Saturday, December 22, 2007

Slow Rewind technique for dream manifestation

Here's a technique that can help you to FOCUS on what you want and avoid thinking about what you don't want. Remember what Donald Trump wrote in his (latest) book: "I don't think about anything except what I have to think about to do a great job."

I call it the "Slow Rewind" technique, because it's like watching a video but starting from the end. That is, you start the movie at the last scene, and then rewind, one frame after another, back toward the beginning.

Here's how it works:

1. Picture clearly the end result you want. This is the "last scene."
2. Then, picture the state of your world (as well as your state of mind) right before the "last scene."
3. Repeat this process by "slowly rewinding" and seeing the scene before the previous scene.


1. Last scene: I'm counting my money and realize I actually have $2 million!
2. Previous scene: One of my sexy associates call me on the phone and tells me she just closed a deal worth $100,000. I tell her: "Thanks, babe. Keep up the great job!"
3. Previous scene: I'm in a conference room, talking to young people in their early 20s. I'm doing a sales pitch to convince them to join my team, so I can train them and turn them all into happy millionaires. Strangely enough, I speak like Ben Affleck in a similar scene in the movie Boiler Room.

The point is that you do NOT have describe HOW things happened. You just clearly describe WHAT happens, sequentially, so that you reach your end result (or desire, or vision, or goal).

The purpose of this amazing mind-blowing exercise is to increase your "wealth consciousness" and focus your powerful mind on important visualizations.

Remember: Wealth only comes to those who are already wealthy (in their minds, through their imagination and positive expectations). People who think big, get big things. People who think small, get small things.

In other words, if you FEEL wealthy, you WILL BECOME WEALTHY.

Let me repeat this important, powerful, mind-blowing truth: People who FEEL wealthy, BECOME wealthy.

Yes, I mean exactly what you think I mean: They BECOME multimillionaires. Even billionaires.

Some people might say, "Well, Peter, I've wanted to become rich for quite some time now, but it just doesn't seem to work!"

It's possible for a person to WANT wealth, but often, the wealth she wants is only a way to cover or compensate for some weakness that she thinks she has. In other words, she's wanting wealth from a place of lack or inadequacy.

Lack attracts lack, in the same way that wealth attracts wealth.

The key (or success secret) is to really FEEL GOOD about yourself BEFORE you begin any visualization process or any lucid dreaming (as in the Slow Rewind exercise above).