Friday, May 30, 2008

Update your beliefs to improve your decisions

Evidence and changing beliefs

Bayesian inference uses aspects of the scientific method, which involves collecting evidence that is meant to be consistent or inconsistent with a given hypothesis. As evidence accumulates, the degree of belief in a hypothesis ought to change. With enough evidence, it should become very high or very low. Thus, proponents of Bayesian inference say that it can be used to discriminate between conflicting hypotheses: hypotheses with very high support should be accepted as true and those with very low support should be rejected as false.


The above excerpt from Wikipedia seems like knowledge that would interest only math nerds, yet let me assure you that if you master Bayesian inferencing, you can make very precise and very powerful decisions that will affect, positively, your entire life.

Bayesian inference is the missing ingredient in Anthony Robbins' Awaken the Giant Within, where he talks about "distinctions" that enable elite people to make elite-caliber decisions.

Bayesian inference is what rich people use to make superior business decisions. Of course, it requires a sophisticated intelligence-gathering system which will update their beliefs and, hence, their decisions.

If you want to build such a system for yourself, read George Friedman's book The Intelligence Edge. Friedman is founder and chairman of, also known as the "shadow CIA" because many people in the intelligence community want Friedman's take on issues.

My point is that in life, we make decisions all the time. If you want to get rich, every decision you make must be "commercially or capitalistically optimal."

Remember, you CAN make a decision every hour. Or even every 10 minutes.

Most people are "stuck" in a lifestyle, minute by minute, that was decided a while ago -- often, several years ago.

In other words, even though new information has come to them every day, they have NOT changed their decisions. They are, in fact, not making decisions. They are living on "automatic."

A smart entrepreneur is always making decisions, is always gathering feedback on his decisions in order to improve his decision-making, and is always searching for information that will update his beliefs so he can improve his odds of success.

I know this is quite a mouthful, so let me give you a visual metaphor that illustrates how decision-making impacts wealth creation (assuming you want wealth!).

Imagine that you're in the cockpit of a plane, and your intention is to fly that plane toward a mountain called Everest. Everest represents $10,000,000.

Here are possible scenarios:

1. You see Mount Everest in front of you, but you're not heading straight toward it. So you constantly try to steer the plane so you DO head toward it.

2. You do NOT see Mount Everest in front of you, but you know it exists. You rely on someone else with a GPS system to guide you. That person might say something like "You're off course! Turn 80 degrees West."

3. When you took off from the airport, you were heading toward Mount Everest, but two hours later, for some reason, somebody started a party in that plane and you're so drunk you're no longer flying the plane (which is now flying on automatic).

Most people are stuck in Scenario #3: they might be having some fun on week-ends, but they are not heading toward Mount Everest -- or financial freedom. They're too busy working to be able to make a fortune.

From a Bayesian perspective, one could say that unlike the people in Scenarios 1 and 2, they are not gathering relevant information that would help them to steer their plane toward financial freedom.

So if you're in Scenario #3, what do you have to do to "correct your course" and head toward financial freedom?

First, you have to pull out your credit card and pay me $500 so I can properly coach you. I'm just kidding.

You have to create a dashboard that gives you relevant information so you can make better and better decisions.

For example, if you're running a business, you need a dashboard that gives you information on how many leads you generate per week, how many sales you closed per week, and how many products or services you delivered per week.

If you're currently holding a job, there's still hope, but keep in mind what Jim Rohn said: "Profits are better than wages."

I say that with a job, you make a living. With your imagination, you make a fortune.

But like I said, even with a job, you can have a dashboard which gives you information on how your market value is increasing. Your market value depends on the number of skills you have, the quality of those skills, the extent to which companies need those skills, etc.

(to be continued)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Success comes from SYSTEMS!

I wrote previously that "wealth comes from systems" but actually, success also comes from systems. Success in any of the following key areas of life:
  • health
  • career
  • finances
  • love relationships
  • social life
  • spirituality
  • family
Remember, a system is simply something that works well automatically. The "automaticity" can be achieved through various means, like habits, social expectations, norms, etc.

Take health, for example. Studies have shown that if your friends are obese, chances are that you will be obese too. It's a system that "works well": your friends eat a lot, so you don't feel any guilt to eat a lot too.

Same with finances. If most of your friends are focused on financial freedom (e.g. they are starting their own businesses), then you are likely to launch your own business too. This is a proven fact: research has shown that if a person knows someone who is a successful entrepreneur, she is TWICE as likely to launch a business.

Why? Because she can see, in her entrepreneur friend, concrete evidence that it CAN be done, so she will willingly do it also.

If you hang around with employees who complain all the time about how bad or boring their job is, but have no intention to quit, you will be the same. You will all wallow in a sea of self-pity and not raise a finger to change the situation. This is why friends must be chosen carefully.

By the way, this is why Napoleon Hill, in his best-selling book Think and Grow Rich, recommends that people start a Mastermind Group where members, carefully chosen for their success orientation and attitude, will meet once a month and discuss their progress and success strategies. This "meeting" is a system in itself!

Even in one's love life, there IS a way to create a system that multiplies opportunities to meet members of the opposite sex. I have developed one such highly sophisticated system where I get to meet the most beautiful and gorgeous women you can imagine, but I'm not going to tell you because it's my trade secret. :-)

Just kidding, I will write about it soon.

