Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Success secrets ebook FREE for you!

Friends, thank you for being a loyal susbcriber all these years! (Since 2004)

You're motivated me to share my success secrets in "real-time", as the blog name implies.

In sharing my and others' success secrets, I was able to build a blog of nearly 1,000 posts.

This blog now is ready to become an ebook as well as a home study program and an employee self-improvement manual, all sold worldwide.

To thank you, I thought I'd give you the ebook ($97) for free once it's finalized.

Just drop me a line at omnidigltabrain@yahoo.com and mention "Free RSS ebook please" and I'll send you the ebook once finalized.

You can also connect to my business account at Facebook at www.facebook.com/peter.consoultant (I'm a consultant helping people to connect to their true self, or "soul", where their true treasure (and financial wealth!) lies).

If I've met you personally as a client, a collaborator or during an ecstatic and mutually consented one-night stand (just kidding), feel free to connect to my personal Facebook account at www.facebook.com/superpeter.

In the next post, I'll write about how you can create an on-demand blog, which is pretty cool for generating leads, making friends, building a network of trusted collaborators, etc. while involving your readers in the knowledge development process.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

8 ways to make credible promises

In the last episode, I talked about how you can WIN in life by creating ASSURANCES and not PROMISES (which are difficult to believe, especially by new clients, employers or even... lovers!).

So succeed in life, in your career, in your business or even in your love life, depends on your ability to create assurances, that is, mechanisms that show to the other party that it will be VERY difficult for you to NOT keep your promise.

From my research, here are the 8 ways to make your promises credible, that is, to create ASSURANCES:
  1. Small steps
  2. Reputation
  3. Contracts
  4. Mandated agents
  5. Cutting off bridges
  6. Irreversible communications
  7. Brinkmanship
  8. Teamwork
Take #3, or contracts.

It can be very legal, or a simple agreement (in writing) between two people.

Let's say, for instance, that you're a smoker and you promise to your wife that you will stop smoking within a year.

Your (smart) wife is a subscriber to this (great) blog so she asks you, "Are you really serious about quitting cigarettes?"

You say YES.

Then, she writes up a one-page agreement which you will sign, and this agreement says that if you do not stop smoking within a year, you agree to donate $5,000 to a charity of your choice.

Of course, how this thing unfolds depends on the kind of relationship between you and your wife.

But my point is that a simple verbal promise is not enough: it doesn't really reassure the other person, nor does it compel or motivate you to keep your promise.

It is too easy, after one year has passed, for a person to say, "Well, I tried to stop smoking. I'll try again for another year."

Now, I know it is NOT easy for a person to stop smoking. So I empathize with those who try to stop, and I admire their courage for deciding to stop.

So you can take another example, like a boss promising to an employee that within 9 months, she will get a salary increase.

This female employee, also a smart woman who subscribes to my blog (LOL!), asks her boss to put down in writing that he will increase her salary by __ % within 9 months.

Not that this contract or agreement is legally binding, but it sure will motivate her boss to do his very best to keep his word.

I will talk more about the other 7 ways to create assurances, but my point is simply that to succeed in this world, you need to keep your word AND you need to trust that others will keep their word.

Good intentions are not enough; these 8 ways of creating credible promises (or assurances) will help you to keep your word and will motivate others, psychologically, to do their best to keep their word.

Please share this post with your friends if you found it useful. Share the love, share the wealth!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

To succeed, create assurances, not promises

Success in life depends on "assurances" not "promises." (Both promises you make and promises that other people make to you).

An assurance, is a promise that has been programmed, in some way, to result in its fulfillment.

A promise, on the other hand, is just a promise; it's just a verbal statement of what you intend to do. You might, for various reasons, change your mind later on (in which case the other person loses, and you also lose your credibility).

So how do you create ASSURANCES rather than PROMISES?

The secret is to focus on PLEASURE and PAIN.

In other words, make sure that if you keep your promise (to your friends, family, clients, etc.), you will gain something valuable, and also that if you fail on your promise, you will SUFFER something significant.

