to their emotions. However, emotional sensitivity is not a "feminine" thing. All human beings have the capacity to tune in to their emotions. It's just that in our society, men are culturally conditioned to mask their true feelings and to project at all times an appearance of strength and confidence. However, when we look at great men, we can easily discern the capacity to be "emotionally intelligent": the late John Paul II, Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, etc.

To help people "tune in" to their emotions and true desire, I created in August 2005 a framework that allows people to clarify their thinking in regards to their "creative life experience" (normally referred to as a "career"). You can download a free copy of the report which describes this framework at (password: "idealcareerisideal"). Please forward it to friends and coworkers as well, so you can productively discuss it with them.

(To be continued)

Donald Trump's secret

Many people have written to me asking for Donald Trump's secret, and I'm very glad they asked. They will truly absorb his secret even as they read books written by other wealth masters.

I've mentioned his secret several times on this blog, and here it is once again in the form of an entertaining hypothetical question:

Suppose aliens from outer space came to Earth and decided to steal all of Trump's money. They even change his name on all legal documents pertaining to his real estate properties to "Mark Cuban." Of course, Trump is smart so he has set up multimillion-dollar trust funds NOT linked to his legal identity. However, these aliens have telepathic abilities so were able to read his mind and ALSO steal all his money from those secret trust funds!

Result? Donald Trump, the billionaire, how has a net worth of exactly ZERO. Only he knows of this fraud from the aliens. Nobody else on this planet knows.

QUESTION: How do you think he would react? Would he be shocked? Sad? Devastated? Depressed? Angry? What would he do? What would he change in his behavior? Why do you think so?

Send me your detailed opinion by email to and I'd be happy to tell you more. I ask you to do this because it's important to consciously think about Trump's reaction, and WHY you think he would react as you predict. Your answer will greatly determine the extent to which you yourself are ready for great wealth.

Trump's secret, whether he's aware of it or not, has to do with Deepak Chopra's "wealth consciousness" and Roger Hamilton's definition of wealth as the structure and width of a river, NOT the water therein.

Feel free to let your friends and family involved in this important discussion so you can benefit from productive discussions. Just click the "Email to a friend" link below.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Millionaire Secret - Parents Edition (part 1 of 3)

IMPORTANT: Please forward this LIFE-OR-DEATH article to all the parents you know. The well-being of their children is at stake. Click "Forward" in your email browser or "Email to a friend" at the bottom of this article


With their parents' permission, I want to sit down with every one of my nephews and nieces at some point during their teenage years and have a frank talk with them. No, no, not about the birds and the bees! (Hey, I had to find out about those darn birds and bees for myself!)

Rather, I would ask them bluntly a very philosophical question:

"Do you want to become a slave or a prince / princess?"

It's a very simple question. Their answer (and I want to feel their entire body vibrate with conviction as they state their answer) will absolutely dictate their destiny.

As you can imagine, most teenagers will want to become a prince or princess, with absolute sovereign control over their life experience and, of course, fabulous wealth.

The problem is that their parents want them to become slaves.

Let me repeat that: most parents want their children to become slaves, not princes or princesses.

Personal note: I remember a time when I had a talk with my Dad. With every cell of my body vibrating in unison, I told him, "Dad, they will NEVER take me alive!" I was referring to corporate employers seeking to "capture" the brilliant and innovative thinker and worker that I am. He believed me. He could feel the intensity with which I stated my conviction. I absolutely did NOT want my life to be controlled -- 5 days a week -- by any mortal, and I was absolutely determined to wage an all-out war in order to secure my sovereign freedom. Anyways, to encourage me, Dad said that I was the most talented in the family. I personally doubt it, but I immediately said: "Thanks, Dad. Can I have that in writing?" :-)

Yes, the statement above, which sounds vaguely like an accusation, will be shocking to most parents, but if you are a parent, I guarantee that you are more likely to misguide your children into becoming a slave than you are to guide them into become the sovereign master of their life experience.

Let me present my case, and you can decide whether to believe me or not. But remember: I take very seriously the well-being of every kid on this planet, including yours.

When you look around you, what do you see? Workers. Employees. People who spend their entire lives working for somebody else (business owners, capitalists, shareholders).

And how were they "influenced" to become workers and employees rather than entrepreneurs and capitalists? In other words, who was the single greatest influence in the life of a child growing up? Yes, that's correct: parents.

Multimillionaire Robert Kiyosaki wrote a book (actually a series of books) titled Rich Dad Poor Dad, where he tells the fictional story of how he had two Dads: one was a hard-working teacher, and the other was a wealthy entrepreneur. Although he loves both Dads, he credits his wealthy Dad with teaching him about money, business and finance.

Throughout all his books (there's even one book titled Rich Kid, Smart Kid), he offers the same valuable teaching: what you believe is what you earn. This resonates with Jim Rohn's statement that "your fortune depends on your philosophy."

Let's get back to my horrific statement that parents are guilty for guiding their children into becoming slaves.

Why do I say that? Do I really accuse parents of ideological negligence and of teaching the wrong values to their kids? Who am I, anyways, to dare make such accusatory statements?

First, let me say that I view parents as heroes. Every father or mother I have met in my life has nothing but pure love for their children. They would give their blood, sweat, tears and everything they have to protect their children and ensure their well-being and happiness on Earth. This infinite love for their children is indeed the one common trait among all parents, regardless of their education, class, skin color, religion or nationality.

Yet, almost ALL parents (99%) make the mistake of believing that what was good for them, will also be good for their children. I refer not to values in the personal sphere, like kindness, compassion, charity, friendship, etc. but to values in the economic sphere, like work ethic, careers, professionalism, self-discipline, etc.

Specifically, parents believe that the good life contains the following (familiar) pattern: go to school for over a decade and get (at least) a college or university diploma. Then, find a good, permanent, stable job. Work hard and don't cause any trouble. Save money and buy a house. Start a family. Live happily ever after.

This sounds like a good plan, except that through this entire sequence, the unspoken rule is: "Obey your master -- whether it's the teacher or the boss. You are not special or unique, therefore don't try to stand out and certainly don't try to ask for special treatment. Just focus on doing a good job or they will fire you."

The young girl who was once "Daddy's princess" now has to assume masculine traits and compete against the boys in order to go up the proverbial corporate lader. Of course, she doesn't yet see the glass ceiling, but one day, her lovely and fragile head will bump against it. (She didn't see it coming, which is why they call it the "glass ceiling." The corporate workplace is a male invention, and no amount of feminist zeal or power can change that. Women will never be treated as well as men at work, and most women are smart enough to realize this. This is why more and more women are quitting the rat race and are starting their own business. Mompreneur is a new magazine launched recently, and I predict they will do phenomenally well, just like Ms Magazine launched in the 70s by Gloria Steinem.