My point is that in these 7 areas of life, a system is needed to help you to succeed. Sure, you can persevere and exert great personal effort, but hey, let's face it: we do have a brain, so we can use our brain to create systems that work for us, right?

The bottom line is that pursuing success is something to seriously think about, and here are some of the levels at which people think:
  • Technology or System
  • Strategy
  • Ability
  • Effort
  • Luck
As you go down the list, the system (yours or other people's) becomes much less effective and reliable.

For instance, if you want success in your finances and you buy lottery tickets every week, well, that's LUCK (the last level).

Better to stop dreaming about winning the lottery, and start working hard (EFFORT).

But even people who work hard, don't achieve financial nirvana. They have to "graduate" to the next level and build their abilities (business, marketing, sales, finance, etc.).

The next higher level is strategies, where you can devise your own or shadow (reverse engineer) the strategies of someone who is successful.

The last level is where you totally understand, at the global and local levels, how things and people feel, work and behave, so you're able to create systems that effortlessly create wealth for yourself even while you're sleeping. This is my level. ;-)

This is what I refer to as the level of the Lazy Millionaire.

For instance, billionaires Warren Buffet and Bill Gates have both reached this level. Buffet, by totally mastering the principles and levers behind the capitalist system. Gates, by totally mastering the software game and waging a war of "standards" to establish Windows as the "default" operating system in 90% of computers.

In the case of Bill Gates, he intuitively understood and recognized a second system in November 1995, when he woke up one day and suddenly decided to orient all of Microsoft toward the Internet. The following years were some of the most profitable for Microsoft. This testifies to his genius.

But as human beings operating WITHOUT a system, Buffet and Gates would not have achieved the level of success that they did. Buffet admitted this himself.

Or look at Oprah Winfrey. Where would she be without the broadcast system that introduces her into the homes of people in 150 countries?

Or look at Frank, the CEO of Melaleuca who created a radically new marketing system for the company in 1985 where employees could become Marketing Executives and share in the profits created (read more about that fascinating story on Wikipedia).

One last comment about the five levels of system effectiveness (luck, effort, ability, strategy, system). Imagine that they refer to the following activities and you will immediately understand the power of systems:
  • flying by jet
  • driving by car
  • riding on a bike
  • running
  • walking
In other words, there's a kind of "system evolution" that people go through.

Babies learn to crawl, then walk, then run. As teens, they learn how to ride a bike, then how to drive a car (God helps anyone who's on their path!).

Finally, of course, a few people reach financial mastery level and have their own corporate jet. This is the level that I wish for all subscribers of this blog!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Wealth comes from SYSTEMS!

People often say "work smart, don't work hard."

That's true, but for people who are seriously seeking success and/or financial freedom, it's important to get a little bit more technical.

What does "working smart" really mean? If someone is not working "smart," does it mean he's stupid? If he is NOT stupid, how come someone advised him to "work smart"? Does that mean he could be smart, but he's working in a stupid way?

Hmm, this is all very confusing.

Here's an elegant acronym that will save the day and clarify things for us: S.Y.S.T.E.M.

It stands for "Save Your Self Time, Energy, Money."

So what is a "system"? Essentially, it's something complex that works automatically.

Think of your digestive system. The minute you put food in your mouth, chew it and swallow it, your digestive system gets to work immediately. It knows PRECISELY what to do in order to break down the nutrients from the ingested food and convert it into energy for your body.

On the other hand, a "job" is NOT something that works automatically. It requires your attention, 9 to 5, five days a week. In a way, a job is a broken system since it requires your attention to "repair" it constantly. (Notice that your stomach rarely requires your conscious attention. You could just eat something and take a nap on a beach, and your stomach (or your digestive system, at the higher level) will work flawlessly for you.

So if a "job" is a "broken system," why are university graduates so eager to get one after graduation?

Simple answer: They need the money. To buy stuff. To spend happily. To sustain a decent social life. And, of course, to buy gifts for the girlfriend!

Once a person embarks on that path, where he/she gets used to the idea that a job is something that is needed, and that everybody's got to have one, then such a person is getting further and further from financial freedom.

Why? Because wealth comes from systems, and as we discussed earlier, a job is a "broken" system.

In short, WORK DOES NOT WORK. (Hey, this sounds really catchy, maybe I should write a book with that catchy title!).

Larry King (CNN): So, Peter, you recently came out with this provocative book titled "Work does not work!" That's a pretty controversial statement and, some critics have argued, a little irresponsible. Can you explain your theory?

Peter: Well, thanks for having me. What I mean is, have you ever known an employee who worked for a salary and got rich? It's impossible. His salary is part of a company's expenses, and so it must remain fixed. Meanwhile, the company's revenues are increasing. The growing difference between the two is called the "profit rate." That is why the rich get richer and the poor (or the salaried folks) get poorer.

Larry King: So "work does not work" because..?

Peter: Because it does not enrich workers.

Larry King: But workers are not taking risks. The business owners are the ones taking risks. So it's normal that they reap greater rewards.

Peter: It's true that business owners are taking risks with their financial capital, which they use to invest in buying equipment, assets and capital in order to create value and generate a satisfactory return on their invested financial capital. BUT... employees are the ones who are investing their human capital. Human capital -- especially talent -- is becoming more and more important than financial capital.

Larry King: Okay, I get what you're saying, but what choice do employees have? The employment system is structured in a way that gives power to business owners or shareholders because legally, they own the means of production without which value cannot be created.

