Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The simplest way to success is the most difficult

"Life is not complex. We are complex. Life is simple, and the simple thing is the right thing." - Oscar Wilde

I memorized that quote from Oscar Wilde a decade ago. But I never really, truly understood what he meant. Until now.

The success secret is to "do what is right for you." You will know what is right for you if you listen closely enough. The problem, of course, is that there will always be people around you to tell you what is "right."

The movie Legends of the Fall, starring Brad Pitt, is an illustration of the glorious life that comes from listening to one's heart. Speaking of Tristan, an old Indian (One Stab) says: "Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness. And they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy... or they become legend."

John F. Kennedy once said: "There's something immoral about abandoning one's judgment." This is the same man who, when he was running for presidency of the U.S. while in his early 40s, was stopped by an old lady who told him: "You are much too young, my boy. Much too young." JFK politely and gently replied: "No, M'am. This is my time. This is for me."

The rest, of course, is history.

JFK is the president who put a man on the moon, while also averting a nuclear disaster while playing "chess" during the Cuban crisis with his counterpart in the USSR (Kruschev, who was old enough to be his father).

My point is that you have to be really strong to follow your own path, and do things the way you want to do them. Most people are not yet that strong, and this is why they are NOT living the life they WANT. They are only living the life they SHOULD.

I created today an Economic Destiny workshop, and will share with you the workshop slides tomorrow.

Basically, this diagram shows how most people will begin working for a company during their early 20s, and then get stuck in debt and so are forced to work for the next 20 or 30 or even 40 years!

It never occurs to people that the key to wealth is NOT to find a job (although that is the key to wealth for the business owners who offer such jobs). Rather, the key to wealth is to CREATE a product.

And the simplest way to create a product is through mental and emotional concentration. More on that later.