Boys and men face fewer hurdles at the corporate office, yet are trapped into the similar slave mentality of "working for dollars" rather than "working to gain Midas knowledge." Midas, of course, was the King who was able to turn everything he touched into gold.

Robert Kiyosaki indeed advises people to work (on a volunteer basis if they have to) in order to learn HOW to make money. That is, how to create value and financialize that value in order to create wealth.

Kiyosaki, along with many other wealth gurus like T. Harv Eker, Adrian Slywotzky, Mack Hanan and Robert Allen, teach people who to become economically creative and financially independent. These books, strangely enough, are never mentioned in any school.

That's because the purpose of schools, colleges and universities is to produce obedient employees, not wealthy entrepreneurs.

To become a wealthy entrepreneur, a child has to rely on his parents' teachings (assuming they know about business and finance). Billionaire Donald Trump, for instance, got his kids Ivanka and Donald Jr through the prestigious Wharton Business School to obtain their MBAs. But it's a likely bet that they learn much more from their dad than from any tenured professor at Wharton.

But most parents, such as yourself or those you know, do not have business training nor business experience, so they cannot teach their kids the art of economic creation and financial leverage. (I will explain more in the next post about "economic creation" and "financial leverage").

As a result, parents tend to teach their kids that hard work is necessary, that having a full-time job is necessary, that having a boss is necessary, and that being paid a fixed salary is necessary and normal. In short, being an "economic slave" is necessary, at least from the ages of 20 to 65.

Note: I recently launched an Economic Destiny 101 seminar, will talk about it in the next post also.

So subconsciously, parents teach their kids to be obedient, conformist and passive employees. The underlying message is, "You are not special, nor are you unique. Stop dreaming. Don't be an idealist. Work hard. Don't cause any trouble. Be predictable."

Meanwhile, young people, especially Gen Y, are repulsed by the blind devotion of older workers to work. Young people believe in fun, not in work. If they could, every morning, just press on a red button that says "Finish today's work in 5 minutes", they would happily press it and five minutes later get together with friends for fun activities. They don't identify with their work. They have other important things to do in life. They believe in a "life ethic" not in "work ethic."

And they are right, for life is the ultimate value, not money.

Because of this clash in values, parents don't understand their kids. And kids don't necessarily want to understand their parents, they just want their parents to leave them alone.

Parents don't realize that their children are truly multimillionaires, and that if they would just get out of the way, their kids could not only pursue their dream career but become phenomenally rich and even financially independent.

Parents don't understand the basics of wealth creation, and that it has to do with products, not jobs. So in their misunderstanding or ignorance of business principles and economic fundamentals, they rely on what has worked for them: get a job, tolerate your boss, work hard till retirement.

(To be continued)

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Millionaire secret

Losers think about "jobs" and "employment" and "career." Winners think about "ideas" and "creation" and "finding good workers."

I don't mean "loser" in an offensive sense, because I truly believe every single person on this planet is a natural winner. In fact, life itself is a winning lottery ticket!

However, people who are born winners can often (and in fact, millions of people do) engage in a hopelessly "losing" pattern, and become losers during their entire lives.

One incredibly widespread "losing" pattern is to think of "jobs."

Whether you have a job or are looking for one or are currently at school and are wondering what kind of job you will have after graduation, you are a loser. Please don't be offended, because I was a loser too! At least, before June 2000.

You are a loser when you think of "jobs" because the underlying thought is that you are missing something. Specifically, you are missing a job. And who has those jobs? Corporations. So you have to "go out there" and try to convince someone to "give" you a job.

And once you get this job, you will -- like most people -- do everything in your power to "hang on to this job" because you believe, through clever cultural and societal conditioning, that you are worth nothing without a job.

In fact, at parties and social functions, people who meet one another will often ask: "So, John, what do you do for a living?" The underlying idea is that if you don't have a job, then you are worth nothing. If you are living on an inheritance by your deceased rich uncle or grandfather, then you are even worse than nothing! (Or so people believe).

Here's my point: losers think about "getting jobs" while winners think about "giving jobs."

Inside your mind, there are thousands of jobs. An entire galaxy of jobs waiting for you to give them away to people.

For instance, in my mind, I have the following jobs to give away:

1. DVD burner. The job holder is responsible for burning 100 DVDs for me, and is paid $1 or $2 per DVD, depending on the negotiation. I then sell those DVDs (which contain $5,000 worth of instructional materials that I created in the last 7 years) for the ridiculous price of $50. Hence, the DVD burner makes 100 X $2, or $200, per day while I make $50 X 100 = $5,000 per day. $5,000 per day is such a small amount that I'm ashamed of it, so I'll have to seduce 49 other DVD burners so I can make $5,000 x 50, or $$250,000, per day.

2. Manual printer and shipper. The job holder is responsible for printing, binding and shipping workshop manuals, and is paid $20 per package shipped while I sell them for $80. 50 shipments are expected per day, so the job holder makes $1,000 per day while I make 50 X $80, or $4,000 per day. Once again, $4,000 per day is such a small amount that I must apologize to you for setting up such a bad example of "small thinking," so I'll have to recruit at least 50 people so my revenues can be $200,000 per day, which is more aligned with my self-worth. :-)

(Donald Trump secret: "Since I'm going to be thinking anyways, I might as well THINK BIG!")

My point is that a job is simply a "recipe for creating wealth." And those recipes come from your IDEAS, not your ACTIONS!

So the deal is that either you use your mind to create recipes, or you'll have to use your body to execute recipes (that is, be forced to hold a job until you retire at age 65).

The success secret is this (and if you truly understand this principle, then I have absolutely nothing more to teach you through this blog): Millionaires don't work, they create!

In other words, don't think in terms of a "career" but in terms of "your creations." Every idea is the seed of a magnificent creation. A creation that can bring you millions of dollars!

Sure, this wealth seed requires nurturing and watering, but these are done through THINKING about your idea and DEVELOPING them on paper. Little action is required. Wealth is 90% thought, 10% action. And when I say "action," I mean "guiding the idea as it develops in the real world." I don't mean "assertive or aggressive action" meant to influence or control or impose or manage other people. Just live and let live, or in this case, create and let others create.