Peter: Employees, especially the talented and experienced ones, can create systems that replace the employer, and so they can set up a business by themselves.

Larry King: What do you mean by "system"?

Peter: Well, as I wrote a few paragraphs earlier, a system is something that works automatically. Youtube is an example, so is Ning, the Internet company that allows people to create their own social networks online. AsSense, by Google, is another example.

Larry King: Ok, we'll take a commercial break and then we'll continue this interview with Peter Nguyen, best-selling author of Work Does Not Work, a highly controversial book that is sparking heated debate and discussions in boardrooms and classrooms throughout the nation.


I hope that flight of fancy was as good for you as it was for me! :-)

I will write more about wealth creation systems.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Systematic Wealth newsletter

My friends, you are looking (above) at the prototype of a millionaire instrument! Indeed, newsletter publishing is one of the ten most common millionaire occupations!

You can subscribe for FREE by sending me an email at with "Systematic Wealth subscription please" in the subject heading. No need to write anything else. This offer is valid ONLY for subscribers of this blog.

To your fabulous success!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Create a bigger goal to have a bigger life!

Anthony Robbins wrote that most people don't have a motivation problem. It's just that their goals are not big enough to motivate them.

I totally agree. The size of your goal or vision, will instantly expand your mind as well as boost your motivation.

The big secret that so few people know, is that you will achieve your goal, whether it's a big one or a small one.

For example, if you have a big goal, then your subconscious mind will summon great ideas and great energies that will allow you to achieve it.

If you have a small goal, then your subconscious mind will summon small ideas and small energies so you can achieve it.

Wouldn't it be crazy and tragic, at the end of your life, when you die and go to meet God and He says: "You could have had ANYTHING you wanted on Earth. Why didn't you have bigger goals?"

And it's not like we don't have examples to follow. Just look at Donald Trump or Richard Branson. These guys think BIG. And they achieve BIG. And they don't look like they're more stressed than other people.

And what about Martha Stewart or Oprah. These ladies think BIG. And they seem to have a fabulous time.

For me, big goals work as emotional energizers. Whenever I have big goals, I feel a tremendous surge of energy and creativity, as if a mysterious but benevolent spirit had just entered my mind and body!

Look at the business cards above. They capture part of my vision for Talentelle. I can't help but feel incredibly good when I look at them.

The success secret is really to think as big as you can. Because you really can have everything you want in this life.

Opportunity for you: resellable business ebooks

I'm currently in the process of writing several business ebooks that I plan to sell WITH reseller rights.

This means, for example, that if you buy one of my ebooks for $50, you get the ebook but also the right to resell it as is and pocket ALL the profits.

For example, if you resell my ebook to 100 people for $30 (which is great because there's a $20 discount from the original price), then you make $3,000. And you get to keep ALL of that money.

If you are interested, please write to me at with "Request info on resellable biz ebooks" in the subject heading. No need to write anything. Thanks.

The Lazy Millionaire doctrine, part 2

I wrote previously in a post titled "The Lazy Millionaire doctrine" that "99% of mankind is misled intellectually. We have been conditioned to think that hard work leads to wealth and financial freedom."

I was, of course, referring to physical work -- the kind that most people are engaged in.

But work is rarely 100% physical or 100% mental. It's usually a mixture of the two. A salesperson who is always on the road because he has to meet clients, obviously is involved in physical work. However, his work is also mental and even emotional since he has to prepare for the sales call, plan his activities, etc.

If your work is more mental than physical, then you most likely have a very good job, because mental work usually does not wear the body down. You will feel less tired at the end of the day.

It's even better if your knowledge work is creative, like that of graphic designers, writers, consultants, etc.

What does this have to do with the Lazy Millionaire doctrine?

Well, this doctrine says that one of the ideal paths to wealth is to use your imagination, emotion and intellect to create a knowledge product, and then let the Internet do the marketing of that product for you. Result? You serve, even as you sleep, millions of people who, of course, pay you for it.

To be accurate, it is not YOU who are serving people but your knowledge products (which, of course, evolve all the time since you keep refining it all the time).

In other words, the Lazy Millionaire doctrine says, "Use your mind to create Web-distributable value, do NOT use your body."

Of course, your body is always involved in the creation of value. For instance, you could be walking on a beach or jogging since during those activities, you might feel inspired to have ideas for new knowledge products.

However, your body will not feel the stress of having to show up at the office and work within a stringent corporate setting that does not give you the freedom to create.

All this sounds fabulous, except for one important principle: The physically lazy millionaire must be intellectually active.

In other words, if your goal is financial freedom, you will have to learn how to use your mind skillfully and imaginatively.

This is not easy, since the educational system has not really taught us how to think. It has only "forced" us to memorize answers to regurgitate during exam time. In the case of fields like science or engineering, universities only "force" students to memorize standardized problem-solving methodologies. There is no creative activity involved in most schools and most curriculums.

As a result, we graduate from university with a nice diploma, but we still don't know how to create value by using our (now educated) minds.

Since we cannot create new value, we are "forced" to work for employers who have the means of production which, coupled with skilled labor, can create value.

As I mentioned in the first part of this post, "wealth will NOT come to you through anything you DO, but through what you THINK. And HOW you think."

The good news is that creativity is not difficult. Once you start voicing new ideas and -- this is REALLY IMPORTANT -- jotting them down on paper, preferably in a notepad, then the ideas will keep coming at a rate that will surprise you!