For example, the two young founders of Notehall.com intiially "promised" to Dragon investors that within 24 months, they'd generate 10 million dollars in revenues (or a similar amount, I don't remember exactly).

The investors' reaction was, understandably, one of disbelief. They even thought these two kids were a bit arrogant.

But then came the punch line from the two entrepreneurs: "If we don't deliver on that promise, we both will give you our share of the business."

In other words, they would lose the business they founded if they did not deliver on the promise!

This time, the investors were very impressed! Ah, they thought, they're putting their money where their mouth is!

So guess what? They got their investment from some of those investors!

You can check out Notehall.com, they're successful.

Now, in your case, you might not be an entrepreneur seeking capital. You might be a job seeker or an entrepreneur seeking joint venture partners.

Regardless, this principle will still serve you well.

In other words, create assurances, not promises. Nobody believes in a promise, and those who do are not serious about the deal they are getting into.

Notice, by the way, that an assurance is not the opposite of a promise; it includes yet transcends the promise.

A promise is like an atom, an assurance then is the molecule: it includes yet transcends the atom.

A promise is like a body part (like your right hand) while an assurance is the entire body; it has more power.

In the end, when you look at success and how it happens, it usually depends on other people collaborating with you or buying from you or partnering with you.

Yet, they (the smart and rich ones) won't deal with you if you only offer promises. You've got to be creative and create assurances where, if you fail to deliver, you are penalized, but also you are rewarded if you perform.

Your clients and partners, therefore, know that you are likely to keep your promises.

In a future post, I will talk about 8 secret methods for making your promises credible, that is, promises that will be instantly believed by other people.

Friday, May 20, 2011

How to use the "hypnotic" writing technique

As promised in my last post, here's how I used the "hypnotic" writing technique to write an audiobook of 60 minutes, titled The Wimp and the Millionaire (you can read more about it in Joe Vitale's book, Hypnotic Marketing, although this post is informative enough for you to begin practicing that technique).

In fact, today, I wrote a 40-minute audiobook titled A Million Dollars in Your House. I'll share that audiobook with you later on.

As usual, this audiobook was completely spontaneous: I was preparing my coffee at 9 AM when that sentence, "a million dollars in your house", suddenly "came up" in my little head. I have NO CLUE where it came from, I guess it's some sort of inspiration.

Anyways, back to the making of The Wimp and the Millionaire.

I simply turned on my Audacity application (which you can download for free at http://audacity.sourceforge.net) and began to speak into my microphone.

The session went something like this:

"Okay, today I'm going to talk about an audiobook titled, The Wimp and the Millionaire. This book is about how each man has, within himself, BOTH a wimp aspect and a millionaire aspect.

Here, a reader might ask, "Oh, it's like Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad!"

Yes, I would answer, but in his case, it's about two EXTERNAL sources of influences: his Dad who was an educator and the Dad of his best friend, who was a multimillionaire entrepreneur.

This book is more about the INTERNAL entities within EACH man, without exception. So there's the wimpish entity, driven by fear, and the rich, abundant or "millionaire" entity driven by joy, love, service, creativity, etc.

So above is basically how the first few minutes went. Completely unscripted, pure spontaneous creativity flowing out of my mouth.

The technique is basically about how to just have a conversation, a very normal conversation with your readers. Of course, since you're likely to have MANY types of readers, any question can come from any of those readers.

For example, a reader of The Wimp and the Millionaire could be a free agent, another could be an entrepreneur, a third could be an employee, etc.

Here, you might say, "That's great, Peter, but I'm not an author or an expert. My goal is not to write a book."

True. But please remember that this is JUST a conversation that you're having with "imaginary" readers (however, to ground your questions in practical reality, imagine that your readers asking questions are people that you actually know -- your clients, boss, coworkers, family, friends, etc.).

So this conversation is an easy, fun way for you to make explicit what it is that you know, and what your experience has been.

The power of this technique is that it keeps you CONNECTED to the reader at all times, so you never lose his attention. Thus, he won't likely put down your book (or anything else you write, for that matter, whether it's a blog, a website, a report, etc.).

