Friday, December 07, 2007

Print money legally!

I'm not kidding! You CAN print money legally!

The trick is to understand that money comes in all sizes and shapes. The colorful, serialized pieces of paper in your wallet or purse, are just ONE form of money.

Money is more subjective than most people believe.

Here's a sexy story, which Henry Mintzberg tells in one of his books. A beautiful actress was traveling on a cruise when a gentleman approaches her and says: "I'll give you one million dollars if you spend the night with me." The actress was intially surprised, but after a few seconds of mental calculation, she smiles and began to move toward the gentleman, implicitly agreeing to the "terms" offered.

The rich gentleman then says: "Wait, how about $50?"

Shocked, the beautiful actress exclaims: "What kind of a woman do you think I am?!"

The gentleman replies: "My dear, we've already established the type of woman you are. Now, we're just haggling over the price."

My point is that we all decide what we are worth.

If you decide that your time is worth $30/hour, then that shall be your economic reality. If you decide that one hour of your time is worth $500, then that shall be your economic reality.

And in one hour, you CAN print money worth $500.

To know how, download the free software application for burning DVDs at and email me at with "Show me the money!" in the subject heading.