This is because ideas or inspiration come from your subconscious, which is a very, very powerful supercomputer. But this supercomputer which generates tons and tons of ideas, will only work for you IF you clearly signal to it that you are READY to receive new ideas.

Some people say that this powerful, cosmic supercomputer is God or the Universe or All That Is. Regardless of what you believe and the specific name you give to it, this supercomputer does work and has served people such as Wayne Dyer and Brian Tracy.

This is why I talk so much about the Lazy Millionaire: it's someone who understands that physical work is NOT the way to wealth, nor is it a sensible way to spend one's life.

The best and most enjoyable way to wealth is to just relax, open your mind and signal to your subconscious that you are READY to receive all the money-making idea and all the wealth creation ideas that are "out there."

Please understand that I'm not speaking as an academic researcher, but as a practical entrepreneur who has used this method for years!

Most of the time, I have NO IDEA where or how ideas come to me. But they do. Several flashes of insight suddenly appeared in my mind for no reason at all.

But don't take my word for it. Try it. You'll see for yourself.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Maintain your strategic focus with one word

I wrote previously that there are 7 key areas in life where a person can strive to become successful. Here they are again, along with a word that represents the success secret in that area:
  • Finance: To be revealed soon
  • Health: Choose
  • Spirituality: Seek
  • Love relationships: Share
  • Social life: Support
  • Family: Serve
  • Career: Create
Why use one word to capture the success principle or strategy in those areas?

Well, because success in anything depends on 1. clarity, and 2. execution.

Clarity refers to your objective or goal or what you're aiming for. Execution refers to doing the right things in the right way to accomplish your goal.

Take the career arena, for instance. From my perspective, if you're not creating something every day that you're proud of, then you don't have a career. Having a job, even if you've held it for 10 years, does not constitute a career.

A career is about building a body of knowledge, skills and tangible objects or projects that you are proud of.

So it makes sense to use the word "create" to summarize, in one word, the essence of one's strategic focus in order to succeed in the career arena.

Of course, you can choose a different word, one that resonates with you. For example, a person can use the word "shine" to remind herself of the strategic focus she must maintain in order to succeed in her career as a, say, actress.

Same thing with the Social Life arena. If you want to have lots of friends, then be a SUPPORTIVE person. Encourage others. Guide them or motivate them or give them resources so they can achieve their goals.

I will write more about the other areas.

Post #800 - Super secret about reality manifestation!

This is post #800, so I decided to make an extra effort to give you a success secret that, if applied properly, can transform your life!

In the diagram above, you can see a man (purple) and a woman (yellow). They both experience the same negative situation, represented by a red square surrounding them.

Because they experience this negative present reality, their thinking (represented by the dotted line square) is shaped by their circumstances. This negative present reality could be: loneliness, poverty, stress, divorce, family conflicts, etc.

However, the woman (yellow) is trained by a Law of Attraction teacher and, through much practice, has been able to shift her red thinking (which is reactive thinking, that is, a mindless reflex generated by her life circumstances) outside of her predominant thinking and feeling. Instead, she consciously focused on mentally imagining and viscerally basking in a positive future situation, represented by the dotted blue line circle.

The man (purple) has also tried to apply the Law of Attraction, however, he mentally clings to his reactive thinking, so as a result, he predominantly maintains a mental expectation of getting more of the same negative situation he is currently experiencing. There is, however, a bit of hope since he does think, sometimes, about a positive future (represented by the dotted blue line circle).

So what happens is that when the future comes, the woman will find herself in a blue circle which represents a positive situation, one which she consciously created, while the man will find himself in a predominantly negative situation which resembles the past.

The woman will not only feel good, but she will understand something critically important in life: that she is able, through mental focus and power, to create her own life experience! She understands that reality, as she experiences it, is servant to her superior willpower.

The man, for his part, will look at her results and although he might not acknowledge it, he will nevertheless silently notice that she is doing something unusual that seems to work. He may or may not seek to understand what she is doing. The amount of time it will take him to figure out her "secret power" will depend on the amount of resistance he brings to the process of self-evolution that is the birthright of all human beings. This resistance is often born of ego and pride, and thus cannot be removed easily.

And so, here you have a powerful secret explained via a visual diagram. This secret is not understood by most people, although more and more people are growing aware of it in these times of global and accelerated change.

The key is to always remember that you do NOT have to face reality, if the reality you are living in does not please you. Just turn away from it and imagine a better future for yourself. Imagine it vividly, in all its glorious little details. And that future WILL come to you.

This may sound crazy, and many people will object, saying that one should be "realistic." You only have to look at the results obtained by "realistic" people and you will know right away whether their "method" works or not.

The people who succeed are those who are strong enough to create a mental reality that is different from their negative or unwanted physical reality. They allow their mind to transcend their physical circumstances and in doing so, they are able to create an ideal life experience for themselves.

If you wish to read more about this powerful Law of Attraction technology, read the three books written by Esther Hicks. James Allen's As a Man Thinketh is also excellent.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

7 areas where you can achieve success

I wrote previously that there are 7 key areas in life where success is worth pursuing. I've listed them below, along with a key word to stimulate your thinking as to what is required to succeed in that sphere of human existence:

Finance: I can't reveal the word here because it's the ultimate success secret
Health: Choose
Spirituality: Seek
Love relationships: Share
Social life: Support
Family: Serve
Career: Create

Try to think about what each word means, in each area of life.

