Monday, December 31, 2007

You were born a millionaire!

Every person was born a millionaire. He/she just doesn't know it, and nobody has ever taught him/her how this is true.

The secret formula to memorize and thoroughly understand is this: Performance = Potential - Interference.

Performance refers to how well you're doing in your life, whether it's about relationships, finance, career, etc.

When you were born, your potential was infinite. There was almost no interference to what you could imagine and grow into.

Then, as you went through the "indoctrination" system (also known as the educational system), they (the big people) began to assert their authority and impose all kinds of restrictions on what you could think, say or do.

Of course, at school, you were just one of the "little people" who had to obey the "big people."

And then one day, you graduate from university and have zero imagination and zero creativity. The only thing you have is the proof, in the form of a diploma, that you are a good, obedient, conforming person who will do as he is told.

So the dean of the university issues a diploma as if to tell future "big people" who will handle you (such as employers) that you are a good, obedient, conforming person who will do as he is told.

Buckminster Fuller wrote that we are all born geniuses, and that society "degeniuses" us.

In my case, it took me 7 months to figure out that being a "permanent employee" was not to my advantage, so I quit corporate America at age 31 (in June 2000). In my 20s, I consciously opted to work as a contractor to several Fortune 500 companies such as IBM and American Express while politely declining their permanent job offers.

Since June 2000, I've been a serial entrepreneur making more money than I thought possible. Once, I made $10,000 in a few hours.

I predict that Gen Y (aged 12 to 30) will quit corporate America much sooner, in their mid-20s.

In fact, to help young people choose the right economic option which will enrich them by activating their "abundance" mindset, my brother Joe and I will be launching in January a special personal empowerment portal focused on:

Personal development
Ideal career
Small business
Money matters
Smart investing
Real estate insights
Financial freedom

This special portal will offer, free of charge (!), tons of valuable and practical knowledge and resources for the liberation and empowerment of millions of people.