Today, with Facebook and Linkedin (which went public yesterday), we talk often about "connections" and "connectivity" but real, deep lasting "connection" only comes when you master the art of conversation (writing is just conversation, but on paper).

Here's a real-life example of how a job seeker was able to use this "hypnotic" technique to land a job.

She was interviewed by a manager, and he seemed preoccupied, like something else was on his mind. She was also a bit nervous as she felt she didn't have all the experience and credentials required.

So she told him frankly, "Sir, look, I know I'm probably not at the top of your list, but I can see that you could use a good employee who's willing to work hard. I can back you up any time you need me. I can help organize this office and even do overtime and work smart so you don't feel overloaded."

Obviously, he was impressed by her genuine offer of help, so he hired her on the spot.

You see, that is the power of connection.

And you can use that power when you write, when you apply for a job, when you sell, etc.

You just have to know (or predict as best you can) how the other person is THINKING and especially what she is FEELING.

Having 500 friends on Facebook or 1,000 connections on Linkedin will not help if you're not interested in getting to know the other person well enough to PREDICT her reaction to what you are saying or writing.

"Hypnotic writing technique" sounds fancy yet it's just about BEING INTERESTED in the other person's point of view, as well as her life, her struggles, her issues, etc.

Dale Carnegie talked extensively about this in his book How to win friends and influence people. He wrote, "To be interesting, be interested."

As you write (a blog, a book, etc.), be interested in your readers' lives, what they are going through which you can help them with.

Here, you might ask, "Why would I write a book or record an audiobook?"

Because it's the EASIEST way to create a product in 60 minutes or less! :)

Your next question might be, "Why would I want to create a product?"

Because the Internet exists to sell your product so you can generate passive income from it, and eventually achieve financial freedom. That is, you will no longer have to work for a living. You will only do work that you LOVE to do (in fact, it's more like play and not work!).

More in my next post.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

How I created an audiobook in 60 minutes!

As I promised my brother, I'll share here something I did yesterday that will generate quite a bit of passive income.

It's a secret technique which I'll call NITRO, for Neural Inference Tension for Recurring Optimization.

I hope that this acronym sounds sophisticated enough to impress you. LOL!

Anyways, in exactly 60 minutes, I created an audiobook of... 60 minutes. This audiobook is titled The Wimp and the Millionaire, a sure best-seller.

The basic premise is that inside every man, there is a wimp and a millionaire -- so ladies, make sure you forward this post to your boyfriends, husbands, or any important male in your life! :)

The wimp is fear-driven while the millionaire is joy-inspired.

Again, no man should feel defensive because ALL men have BOTH the wimp and the millionaire inside of them.

So this audiobook explores the various issues that, if resolved, will enable men to think, feel, act and behave more like millionaires.

The main point of this post is that I woke up at 6 AM yesterday and had this insight of "mindlessly" writing (or recording, rather) a book in 60 minutes.

I intuitively created the NITRO approach, which is not entirely new. Many millionaire copywriters and Internet marketers are already using a form or a version of that technique.

NITRO basically enables you, as a writer, to create a threat of arousal so as to sustain both your writing the book and the customer reading the book.

What's the best analogy for this? Okay, it's like you're a belly-dancer. So you know all the sensual moves that will sustain male attention. And you continually MAKE those moves.

I hope this is not a sexist analogy cuz I respect women. :)

So the idea behind NITRO is that AS you write (or record your voice for an audiobook), you ALSO maintain an awareness of what and how the typical reader is thinking IN RESPONSE to your sentences and words.

In short, you can accurately predict what the reader is thinking so that you can EASILY write the next sentence. This is why I say that with NITRO, a book will write itself. You just have to write a provocative sentence, and let the rest flow smoothly from that first sentence.

This is probably how Isaac Asimov was able to write 300 books in his life. No, that's not a typo! 300 books! (both fiction and non-fiction).

He didn't use a word processor or computer, but the good old electric typewriter.

My point is that you can write an ebook or record an audiobook like I did yesterday, by simply using Audacity (a free sound editing application available at http://audacity.sourceforge.net).

In the next post, I'll give you a sample of my last audiobook, The Wimp and the Millionaire, so you see how the NITRO technique works.