I selected each of these 7 words to represent the "success secret" in those areas, but those words obviously come from my own experience and knowledge. Your words might be different.

My intention is only to challenge you to come up with ONE word, in each area, so that all your efforts can be aligned (within one area) and work synergistically toward the full expression of that word or success secret.

More on the ultimate success secret...

Nobody so far has figured out the one word that summarizes the ultimate success secret for achieving financial wealth. So please feel free to keep trying! :-)

Any person who comes up with the right answer, will receive for FREE my $50 ebook on the BMW workshop which I teach in entrepreneurship schools and charge $500 for.

Another hint: There seems to be, in our culture, a negative perception regarding this success secret. But soon, people will abandon culturally based notions that have little to do with reality. As a result, more and more people will achieve financial freedom and will do so more easily, especially with the opening up of "worldwide" markets via the Internet.

Thomas Friedman, in his best-seller The World is Flat, talks about how the Internet is allowing three billions people (mostly from India, China, the Russian Federation, etc.) to join the global workforce and compete for jobs that traditionally were "protected" in North America.

As a result, many people fear for their jobs. And they have reason to fear: an engineer paid a yearly salary of $100,000, could easily see his job being outsourced to an Indian engineer paid only $20,000.

Even if the North American engineer was able to keep his job, his and his employer's awareness of the "Indian option" would dramatically diminish his bargaining power vis-a-vis the employing organization. As a result, as an employee, he will do whatever his employer asks -- thus, he will feel more and more stress at work. This is not a good situation.

What is important to understand is that a job is simply the result of the failure to understand the ultimate success principle I'm talking about.

In short, if you have the right education and the right skills, you normally would go out there and get a job.

However, if you know, appreciate and master the ultimate success principle, you do NOT go out there to get a job -- rather, you go out there to receive the money! And over time, more and more money will flow to you.

This is precisely why I created this little game where I challenge you, dear reader, to think hard about this mysterious success secret. This secret is truly a pearl that will change your life, yet it has no power unless a person WANTS to know what it is.

As a guide, I offer valuable knowledge, but people will only integrate this knowledge into a permanent knowingness (or dynamic awareness) if they seek it and want to know it.

In other words, knowledge is like food. I can't force someone to eat something if he's not hungry. Similarly, I could have just revealed to you the ultimate success secret, but your mind would have reacted indifferently. Your mind would say, "Hmm, interesting idea you got there, Peter." Then, five minutes later, you would resume whatever you were doing prior to reading the email containing that ultimate success secret. And in that very instant of turning AWAY from the ultimate success secret, you would have lost millions of dollars without knowing!

So my little contest was designed to create a certain tension in your mind, also known as "suspense." This tension will ensure that when you finally KNOW what the ultimate success secret is, you will NOT forget it.

Of course, knowing the secret doesn't mean you will become rich. There's also the implementation or execution or practice part.

But don't worry, I have another contest for that too!

More about the ultimate success secret!

"Networking" has been submitted twice, along with "passion, emotion, desire, acceptance."

Certainly, desire, passion and networking are important and necessary for success, but not sufficient.

Children have a lot of desire and passion, yet we don't see rich children.

Regarding networking, there are people who have over 500 connections on Linkedin who are still employees, that is, working for someone else. If they were financially independent, they would have their own business or live off their financial returns.

You see, the ultimate success secret has to do with a principle that is very, very broad, yet it can be implemented in very, very specific ways to enrich you.

As I mentioned earlier, it can cover a broad spectrum with abstract ideas and concepts at one end and specific mechanisms, processes, techniques and tools on the other end.

The ultimate success secret is not easy to masterfully understand nor is it easy to masterfully apply it.

But as with everything else, perfection comes with practice. Once you know what the ultimate success secret is, life itself will become a perpetual, non-stop seminar where you pick up more and more distinctions and knowledge which will allow you to increase your mastery of this success secret.

By the way, at the end of this month, I'll be presenting my BMW workshop ( in a hotel to about 200 people who belong to a Chamber of Commerce in Montreal. I'll ask them the same question I asked you: What is the one word that summarizes the ultimate success secret so that one can become financially wealthy? I'll keep you posted on their answers.

Please keep trying again. Think really hard, it will really pay off! Ask your friends, relatives and coworkers. If there is one person in your network who knows the correct answer, I would recommend that you hang around with that person because there's a lot to be learned from people who know!

This blog itself, which I began writing more than two years ago, is one illustration of the ultimate success secret, but in a small, quiet way.

One last thing: have you ever seen those Ultimate Fighting Championships, where fighters from many martial arts get together to kill one another? Well, not kill exactly, but they fight savagely until one is completely knocked out or taps the floor to capitulate.

The ultimate success secret is a bit savage and raw like that; it's really all out. No holds barred. If you want financial success, you've got to do what you've got to do. No excuses. Only results. And those results must keep improving.

In the end, it might be true that some people are born to suffer in poverty or to struggle financially, because often, it is through adversity that we find hidden forces within and learn to evolve emotionally and spiritually.

But for the majority of people, and this probably includes you, money is a good thing, right?

As Woody Allen once said, "Wealth is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons."

So if wealth is the key to financial success (and there are six other areas where success can be achieved, such as career, family, love, social life, health and spirituality), then it makes sense to know the ultimate secret leading to wealth!

