Saturday, December 15, 2007

Millionaire secret

Losers think about "jobs" and "employment" and "career." Winners think about "ideas" and "creation" and "finding good workers."

I don't mean "loser" in an offensive sense, because I truly believe every single person on this planet is a natural winner. In fact, life itself is a winning lottery ticket!

However, people who are born winners can often (and in fact, millions of people do) engage in a hopelessly "losing" pattern, and become losers during their entire lives.

One incredibly widespread "losing" pattern is to think of "jobs."

Whether you have a job or are looking for one or are currently at school and are wondering what kind of job you will have after graduation, you are a loser. Please don't be offended, because I was a loser too! At least, before June 2000.

You are a loser when you think of "jobs" because the underlying thought is that you are missing something. Specifically, you are missing a job. And who has those jobs? Corporations. So you have to "go out there" and try to convince someone to "give" you a job.

And once you get this job, you will -- like most people -- do everything in your power to "hang on to this job" because you believe, through clever cultural and societal conditioning, that you are worth nothing without a job.

In fact, at parties and social functions, people who meet one another will often ask: "So, John, what do you do for a living?" The underlying idea is that if you don't have a job, then you are worth nothing. If you are living on an inheritance by your deceased rich uncle or grandfather, then you are even worse than nothing! (Or so people believe).

Here's my point: losers think about "getting jobs" while winners think about "giving jobs."

Inside your mind, there are thousands of jobs. An entire galaxy of jobs waiting for you to give them away to people.

For instance, in my mind, I have the following jobs to give away:

1. DVD burner. The job holder is responsible for burning 100 DVDs for me, and is paid $1 or $2 per DVD, depending on the negotiation. I then sell those DVDs (which contain $5,000 worth of instructional materials that I created in the last 7 years) for the ridiculous price of $50. Hence, the DVD burner makes 100 X $2, or $200, per day while I make $50 X 100 = $5,000 per day. $5,000 per day is such a small amount that I'm ashamed of it, so I'll have to seduce 49 other DVD burners so I can make $5,000 x 50, or $$250,000, per day.

2. Manual printer and shipper. The job holder is responsible for printing, binding and shipping workshop manuals, and is paid $20 per package shipped while I sell them for $80. 50 shipments are expected per day, so the job holder makes $1,000 per day while I make 50 X $80, or $4,000 per day. Once again, $4,000 per day is such a small amount that I must apologize to you for setting up such a bad example of "small thinking," so I'll have to recruit at least 50 people so my revenues can be $200,000 per day, which is more aligned with my self-worth. :-)

(Donald Trump secret: "Since I'm going to be thinking anyways, I might as well THINK BIG!")

My point is that a job is simply a "recipe for creating wealth." And those recipes come from your IDEAS, not your ACTIONS!

So the deal is that either you use your mind to create recipes, or you'll have to use your body to execute recipes (that is, be forced to hold a job until you retire at age 65).

The success secret is this (and if you truly understand this principle, then I have absolutely nothing more to teach you through this blog): Millionaires don't work, they create!

In other words, don't think in terms of a "career" but in terms of "your creations." Every idea is the seed of a magnificent creation. A creation that can bring you millions of dollars!

Sure, this wealth seed requires nurturing and watering, but these are done through THINKING about your idea and DEVELOPING them on paper. Little action is required. Wealth is 90% thought, 10% action. And when I say "action," I mean "guiding the idea as it develops in the real world." I don't mean "assertive or aggressive action" meant to influence or control or impose or manage other people. Just live and let live, or in this case, create and let others create.

You see, millionaires are focused on the vast universe within themselves, within their subconscious. And this subconscious is the Universal Intelligence that anybody can tap into. Millionaires are NOT focused on external reality or the physical world. They physically ENJOY the real world through their senses, because they are spiritual beings having a physical and sensual experience (they are NOT physical beings seeking a "financial" experience! Money is not something they think about, because they know that money is just the physical manifestation of preemptive thoughts and beliefs they effortlessly hold and entertain).

In short, millionaires CREATE wealth through the mental world and ENJOY wealth in the physical world. (Many people try desperately to create wealth in the physical world while never having enough time to enjoy wealth at all!). In the mental world, time doesn't exist. Money doesn't exist. Deadlines don't exist. Limits do not exist. Constraints do not exist. Obligations do not exist. Commitments do not exist.

What exists in the mental world is abundance, wealth, desire, unlimited power, thoughts, ideas. Did I mention unlimited power? :-)

Millionaires don't "look for jobs" in the outer world, they "look for jobs" in the inner world. In the world of ideas, whether these ideas come from their own biography and life experiences, or from the biographies and life experiences of others.

For example, what made Henry Ford rich is an idea he "borrowed" from the meat-packing industry: the assembly line concept!

Wal Mart founder Sam Walton, for his part, publicly admitted that all the good ideas he had, he "stole" them from somebody else.

Are you beginning to understand, dear reader, that your wealth will come from ideas, not actions? The people who work in corporate workplaces are "results-driven, action-oriented" and that is precisely why they never achieve financial independence.

I'm not saying actions are not important, but they create so little value that you should outsource them asap! Just make sure you reward people fairly for taking action.

I'm saying that millionaires are "idea-driven, feeling-oriented." They have 50 new ideas per day (and that's just before lunch!). And they feel good about themselves ALL THE TIME, whether they take action or not. They do NOT have to justify their own magnificent existence. They believe and expect wealth to come to them naturally, through feeling good and having good ideas.

Look at your beloved friends and relatives. You will immediately notice that most of them are not creating, but are working. In other words, they are executing someone else's recipe. Even if they were creating something, like an engineer who works in R&D for Ericsson, the intellectual property will belong forever to the employer! Of course, those creators are smart; they will eventually leave their jobs and set up their own business, so they will own the intellectual property from their creations.

Conclusion: Think and Grow Rich. That is precisely the message (and title) of Napoleon Hill's book! (His message was NOT "Work and Grow Rich" or "Act and Grow Rich"!)

Upcoming post: reports that according to a survey they conducted, most people believe "hard work" is the key to success. They are so wrong. I will explain more in a future post. (The question was, "Which is the most important in determining success: natural talent (8.8%) or hard work (91.2%)?")

P.S. An amazing idea just occurred to me: package this powerful posting into a report and release it for free to all the recruiters on Monster! That way, I can recruit tons and tons of workers to execute my various wealth-creation recipes! Of course, as people work with me, I'll share with them secrets about how to THINK your way to wealth! See how mental wealth creation works?