You see, millionaires are focused on the vast universe within themselves, within their subconscious. And this subconscious is the Universal Intelligence that anybody can tap into. Millionaires are NOT focused on external reality or the physical world. They physically ENJOY the real world through their senses, because they are spiritual beings having a physical and sensual experience (they are NOT physical beings seeking a "financial" experience! Money is not something they think about, because they know that money is just the physical manifestation of preemptive thoughts and beliefs they effortlessly hold and entertain).

In short, millionaires CREATE wealth through the mental world and ENJOY wealth in the physical world. (Many people try desperately to create wealth in the physical world while never having enough time to enjoy wealth at all!). In the mental world, time doesn't exist. Money doesn't exist. Deadlines don't exist. Limits do not exist. Constraints do not exist. Obligations do not exist. Commitments do not exist.

What exists in the mental world is abundance, wealth, desire, unlimited power, thoughts, ideas. Did I mention unlimited power? :-)

Millionaires don't "look for jobs" in the outer world, they "look for jobs" in the inner world. In the world of ideas, whether these ideas come from their own biography and life experiences, or from the biographies and life experiences of others.

For example, what made Henry Ford rich is an idea he "borrowed" from the meat-packing industry: the assembly line concept!

Wal Mart founder Sam Walton, for his part, publicly admitted that all the good ideas he had, he "stole" them from somebody else.

Are you beginning to understand, dear reader, that your wealth will come from ideas, not actions? The people who work in corporate workplaces are "results-driven, action-oriented" and that is precisely why they never achieve financial independence.

I'm not saying actions are not important, but they create so little value that you should outsource them asap! Just make sure you reward people fairly for taking action.

I'm saying that millionaires are "idea-driven, feeling-oriented." They have 50 new ideas per day (and that's just before lunch!). And they feel good about themselves ALL THE TIME, whether they take action or not. They do NOT have to justify their own magnificent existence. They believe and expect wealth to come to them naturally, through feeling good and having good ideas.

Look at your beloved friends and relatives. You will immediately notice that most of them are not creating, but are working. In other words, they are executing someone else's recipe. Even if they were creating something, like an engineer who works in R&D for Ericsson, the intellectual property will belong forever to the employer! Of course, those creators are smart; they will eventually leave their jobs and set up their own business, so they will own the intellectual property from their creations.

Conclusion: Think and Grow Rich. That is precisely the message (and title) of Napoleon Hill's book! (His message was NOT "Work and Grow Rich" or "Act and Grow Rich"!)

Upcoming post: reports that according to a survey they conducted, most people believe "hard work" is the key to success. They are so wrong. I will explain more in a future post. (The question was, "Which is the most important in determining success: natural talent (8.8%) or hard work (91.2%)?")

P.S. An amazing idea just occurred to me: package this powerful posting into a report and release it for free to all the recruiters on Monster! That way, I can recruit tons and tons of workers to execute my various wealth-creation recipes! Of course, as people work with me, I'll share with them secrets about how to THINK your way to wealth! See how mental wealth creation works?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Getting rich naturally, effortlessly!

I wrote previously about this new powerful me-thodology called "Personalized Cashflow Design" or PCD.

Note: I call it a "me-thodology" because it's based on who I am, on the true nature of each person.

Basically, it's about examining clearly and lucidly what you do on a daily basis and enjoy doing. Examples:
  • talk on the phone
  • listen on the phone
  • watch TV
  • watch Youtube
  • listening to music via your MP3 player
  • read magazines
  • read books
  • shopping
  • walking
  • exercising
  • emailing
  • blogging
  • recording your thoughts via an MP3 recorder
  • surfing the Net
  • instant messaging
  • using Facebook
  • asking questions (on Yahoo! Answers or Linkedin Answers)
  • providing answers (on Yahoo! Answers or Linkedin Answers)
Next, for each one of these natural, daily activities, you attach an activity that does create economic value. Examples:
  • talk on the phone --> teach or coach or provide customer service through the phone
  • listen on the phone --> ???
  • watch TV --> ???
  • watch Youtube --> ???
  • listening to music via your MP3 player --> listen to audio seminars and provide feedback to the seminar developer
  • read magazines --> read publications and provide feedback to the author
  • read books --> mark the best passages and offer them online
  • shopping --> notice the window signage of retail stores and communicate to a signage studio the needs (inferred) of the store
  • walking --> listen via iPod to sales messages and offer feedback on them; listen to coaching audio clips and offer feedback on them
  • exercising --> listen via iPod to sales messages and offer feedback on them; listen to coaching audio clips and offer feedback on them
  • emailing --> include a link in your email signature to your store online where you sell, as an affiliate, tons of products and services for a commission fee of 30%
  • blogging --> include a link on your blog to your store online where you sell, as an affiliate, tons of products and services for a commission fee of 30%
  • recording your thoughts via an MP3 recorder
  • surfing the Net --> gather the best sales and marketing copy from websites, and sell it to entrepreneurs and free agents
  • instant messaging --> help customers by providing answers regarding products and services (use Google Chat)
  • using Facebook --> sell products and services you are currently using, to your friends (do so ever gently)
  • asking questions (on Yahoo! Answers or Linkedin Answers) --> capture all the answers of a smart person, edit the answers for clarity and concision, produce a summary PDF document and email it to the author of the answers along with a nice little invoice!
  • providing answers (on Yahoo! Answers or Linkedin Answers) --> capture all your answers and produce a summary document for all friends, allies and acquaintances
(to be continued)

Let me help you become financially free!

Note: This offer is for subscribers of this blog only.

If you'd like me to help you design a "personalized cashflow" so you can get passive income, please write to me at and we can have a super productive and super profitable chat.

By "personalized cashflow design," I mean the creation of a flow of income that results from a flow of outcomes you generate NATURALLY, based on your personality, skill set, learning style, working style, resources, natural advantages, personal and professional assets, technological knowhow, special access, connections, equipment, operating environments, workplace, family and friends, ideas, life experiences, associations, etc.

This PCD methodology is an advanced wealth creation method I've developed following the BMW methodology and workshop I created in May 2006 (

PCD is superior to network marketing because it starts the wealth creation process where YOU are. It is completely based on who you are as a person who has lived a unique life experience on Earth. Not all your experiences are good or bad, but a mixture of the two. PCD extracts the good and the bad and creates a cashflow (passive income) based on your unique biography. PCD doesn't force you to develop sales ability or leadership skills, for they are not critical to financial success. The only thing critical to financial success (and I'm talking six figures in passive income!) is that you stay TRUE to yourself, to who you truly are, to what makes you feel good and joyful and creative.