If you ask your friends and they don't know, then trust me, you will have stimulated their thinking and they will bug you until you tell them the ultimate success secret (which I'll only reveal to the people who have answered the question since I assume the others don't want to know).

Once your friends also know the secret, you can then bounce ideas off one another and make fast progress so that you end up enriching one another.

Monday, May 12, 2008

The ultimate success secret?

Kudos to the brave subscribers who ventured an answer to my question about the single word that captures the ULTIMATE SUCCESS SECRET.

I wish to add a clarification. I mean "success" in the financial sense, and not success in the following areas of life:

Love relationships
Social life

Each of these 7 areas of life have their own "logic" and require a different skill set, so to speak. Of course, certain skills or qualities can help a person to succeed in several areas.

For example, if you're a very honest person and you seek out the truth even if you know it will disturb you or make you uncomfortable, then you are likely to succeed in many areas, including Career, Family, Love, etc.

I encourage all subscribers to send me (at the one word that they think summarizes the ultimate success secret. If you are correct, you will feel really good about yourself and begin to develop ways to implement that success secret to enrich yourself.

If you are incorrect (and don't worry, most people do not know it), then you can learn it and think about it and try to implement it in your own life.

I can tell you that the overwhelming majority of Linkedin users (there are about 21 million of them) do NOT know this success secret.

Yet, they are fairly smart and could be considered high-income earners (average age is 39 and average household income is US$140,000).

The great thing about this success secret is that once you know it, you can use it to structure your habits, way of operating, lifestyle, speech, thinking, planning, etc. to make sure that you apply it properly. The result -- INVARIABLY -- is more wealth in your life.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

The ultimate success secret, Part 2

Many people are rightly intrigued by my previous post about "the ultimate success secret" which can be summarized in one word. Here are the words suggested by a few subscribers: perspiration, happiness, financial education, smiling, creativity.

They are part of the ultimate success secret, but they do not point precisely to the ultimate financial success principle or activity.

This secret can be manifested at different levels, which is why it can be a principle, a concept, an idea, a process, an activity, a mechanism, even an outcome.

This is why I wrote that "financial success comes when you master this one principle, and illustrate it in as many ways as possible in all the facets of your human experience." In other words, this success secret is also a theme that must permeate all of your mind so that you think about it as often as possible.


- George Bush senior could not master this skill or activity, so he lost to Bill Clinton by a highly embarrassing margin.

- Donald Trump masters this principle or skill

- So does Dr Phil, but in a different way

- This principle or success secret lies at the heart of movie The Secret

Big hint: This is the one skill that MULTIPLIES the outcome produced by your other skills. It's what they call the wealth-multiplier skill!

I will reveal the secret in a few days, so please send me what you think is the ultimate success secret; it's a great way to test yourself!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The secret of success in ONE word!

In my search for the ULTIMATE success secret which will benefit the lives of fellow mortals, I have come up with this single word which TRULY captures the one principle that unleashes success on planet Earth.

But before I reveal it to you, try to divine what this word is. Send to me the word which you think illustrates the ONE principle for success on Earth. Email me at with the word in the subject heading, no need to write anything. I will reply to you with the one principle that will unleash your success on this planet.

This word reveals the one activity that will enrich you, and the extent to which you engage in this skillful activity will show you how much you will earn in this lifetime. If you don't do this activity, you will remain poor. Nothing wrong with being poor, because there are certain lessons to be learned when one has to struggle with financial issues. But ultimately, most human beings prefer to be rich.

However, you CANNOT become rich without this ONE activity.

This one word is so powerful that I could write 10 books on it. Or any other author could write a couple of books on it, and indeed, many have!

Because this one word or principle is so critical to success, I don't reveal it here because it would be too easy for you and you would forget it five minutes later. This is why I ask that those who are interested in wealth, write to me with what they think is the one word that unleashes success.

Many people know this word or principle or activity, but they psychologically resist the idea; as a result, they remain poor.

Financial success comes when you master this one principle, and illustrate it in as many ways as possible in all the facets of your human experience. Once you do this, wealth will flow to you faster than you can imagine right now.

So if you are interested in financial freedom, please trust me and don't waste time. Send me an email at with the one word you think will unleash success. I will correct you if need be, or validate your proposition. I can also help you to implement this one principle in all facets of your life so that you can become RICHER than you can possibly imagine.

To have more, aim for more!

In a previous post titled "Prove yourself wrong and you're heading toward great wealth," I argued that "most people (including myself) tend to think that we are right. Very few of us ever go to any great lengths to demolish or disprove our own reasoning. This is why most people never get rich."

Here are a few statements which capture the same idea:

"Aim for more if you want to have more."

"Whatever you are looking for, is looking for you."

"Whatever you are ready for, is ready for you."

Einstein once said that we only use 5% of our intellectual capacity. (If professor Einstein used 5% of his intelligence, that means I'm probably using only 0.00001% of mine!).

In other words, here's the distinction I would add to my previous post about striving to prove yourself wrong. Try to to think BIGGER than you previously thought.

Indeed, the size of your thinking will expand the realm of possibilities and the number of opportunities that you notice in your life.

The best book by far about "thinking big" is The Magic of Thinking Big, by David Schwartz, published in 1959. This book is definitely among my top 10 best books for personal development.

