Sunday, December 09, 2007

700. A secret about the secret: "allowing", not just "asking"

If you've seen the movie The Secret, then you know about the Law of Attraction, the most powerful law in the universe.

This Law states that 3 things must happen for you to get what you desire:

1. Ask
2. Answer
3. Allow

You are only responsible for 1 and 3, because the Universe takes care of 2. That is, the Universe gives you cues, hints, clues, help, etc. along the way. But your mind and your heart must be alert, sober, lucid and CONSTANTLY seeking.

Usually, "asking" is not very difficult. As human beings, we are born into families, situations, countries, socioeconomic conditions, etc. which are sometimes good, something not so good. We don't decide where are born or to which parents, and neither do we decide how rich or poor our parents are, or the economic or political situation of the country we arrive in.

Nevertheless, in all situations, there are positive and negative aspects. A wise person will always focus on the positive aspects, for what we focus on will expand psychologically and existentially (which means you will get more of what you focus on).

The following statement is true: "Things turn out best for those who make the best out of how things turn out."

The most dramatic illustration of that philosophy can be found in the spiritually breathtaking movie Life is Beautiful (La Vita e Bella), where a young father uses his imagination to create stories, games and scenarios so that his son's attention will be diverted from the horrors of war during the Nazi occupation of Italy.

Back to "asking." Asking comes naturally because as we go through life, we experience certain things which we do not like, and so we naturally "ask" for the opposite. That is, we naturally desire the opposite of what we are getting. For example, someone living in poverty will naturally desire wealth. Not surprisingly, 95% of CEOs come from poor or lower class families.

So although "asking" comes naturally, "allowing" doesn't come naturally. That's because we often feel unworthy of great things like great wealth, great love, great admiration. The opportunities for love or wealth or prestige might be everywhere around us, yet our own feelings of low self-esteem or inadequacy will blind us to them. In short, we do not "allow" the Universe to shower us with all the things we had asked for.

This is like ordering a pizza and then refusing to open the door when the pizza boy rings the bell!

In fact, we seem to live in a society where people "pursue" opportunities aggressively and try to knock on many doors when all this time, there is a long lineup of people bearing gifts standing right in front of one's door! Of course, the person is too busy chasing opportunities elsewhere so she is not at home and therefore CANNOT open the door!

In other words, it's not the Universe which is saying "no" to people. Rather, people are saying "no" to themselves!

Indeed, the movie The Secret seems more geared toward convincing people that the key is to "ask" when in fact, the challenge is for us to "allow" great things to enter our lives. Great things, great people, great ideas, great emotions, great books, great products, great opportunities, great insights, great everything!