PCD is superior to direct sales (like Avon) because it helps you to create new products, not just sell or market them. PCD is all about creation, marketing and selling. "Marketing" is actually "teaching" and "selling" is actually "seducing."

Indeed, PCD will help you to become respected teachers (not marketers) and skillful seducers (not pushy sales reps). As you teach and seduce, you will FEEL more and more sexy, attractive, irresistible. You will speak and people will be mesmerized by you, intrigued, and puzzled as to how you discovered your formidable powers.

PCD will show you all the technical and secret details behind what Jim Rohn said: "Success is something you attract by the person you become."

PCD will also explicitly show the greatest wealth secret of all times, uttered by Joseph Campbell: "Follow your bliss."

As you follow your bliss, money will follow you. Your bliss is like a cookie, and wealth is just a dog who can easily sniff the cookie and follow you wherever you go! But you've got to firmly grab your bliss-cookie first!

If you don't follow your bliss, but follow THEIR money (i.e. get a job), then you will be forced to PERPETUALLY and DESPERATELY chase money all your life, because this money will NEVER turn around and look at you or be attracted to you!

The money will always get away from you, because the money, as we mentioned before, follows the person who follows her bliss!

PCD will also teach the secrets behind Wayne Dyer's statement: "Wealth is not something we acquire, but something we tune into."

PCD is my gift to you for Christmas. If you accept it, and contact me at, you will become phenomenally rich in 2008.

Believe in yourself. Believe you are wealthy beyond your wildest imagination. Believe that wealth is something you "feel" your way into, not something you acquire because you "did" certain things. Wealth is beyond time and space, for it is created mentally and enjoyed physically.

Many people make the mistake of pursuing wealth physically and so, they destroy themselves mentally and spiritually.

With the Personalized Cashflow Design (PCD) methodology, you can get in tune with your spiritual self and access the infinite zone in you that holds enormous wealth, and you can release it gently so all the dollars you want will flow to you naturally, effortlessly and gracefully.

Remember: Hard work is not smart, and smart work is not hard.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The simplest way to success is the most difficult

"Life is not complex. We are complex. Life is simple, and the simple thing is the right thing." - Oscar Wilde

I memorized that quote from Oscar Wilde a decade ago. But I never really, truly understood what he meant. Until now.

The success secret is to "do what is right for you." You will know what is right for you if you listen closely enough. The problem, of course, is that there will always be people around you to tell you what is "right."

The movie Legends of the Fall, starring Brad Pitt, is an illustration of the glorious life that comes from listening to one's heart. Speaking of Tristan, an old Indian (One Stab) says: "Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness. And they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy... or they become legend."

John F. Kennedy once said: "There's something immoral about abandoning one's judgment." This is the same man who, when he was running for presidency of the U.S. while in his early 40s, was stopped by an old lady who told him: "You are much too young, my boy. Much too young." JFK politely and gently replied: "No, M'am. This is my time. This is for me."

The rest, of course, is history.

JFK is the president who put a man on the moon, while also averting a nuclear disaster while playing "chess" during the Cuban crisis with his counterpart in the USSR (Kruschev, who was old enough to be his father).

My point is that you have to be really strong to follow your own path, and do things the way you want to do them. Most people are not yet that strong, and this is why they are NOT living the life they WANT. They are only living the life they SHOULD.

I created today an Economic Destiny workshop, and will share with you the workshop slides tomorrow.

Basically, this diagram shows how most people will begin working for a company during their early 20s, and then get stuck in debt and so are forced to work for the next 20 or 30 or even 40 years!

It never occurs to people that the key to wealth is NOT to find a job (although that is the key to wealth for the business owners who offer such jobs). Rather, the key to wealth is to CREATE a product.

And the simplest way to create a product is through mental and emotional concentration. More on that later.

Would you pay $50 to know a secret wealth master?

Would you mind playing a little game?

I discovered this year a powerful master who teaches the secret art of Wealth. Suppose I ask you to pay $50 to know the name of this master, who wrote a book containing the secret to immense Wealth, would you accept to pay?

In case you're interested to know, please write to me at and mention "secret wealth master" in the subject heading, and I will promptly email you instructions on how to pay $50 via Paypal.

If you think you have found this master already, just mention his name and I will let you know if it's the same one.

The $50 will go toward a fund I'm creating in order to create "economic liberation and empowerment products" for all people all over the world. The BMW workshop (partly described at is an example of a product that teaches people about business, entrepreneurship and wealth.

Just to give you an idea of how powerful this secret master is, I can tell you that I've read over 800 books in the last few years, and this one book is certainly and definitely the most powerful one! There is so much power in that book that I feel absolutely CERTAIN that I will become a millionaire soon (probably in 2008).

If you wish, you can get together with friends in order to pay the $50.

From this book, you can create hundreds of thousands of dollars, so the $50 is a minuscule amount to invest in your financial freedom.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Picture the sexiest you possible!

Before the 12th century in Europe, romantic marriages (based on love) were not the norm. In fact, marriage was seen as a means to socioeconomic (or political) ends.

Things today are very different. Most people marry for love. The authenticity of this love is illustrated by the poignancy palpably present at the wedding ceremony where many people cry tears of joy.

It is not farfetched to imagine a day when people will similarly choose work or a vocation simply because they love it, not because the job has a big salary attached to it or offers status or prestige. That's when people will begin to have a chance for "professsional happiness."

When you find your true, authentic, ideal career, you will feel quite emotional. Choked up. Of course, unlike a wedding ceremony, there won't be people around like family and friends who cry tears of joy. But you probably will feel a kind of inner joy that is unspeakable yet so intense and deep and profound.

In short, you will have found yourself. Your center. Your eternal place of peace and joy and creativity.

Note: You can download a free report here on how to achieve your ideal career: (password: idealcareerisideal). Please share it with friends so you can discuss productively.

This may sound "idealistic" and even hard to believe, but trust me, it is possible to find your life's work. It's simply a matter of listening to your heart every step of the way.

Doing so only seems difficult because we live in a society where external, objective, quantitative data are shoved in our face every day while what really counts -- how we feel - is largely ignored. We get daily information on the weather, the stock market, the unemployment rate, the number of jobs created, even the number of soldiers killed in Iraq.

But we don't get much information on how we -- you and I, personally -- feel about things.

Here's the secret: In life, you get what you feel about what you think about.