If, like many normal people, you tend to think "cautiously" and are not really comfortable with "big thinking," then may I suggest this thought experiment: Imagine that after a long life, you pass away (peacefully and surrounded by family and friends). You go to Heaven and God asks you, "So? How was your vacation? Did you get EVERYTHING you wanted?"

Like the majority of people, you might answer something like: "Er, well, I got a few things, yes, and I had a moderate amount of success..."

God: "What?! But we agreed prior to your going into physical existence that you could have EVERYTHING you wanted! You even asked me to sign a contract whereby I would release to you EVERYTHING you wanted, if you asked for it. Don't you remember that I thought you were so courageous for being willing to venture forth on planet Earth in order to evolve spiritually that I agreed to give you EVERYTHING you asked for? So why did you settle for a "moderate" amount of success?"

You: "My Lord, once I got to planet Earth, I kinda forgot about that agreement. I forgot that I could have EVERYTHING I wanted... So I did like other folks around me, I asked for a "moderate" amount of success..."

God: "But that's why Peter was sent on Earth and a scenario was developed so he would cross your path. Peter's job was to remind people that they could have EVERYTHING they wanted. Didn't you subscribe to Peter's highly popular blog titled "Real-Time Success Secrets"? In his usual irrepressible drive to do a perfect job, Peter even created the knowledge portal and explicitly used the slogan "Live a life without limits."

Of course, I'm being facetious about this because humor is often a great pathway to understanding, but you get my point: You can be, do or have anything you want, but you first have to decide to BE the kind of person who wants to do and have everything.

You have to remove all the limits that you've imposed on yourself, on your thinking, on your imagination, on your creativity, on your capacity to create value and to earn money, etc.

This is probably what Einstein meant when he said that imagination is more important than intelligence.

An "intelligent" person knows what he knows, while an "imaginative" persons knows when he's not supposed to know. In other words, he opens up his mind to receive insights from the Universe.

Unlike the intelligent person, he doesn't have to think much; he just "allows" cosmic intelligence to "pour" into his mind!

Some people call it "infused knowledge," that is, knowledge that suddenly and mysteriously appears in a person's mind without that person knowing HOW or WHY it got there!

It does take some spiritual training to get to that point where you just tap into some Universal Consciousness in order to receive powerful insights, some of which could make you a millionaire or allow you to create a fabulous invention or enable you to seduce beautiful women. Just kidding.

So when I say "aim for more," ultimately I mean "expand the size of your thinking, because ultimately your life is as big as your mind." A small mind will have a small life, but a big and expanding mind will have a big and expanding life.

Friday, May 09, 2008

The secret to becoming a millionaire

If you're pursuing financial freedom, then it means you are considering the *possibility* that you might become a millionaire. Yes, in this lifetime.

Not many people have the courage to hold such a thought. After all, you might be wondering, “Who am I to be so preposterous as to consider myself ‘millionaire material’?”

Most of you might not even earn a six-figure salary right now. So why would I suggest that you are “millionaire material” and could be making a seven-figure income?

First of all, I totally understand if you have doubts about your ability to become a millionaire.

Indeed, how can you be confident about something if you've never done it?

I remember my first business deal of $10,000 years ago. I was still a "virgin" and a bit nervous with the client. He invited me for lunch and I was hectically thinking, in my little head, "How can I close this deal?!"

Suddenly, he reached into his leather suitcase and pulled out the 3-page proposal I had sent him a few days before. He then quickly read the proposal, asked me a question (which I don't remember), and then signed the contract.

Needless to say, I had a wonderful afternoon. In fact, I took the afternoon off and went to see the Star Wars movie, Attack of the Clones, which had just come out.

I mentioned the word "virgin" before, and my point is that often, we've got to accept that we don't know how things will work yet at the same time, we have to trust that the universe functions perfectly, assuming that all the conditions are right. (This principle is called Conditionality, and I will write more about it later).

I basically created all the right conditions for this deal to happen, and so I made $10,000 in about 4 hours.

But prior to creating those conditions, I had to BELIEVE that I was capable to close such a deal.

The secret is this: You’ve got to get used to the idea of your being the ideal person you want to be.

Many motivational authors and speakers exhort people to “believe in themselves” and that is certainly a good exhortation.

But the key is to proceed incrementally so that you get comfortable with your new beliefs one step at a time. In other words, get more and more familiar with thoughts of you being the ideal person you want to be. This is much easier than to “suddenly” believe that you are a millionaire.

It’s like the old riddle, “How do you eat an elephant? Answer: one bite at a time.”

In other words, I’m NOT asking you to “believe” in the extraordinary thought of your being a millionaire. For most people, such a belief is impossible.

I’m just asking you to think about yourself like as if you were a millionaire, and to think about it a little bit every day. Get used to the idea of your being immensely rich.

Here's what will happen to you: your mind, now that it is greatly expanded by your new identity as a millionaire, will begin to notice details and information and opportunities that you did NOT notice before.

You will also begin to take your ideas seriously and start writing them down. You will think about your ideas and play with them in your mind. You will develop them on paper.

Someone will enter your life and help or guide you in further developing your idea(s).

And before you know it, you are actually contemplating the possibility of your creating a product that is worth $10 or $20.

Since you have a millionaire mindset, you naturally think about offering your product to (at least) a million people, so that's 1,000,000 X $20, or $20,000,000.

This quick mental sales projection now makes you FEEL like a real millionaire (whereas before, you only THOUGHT of yourself as a millionaire).