This success recipe involves two steps:

1. Focus on what you want to obtain in life (forget the war in Iraq, the news media, the endless debates between politicians, TV shows (no matter how clever the drama), gossip, etc.)

2. Visualize what you want to obtain in life with intense, hypnotic and compelling PASSION

In other words, don't just think about what you want. Think about it with overflowing PASSION, ENERGY AND ENTHUSIASM! Think about what you want and visualize it from every possible angle and in every detail possible until you become totally drunk with the thought! Yes, "drunk" as in "losing your sense of reality about the present and what's going on in your immediate surroundings."

Anthony Robbins, in his book Awaken the Giant Within, teaches nothing but that. He teaches that you have to shape your emotions, for they are shaping your reality. Not the other way around. You can feel anything you want about anything you want. Period.

In other words, when you think, you're pushing the present toward the future. When you feel, you're allowing the future to pull the present toward it. Hint: the second process is much easier and more fun too!

Here's a useful metaphor: Imagine that there are two people: the Present You and the Future You.

You want them to be together, because as long as they're apart, you don't feel too good. It's like there's a split in your mind.

For them to be together, you can either:

1. motivate the Present You to go toward the Future You
2. make the Future You look and feel so fantastic, fabulous, magnificent, etc. that the Present You will be intrigued and naturally walk toward the Future You

If you use method 1, the Present You will usually resist all your attempts to "manipulate" it. It will say, "Hey! Stop pushing me! I'm fine where I am right now!"

If you use method 2, you simply let the Future You be what it's meant to be, and you give to the Present You the choice (the power, really) to move toward the Future You.

1 is about motivation, which is external, while 2 is about inspiration, which is internal, deep, profound, self-sustaining, authentic, smooth, true, natural and pleasant.

In short, the Future You has to be "sexy" -- it's got to "obviously have what the Present You desperately wants."

The "sexier" the Future You is, the easier it is for the Present You to focus on it. And as you focus on the Future You all the time, you will BECOME the Future You!

Let me repeat that important point: The sexier the Future You is, the faster the Present You will move toward it.

Not only that, but as the Present You becomes more like the Future You (that is, more "sexy"), people around you will notice. They will pay attention. They will seek to help you, please you, serve you.

As the Present You becomes the Future You, you will feel yourself being "extracted" from the unspectacular crowd and becoming an incredibly unique, fabulous, luminous being. You will have transformed from a member of the majority to a unique, sovereign majesty. (Every person is the absolute monarch ruling over his/her life experience on Earth. I will write more on this).

Sunday, December 09, 2007

700. A secret about the secret: "allowing", not just "asking"

If you've seen the movie The Secret, then you know about the Law of Attraction, the most powerful law in the universe.

This Law states that 3 things must happen for you to get what you desire:

1. Ask
2. Answer
3. Allow

You are only responsible for 1 and 3, because the Universe takes care of 2. That is, the Universe gives you cues, hints, clues, help, etc. along the way. But your mind and your heart must be alert, sober, lucid and CONSTANTLY seeking.

Usually, "asking" is not very difficult. As human beings, we are born into families, situations, countries, socioeconomic conditions, etc. which are sometimes good, something not so good. We don't decide where are born or to which parents, and neither do we decide how rich or poor our parents are, or the economic or political situation of the country we arrive in.

Nevertheless, in all situations, there are positive and negative aspects. A wise person will always focus on the positive aspects, for what we focus on will expand psychologically and existentially (which means you will get more of what you focus on).

The following statement is true: "Things turn out best for those who make the best out of how things turn out."

The most dramatic illustration of that philosophy can be found in the spiritually breathtaking movie Life is Beautiful (La Vita e Bella), where a young father uses his imagination to create stories, games and scenarios so that his son's attention will be diverted from the horrors of war during the Nazi occupation of Italy.

Back to "asking." Asking comes naturally because as we go through life, we experience certain things which we do not like, and so we naturally "ask" for the opposite. That is, we naturally desire the opposite of what we are getting. For example, someone living in poverty will naturally desire wealth. Not surprisingly, 95% of CEOs come from poor or lower class families.

So although "asking" comes naturally, "allowing" doesn't come naturally. That's because we often feel unworthy of great things like great wealth, great love, great admiration. The opportunities for love or wealth or prestige might be everywhere around us, yet our own feelings of low self-esteem or inadequacy will blind us to them. In short, we do not "allow" the Universe to shower us with all the things we had asked for.

This is like ordering a pizza and then refusing to open the door when the pizza boy rings the bell!

In fact, we seem to live in a society where people "pursue" opportunities aggressively and try to knock on many doors when all this time, there is a long lineup of people bearing gifts standing right in front of one's door! Of course, the person is too busy chasing opportunities elsewhere so she is not at home and therefore CANNOT open the door!

In other words, it's not the Universe which is saying "no" to people. Rather, people are saying "no" to themselves!

Indeed, the movie The Secret seems more geared toward convincing people that the key is to "ask" when in fact, the challenge is for us to "allow" great things to enter our lives. Great things, great people, great ideas, great emotions, great books, great products, great opportunities, great insights, great everything!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Conversation with Donald Trump

I met with Donald Trump a while ago, when he was in Montreal, Canada to promote his real estate seminar. We got together in a private club called Club St-James, reserved for CEOs and top corporate executives. (Membership fee: $15,000).

Here is the partial transcript of that conversation over lunch (St-James offers exquisite French cuisine, although the portions were so small I went to Harvey's right after!). Many secrets did not make it to the transcript for obvious reasons, but it's fair to say that if you read carefully between the lines, you can gain great insights on how rich people "think and become rich."

Donald: Hey Peter, how's it going?

Peter: Great! Before I forget, can you please let Ivanka know I'll be in touch? I want her to be the spokesmodel for a celebrity signature line I'm creating with calligraphy. This is going to be awesome! My idea is to use calligraphy and design to create a celebrity signature that Ivanka can use in all her personalized accessories, from handbags to nameplaces to jewelry. I'm working with top designers to bring this product line to the celebrity market.

Donald: Sure, I'll let her know. I think she'll like it, she's always been fond of design and fashion. Okay, Peter, so where do we start?

Peter: Well, my readers would like to know exactly and precisely and specifically HOW you made it to the top.

Donald: This is going to be hard for people to understand, but I'll say it anyways: I did NOT "make it to the top." I was BORN at the top. Nobody makes it to the top unless he is first born at the top. Do you know what I mean?

Peter: I think so... Actually, I have no clue what you mean. Can you please clarify?