As you begin to FEEL more like a millionaire, all your previous fears and (self-)doubts begin to melt away and fade out of your life forever. You begin to feel invincible, as if you could do anything and nobody could stop you.

You begin to feel like a true leader, and you propose deals to people in such a self-confident manner that even your mother doesn't recognize you anymore. "You, over there, yes you! Would you like to make $200,000 a year? Then join my global sales team!" You are surprised, just a little bit, at how you can hypnotically persuade people through sheer self-confidence and supreme self-mastery.

You don't even have to recruit sales or business associates. They feel your power, and they want some of it. So they keep chasing you until you finally accept them on your team.

Anyways, I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. A destiny starts with a single thought.

Do you DARE to think of yourself as a millionaire? if you do, you will soon be able to create a product worth about $10 or $20, and you will easily imagine yourself (or your sales army) distributing your products door to door or email to email, and from that point on, you're on Easy Street.

What's your life theme?

I was reading the biography of well-known psychic and spiritual advisor Sylvia Browne, titled Adventures of a Psychic, and was completely fascinated by her story.

There's a practical chapter where she describes 45 life themes that seem to characterize people's lives.

According to her, prior to being born, we sat down and "planned" a detailed life experience (which I call a "karmic curriculum"!) through which we would learn, understand and evolve spiritually. Life, then, is a sort of school for the soul.

Apparently, we even chose every person in our lives, from our parents to our siblings, best friends, "enemies," and lovers.

I find this a little hard to believe, because if I could choose who would be in my romantic life, Kirsten Dunst would be my wife by now. But anyways! :-)

Her themes are quite accurate in describing what people's lives are all about.

Here are some themes:

Catalyst: people with this life theme tend to make things happen. Without them, nothing much would them. I thought of my sister Zoonie right away! Everywhere she goes, things begin to happen. Her energy is like a spark that ignites people's motivation and desire to do new stuff.

Intellectuality: people with this theme are "professional students." They love knowledge and they are reading and learning all the time. Sounds like the guy I see in the mirror when I shave! Often, people with this theme are "loners" so they sometimes need other people to help them bring their knowledge to the world. Without other people to extract them from their solitary study, their knowledge (acquired painfully and through much effort) would not serve a need in the world. Wow, I thought, Mrs Browne is really describing my biography!

There's actually a life theme called "Loser." I thought it was a typo and that she meant "Lover" (as in Casanova). But it was not a typo.

For some reason, these people chose this kind of life before they were born, in order to learn something. Often, they incarnate with this life theme to help someone else to express THEIR life theme (as helper or teacher, etc.).

Infallability: This is an interesting theme, it's about people who are born with every advantage imaginable: handsome, rich, surrounded by family, friends, etc. However, even these people have a challenge to overcome in life, for we are all born to evolve spiritually.

This book is amazing for parents, because parents often can discern a theme in their child's life.

But even if you are not a parent, going through the 45 themes can help you to identify at least one theme that seems to characterize your life so far, or your dominant personality.

Once you understand what you were meant to experience on Earth, the heightened clarity of mind will simplify your life and enable you to achieve joy more easily.

Anyways, that's what I think, and remember: my life theme is "intellectuality," meaning I'm gifted with knowledge! :-)

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Be your own creator in order to be your own boss

I came across a few words of wisdom on a blog, so I thought I'd share them with you.


Certainly making oneself more employable is a great strategy, but it's only one strategy. Creating value is the key; and those who educate themselves on how to run a business (for example) have the freedom to create value on their own scale. Now, it's the market who decides the value you create, and you're compensated justly every time (I see a LOT of blog posts concerning "fairness" of salary, etc. Fairness is based upon what parties agree upon).

Prosperity implies creation of value. Creation implies original thought; whether applied to a job or one's own 'thang'. Either way, it would be a great challenge and exercise to discover one's own path of creativity instead of only seeking one's greatest advantage within someone else's creative infrastructure.


Sunday, May 04, 2008

7 areas where you can have success in life 0:06

I don't know about you, but I want EVERYTHING from life! So here's my little acronym to remind myself of the important areas of life where "success" is worth pursuing: F.L.A.S.H.X.S.

Think of X.S. as "excess," so FLASHXS reminds me that success in every area requires "light" or knowledge. Knowledge is the power that will illuminate my path in each of the following 7 areas:


The great secret for living a successful, fulfiling, amazing, exhilarating life is to balance the 7 areas above.

If you evaluate your life based on those 7 dimensions, you'll most likely see areas where you did well, and areas where you could use some guidance in order to evolve.

It's the same with your friends or members of your family.

The great thing is that you can partner with people who are doing well in areas where you could use help, and who are doing not so well in areas where you are doing great. This results in a win-win partnership.

Try not to partner with people who have the same difficulties you're having, because what would be the point? It would be like the blind leading the blind!

I will write more on this. For now, I need some sleep (am working on my Health!). :-)

FREE strategic reminder service

This is amazing! offers a free service you can use to remind yourself of your goals.

You can program it to remind yourself on a daily or weekly basis.

Success truly depends on having clear and written goals, and on being REMINDED of such goals as often as possible.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Wealth secrets from Abraham Hicks

There are many, many, many wealth secrets revealed in this video:

Apply the principles in your own life, and you will be amazed at the results!

Keep in mind that the path to wealth is always the path of least resistance.