Donald: You know how people are asking themselves this crazy question of whether there is life after death? That's a crazy question. They should ask themselves: "Is there life BEFORE death?" They should ask themselves: "Am I alive right now, right here?"

Peter: Focus on the moment, on the present...

Donald: Exactly. Focus on your passion to feel alive, focus on the liveliness of passion! People think they can learn from me, but if there is one thing I want to teach them, it is that they will learn NOTHING from me. They can only learn from themselves, from their own experience and how they feel. Here's a quotable quote for you, Peter: "Focus on achieving mental orgasm."

Peter: What?!

Donald: Yeah, focus on what makes you feel so good that your head will explode. This is what Napoleon Hill talked about in his book Think and Grow Rich: desire is the key to wealth. In other words: "If you don't want it, forget it. But if you do want it, then forget everything else. Focus on your desire."

Peter: I've read all your books, including the Art of the Deal, but I don't remember you mentioning this stuff before.

Donald: People were not ready for that kind of thing. People today are more open to this sort of thing, to the importance of spirituality and sensuality in creating abundance and wealth. I read your blog post the other day where you mentioned that spirituality and sensuality are two sides of the same coin. So you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Peter: Yes.

Donald: People still think and feel they are trapped in a little body of flesh and blood and bones. They don't realize how great they are, how infinite they are! The minute I realized that as a young man decades ago, I was born. Or I should say "reborn." Instantly. That's why I said earlier that I was born at the top. One moment of enlightenment is all it takes to be born at the top!

Peter: That helped you come back from owing debts of $9 billion?

Donald: Oh, the debt was nothing. It's just a number. The image of yourself that you hold in your head will always trump any number out there. People make the mistake of focusing on numbers when they should first focus on self-image.

Peter: Ross Perot, the self-made bilionaire, said: "It just takes one idea to live like a king for the rest of your life."

Donald: In this case, he probably meant the idea of outsourcing, which India has heavily borrowed from him and has become the IT back-end office for North America. But it's also the sacred idea that we are vastly greater than we think we are. This is what I tell my kids Ivanka and Don Junior: whatever you're doing right now or have done before, is nothing compared to what you could be doing. You just have to get out of your own way. Some people think or even say publicly that I'm arrogant, but my feeling is different: I believe that the world will always -- always! -- make way for the man who boldly pushes forward. Majesty trumps majority every single time.

Peter: Majesty?

Donald: Yeah. You have to believe that you are king, not pawn. There's a Spanish proverb that goes: "After the game of life is over, both the king and the pawn return to the same box."

Peter: In other words, the identity we choose is the destiny we get.

Donald: Exactly! Okay, Peter, this has been fun. Can you write something and email me? I'd love to read the transcript. I've got to head back to the Ritz Carlton and prepare for tonight's presentation of my brand new real estate seminar.

Note: The above is a fictional conversation for entertainment purposes only.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Print money legally!

I'm not kidding! You CAN print money legally!

The trick is to understand that money comes in all sizes and shapes. The colorful, serialized pieces of paper in your wallet or purse, are just ONE form of money.

Money is more subjective than most people believe.

Here's a sexy story, which Henry Mintzberg tells in one of his books. A beautiful actress was traveling on a cruise when a gentleman approaches her and says: "I'll give you one million dollars if you spend the night with me." The actress was intially surprised, but after a few seconds of mental calculation, she smiles and began to move toward the gentleman, implicitly agreeing to the "terms" offered.

The rich gentleman then says: "Wait, how about $50?"

Shocked, the beautiful actress exclaims: "What kind of a woman do you think I am?!"

The gentleman replies: "My dear, we've already established the type of woman you are. Now, we're just haggling over the price."

My point is that we all decide what we are worth.

If you decide that your time is worth $30/hour, then that shall be your economic reality. If you decide that one hour of your time is worth $500, then that shall be your economic reality.

And in one hour, you CAN print money worth $500.

To know how, download the free software application for burning DVDs at and email me at with "Show me the money!" in the subject heading.

There are thousands of ways to become rich!

Yes, that's right: THOUSANDS of ways to get rich naturally and effortlessly!

The BEST way to get rich is to teach, because that's just talking, and most people have learned how to talk when they were toddlers. They just haven't learned how to "speak with conviction," but that is easy to learn. Look at all the rich people: they teach naturally and use powerful media to convey their teachings: Anthony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Anthony Hopkins, Wayne Dyer, etc.

Every day, hundreds of millions of people are talking to each other, especially via cell phone or instant messaging, yet they are not teaching anything! THAT is why most people are poor. They don't focus on knowledge that is valuable, and they don't focus on transferring that knowledge.

If you're interested in learning more about how to make money while teaching (and I mean teaching ANYONE on this planet who has an Internet connection!), write to me at from your Gmail account so we can chat. Note: You need a Gmail account in order to instant message me; then, we can have a live conversation.

Aside from teaching, there are thousands of other ways to make money.

The challenge for you is to find a few ways that FIT your style, preference, personality, strengths, joy, passion, talent, etc.

Obviously, this involves knowing yourself -- and knowing yourself WELL. My best advice is for you to download the free report (it costs $95 but it's available for free till Christmas, as I've promised) at (password: idealcareerisideal). The ICF is just a framework that allows people to visualize who they are, and especially the highly activated components of their identity. These highly activated components then work relentlessly to ATTRACT similar people, energies, situations, etc. so that you become stronger and stronger.

Jim Rohn was totally correct when he said that "success is something you attract by the person you become." I would say that "your life experience is a world you create by the ideal person you strive to become."

Notice the mysterious link between "becoming" and "teaching." When you teach with conviction, there are vibrations which go through your being, and these are usually positive vibrations. The more you teach, the more you become.

In other words, if you teach optimism, you can't help but become optimistic. If you teach wealth creation techniques, you can't help but become a master of wealth creation. If you teach business, you can't help but become a business thinker and even mastermind.

Some people get it backward. They think that they have to have achieved great success before they can teach anything.

The truth is, you can teach what you already know. This will only strengthen your knowledge base, allowing you to progress faster through self-awareness.

Sadly, the overwhelming majority of mankind needs knowledge more than ever. Yet, there are so few teachers. In fact, the overwhelming majority of people are involved in physical work, not instructional work. We run around every day, hectically trying to "do" things and get trapped in infernal cycles where we have to accomplish more and more within tighter and tighter deadlines.

Rather than having "to do" lists, an enlightened person has "to teach" lists.

Teaching what you know (or have recently learned) is the best way to wealth and financial freedom, because not only is it the easiest (is there anything easier to do than talk?), it is also the one activity that focuses your mind on success and knowledge, which will then build your confidence and in fact your conviction that NOTHING in this life is impossible. Nothing is impossible as long as a person is willing to engage seriously on the path of knowledge.

The really funny thing is that "learner" and "teacher" are opposite sides of the same coin. It is impossible to be a good teacher without being a good student, and impossible to be a good learner without being a good teacher. When you study seriously, you become aware of the process of learning, and this awareness is precisely what allows you to be a good teacher.

And good teachers are people who become phenomenally rich while doing the easiest thing in the world!

Make extra money by working as Marketing Manager

The following is an opportunity you might be interested in, if you want to make extra money while helping thousands of people.

I'm basically looking for people to work as Email Marketing Managers (EMM) in order to promote Ideal Career Framework (ICF) products in North America.

Below is the sort of letter you would email to the right person at organizations. Then, when the person responds, you would offer various ICF products (via Payloadz) which cost between $50 to $500. You would manage relationships via a CRM database (Customer Relationship Management) in order to match customer needs with ICF solutions.

This is a commission-only sales position and is for ambitious, self-motivated and unstoppable people. I say "sales" but in fact, it's just answering questions by email. And the answers are pre-written so you just copy and paste the relevant answers! This is the kind of job that is so easy that any teenager can do it (no offense to teenagers, of course!).

I will only recruit 10 people, so please express your interest asap if you'd like to participate and make extra money!

Write to


Dear _______,

I saw your ad on Monster for a Marketing Mgr (viral marketing) and I thought you might, as recruiter or HR professional, be interested in the following free report concerning an innovative workshop I created in August 2005.

You can download it at (password: idealcareerisideal).

Please note that this free offer is only valid for a limited time. The special report normally costs US$95.

I am currently inviting all employers in North America to review this special report as I believe it can provide some insights on how managers and leaders can help their people to develop a fulfilling and rewarding career within their organizations.

Please feel free to forward the report to any person within your organization who may be interested.

I gladly welcome your feedback or any questions you may have.

Best regards,
Peter Nguyen
Principal & Editor in Chief

Let your feelings guide you to wealth and fortune

"Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter," says Yoda as he pinches the right arm of Jedi apprentice Luke Skywalker.

Few people, including among the most fervent Star Wars fans, suspect the extent to which George Lucas has revealed a great number of powerful, mystical principles that can enrich one's life (financially, intellectually, emotionally, etc.).

The bi-trilogy, in fact, chronicles the emotional journey of two specific human beings: Anakin Skywalker adn Luke Skywalker.

Both have had to endure hardships early in life. Both Anakin and Luke were ambitious fellows who wanted to explore the world as star pilots, but both were "chained" socioeconomically to their place of birth.

It is fair to say they were both frustrated. Add to this the fact that Anakin was aware of his status as a slave and the murder of his mother by beastly creatures, and the fact that Luke's adoptive parents (his aunt and uncle) were murdered by Imperial troops, and you get the basic ingredients for the unfolding of galactic drama.

However, while they both experienced the same pain, frustration and anger (if not hate), they each choose a different emotional path. Anakin moved from "frustrated" to "angry" to "despair" (this is illustrated by his dark dreams and premonitions about the death of loved ones) to "hate" to "rage."

Luke, for his part, moved from "frustrated" to "hopeful" to "believing" and finally to "knowing" (as a complete Jedi Knight).

In other words, Luke moved "up" the emotional ladder to a bright place where he felt empowered, whereas Anakin moved (slipped?) down the emotional ladder toward the dark side.

In fact, in my opinion, there is no "dark side." It's only a place where people forgot to install a light bulb! :-)

(I was about to write, "How many Jedi knights does it take to change a light bulb..?")

My point is that so much can be achieved in life, IF we are aware of where we are on the emotional ladder. Once we know where we are, emotionally, we can then aim to move up one step at a time.

For example, if you feel depressed, then the next step is to become "angry." Being angry releases your energies and allows you to regain control and some power. Being angry gets you OUT of depression, so that's a step "up" the emotional ladder. (Just let me get out of the room before you get angry, alright?). :-)

However, if you're frustrated, don't get angry because that would be a lower step on the emotional ladder. Rather, try to focus on the positive aspects in order to feel "hopeful."

Then, from "hopeful" try to keep having marvelously positive thoughts and powerful visualizations in order to move to a state of "believing."

The bottom line is that happiness is a perpetual focusing effort. In other words, to be joyful and happy and feel empowered, you need to master the art of mental focus. It's called an art because it requires practice. It's all about your skill at noticing all the positive aspects of anything and anybody.

This is why they say that "the better it gets, the better it gets."

It is also why "the rich get richer, while the poor get poorer." In other words, the rich get richer because they see wealth all around them and "feel" rich all the time, hence they notice (more than poor people) all the business and wealth-creation opportunities all around them. Donald Trump put it best: "I only see solutions. I don't see problems."

And what do poor, struggling people see? Bills to pay. Lack of respect at work. Lack of this or lack of that. Their minds are focused on "lack." They don't realize their "luck." The awesome luck of being alive!

In the next post, I'll write about this mysterious and powerful statement (see if you can decipher it!): "The better it gets, the better it gets. Therefore, it better get better real fast, or it ain't going to get better any time soon!"

Thursday, December 06, 2007

$95 Ideal Career report -- FREE for you

I recently released a $95 special report on a special career design and management workshop I created in August 2005. For a limited time, you can download it free of charge at (password: idealcareerisideal). Enjoy!

Feel free to check answers to questions at (I will keep answering people's questions, so do not hesitate to ask questions!).

Peter Nguyen
Principal & Editor in Chief

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The principle of success

The above site is one where you'll find very, very good arguments written by very, very good copywriters to get you to buy something. The material is supposed to help you become an Internet millionaire.

Are they telling the truth? Or are they lying like so many people who want to help you spend your hard-earned money on their "secret" money-making schemes?

It depends. To be more precise, everything depends on you and where you are in life right now. One thing to be said, though, is that a teacher is most effective when he knows exactly where the student is, and only offers information and knowledge that is appropriate for that level.

A karate teacher, for instance, would not show an advanced brown-belt technique to a student who is not even at the yellow belt.

Yet, most wealth authors and speakers, such as those on the site above, are trying to teach black-belt techniques to people who are beginners!

It doesn't mean the black-belt techniques are wrong; they are just inappropriate for the beginning student.

The site contains nearly 19,000 words. The best strategy is to look for a sentence containing ONE idea that you can implement and practice over and over. I recommend the same strategy for reading books: rather than read a whole book to try to understand the intellectual framework of an author, it is much more profitable to try to spot 3 to 5 ideas, apply them, and see how they work.

Photo-reading techniques or any kind of speedreading technique are not useful in this case, because it's not about how many words you "cover" but the quality of ideas you discern.

The best success secret is to focus on your success secret.

In other words, look at your own life. Where have you been successful? Who were you successful with? In what environment? How did you think or feel when you were successful? What clothes were you wearing? What techniques did you use?

Once you've identified the above, just focus on them more and use them in slightly different ways in order to EXPAND your success arena.

For example, you might have been successful as a parent volunteering at school to help a group of teenagers. The next step, then, would be to organize a workshop for teenagers (and charge the parents, of course!).

This is what I call a "naturally expansive flowing of success" or NEFOS.

NEFOS doesn't require you to learn new techniques that are incompatible with who you are. NEFOS only requires that you look at what you've done which felt natural, easy, graceful and that enabled you to succeed.

Whatever is promoted by "Internet millionaires" or wealth gurus are just techniques or, in some cases, technologies. Those are tactics of success, not principles of success.

The ultimate principle of success is to "follow your bliss." That is, do what you are naturally and joyfully inclined to do. You cannot go wrong with that principle.

Once you master that principle, then all the tactics and techniques and tools and templates will appear to you (and there are thousands of them!).

However, if you fail to master that principle of success, that is, you ignore who you are and what you are naturally and joyfully inclined to do, then you will be forced to use techniques that others invent, and you will be slave to them forever.

This is what Aristotle meant when he said that one must learn principles first, so that one can create and shape tactics and tools accordingly; without mastering principles, a person will, according to Aristotle, be a slave to tactics and techniques.

Monday, December 03, 2007

How your thoughts become your destiny

This post will be short, but it might take an entire lifetime to understand it and practice it to achieve success and happiness.

Thoughts that are practiced, become beliefs. (thoughts)
Beliefs that are practiced, become actions. (words)
Actions that are practiced, become habits. (actions)
Habits that are practiced, become destiny.

In other words, being intensive (not extensive), is the key to success.

Practitioners of the art of Zen would say: "Know what it is that you are doing, and do only that."

How do you feel?

Most unemployed people think that while they search for employment, they're trying to get a job. It would sometimes be more accurate to say that a certain job is trying to get them.

Similarly, many employed people think they're currently playing the game (whether they call it "career" or "office politics" or "the corporate game") when, in fact, sometimes it is the game that is playing them.

This doesn't mean a "job" is bad per se, or that office politics is bad, or that a "career" is not a game worth playing. Everything is good in this life, and everything has positive and negative aspects. By focusing on the positive aspects, a person can feel joy and confidence and peace.

At the same time, a person might want to mentally create the future that he or she really, really wants. But to think one's own thoughts, a person must "get out" of the thinking of other people.

There is no right or wrong answer, only the answer that fits you best. Similarly, there is no right or wrong economic option in life: you can be a free agent, or an employee, or an entrepreneur, etc. They're all good economic options, as long as you are where you want to be.

And the way to know whether you are where you want to be, is how you feel. I've met employees who are deliriously happy and they infect others with their enthusiasm. I've also met free agents who find so much joy in their freedom and in their freelance work. I've also met, of course, passionate entrepreneurs who talk about nothing else but their products, their company and their industry!

Another way of putting it is that an amazing life comes to the person who WANTS it, and WANTS it so bad that she cannot stop thinking about it and talking about it and even blogging about it. Everything she does reveal her intense intent of heading toward the life she absolutely, positively WANTS.

Such a person doesn't do what she SHOULD do, because she knows there is no "should" in life. All thoughts of "should" will effectively kill life.

That's because what you think you "should" do, is almost always what somebody else WANTS you to do. Since no two people are alike, what someone else WANTS you to do is rarely what YOU want to do.

The apparent conflict is often obvious in a married couple. (By the way, I heard recently that "people want the security of a marriage without the bondage." I thought this was a strange statement, so I will explore what it means in the next post).

In a marriage, there is often conflict because one person wants something and therefore, the other person feels he or she "should" do it. As a result, the latter person doesn't feel happy.

It's not difficult to see why: she doesn't do what she wants, only what she should. However, if she does what she wants, she will make the other unhappy (or so she thinks).

Here's a metaphor that could offer some clarification.

Imagine that the husband and wife (or boyfriend and girlfriend) are like two pillars supporting a temple.

The purpose and reason for being of a pillar is to support the temple, which is like happiness. If a pillar is not standing straight, then it will fall. Of course, the other pillar (wife or husband) will not allow the pillar to fall, so the first reflex is to support the other pillar BY LEAVING one's own position!

So now, we have TWO pillars supporting one another, and nobody is supporting the temple!

This is when trouble begins: conflict, stress at home, arguments, perhaps even divorce.

What should have happened instead, is that as the first pillar sees (senses) the second pillar fall out of alignment, a conversation should have occurred to "remind" the increasingly misaligned pillar that he or she can align with true self. Only then will the second pillar regain the balance and alignment to feel secure once again.

When that happens, the temple is secure once again.

Women know more about this stuff than men, and this is why women, when they feel misalignment (unhappiness, stress, etc.), they instinctively want to talk. Talking is a way to know how one feels, so that one can feel one's way BACK into alignment and harmony with self.

Men (and I'm the first to admit I'm as guilty as it gets!) often see "talking" as a problem, and want to jump in with their preconceived notion about what the "solution" is. "Honey, I understand what you're saying, why don't you do this or that?" This is when the woman becomes upset at her mate for not being in tune with her feelings.

The man has good intentions, but he thinks in objectivistic terms, when she requires a subjectivistic solution. In other words, there is nothing to "do". She only has to realign with who she is, her true self. Then, everything will be alright.

Of course, there are cases where an "objective" solution is immediately required, but in such cases, both the man and the woman will instinctively know what to do.

For instance, if the wife is bleeding, then the man will jump into action. That would not be the time to sit down and chat!

However, in the majority of cases, events in one's life are subjectively felt, not objectively experienced.

This is why it's so critical to be in touch with one's feeling, and to ask oneself often: "How do I feel about this?" The answer is the path to happiness, and so is the question.