Post #800 - Super secret about reality manifestation!

In the diagram above, you can see a man (purple) and a woman (yellow). They both experience the same negative situation, represented by a red square surrounding them.
Because they experience this negative present reality, their thinking (represented by the dotted line square) is shaped by their circumstances. This negative present reality could be: loneliness, poverty, stress, divorce, family conflicts, etc.
However, the woman (yellow) is trained by a Law of Attraction teacher and, through much practice, has been able to shift her red thinking (which is reactive thinking, that is, a mindless reflex generated by her life circumstances) outside of her predominant thinking and feeling. Instead, she consciously focused on mentally imagining and viscerally basking in a positive future situation, represented by the dotted blue line circle.
The man (purple) has also tried to apply the Law of Attraction, however, he mentally clings to his reactive thinking, so as a result, he predominantly maintains a mental expectation of getting more of the same negative situation he is currently experiencing. There is, however, a bit of hope since he does think, sometimes, about a positive future (represented by the dotted blue line circle).
So what happens is that when the future comes, the woman will find herself in a blue circle which represents a positive situation, one which she consciously created, while the man will find himself in a predominantly negative situation which resembles the past.
The woman will not only feel good, but she will understand something critically important in life: that she is able, through mental focus and power, to create her own life experience! She understands that reality, as she experiences it, is servant to her superior willpower.
The man, for his part, will look at her results and although he might not acknowledge it, he will nevertheless silently notice that she is doing something unusual that seems to work. He may or may not seek to understand what she is doing. The amount of time it will take him to figure out her "secret power" will depend on the amount of resistance he brings to the process of self-evolution that is the birthright of all human beings. This resistance is often born of ego and pride, and thus cannot be removed easily.
And so, here you have a powerful secret explained via a visual diagram. This secret is not understood by most people, although more and more people are growing aware of it in these times of global and accelerated change.
The key is to always remember that you do NOT have to face reality, if the reality you are living in does not please you. Just turn away from it and imagine a better future for yourself. Imagine it vividly, in all its glorious little details. And that future WILL come to you.
This may sound crazy, and many people will object, saying that one should be "realistic." You only have to look at the results obtained by "realistic" people and you will know right away whether their "method" works or not.
The people who succeed are those who are strong enough to create a mental reality that is different from their negative or unwanted physical reality. They allow their mind to transcend their physical circumstances and in doing so, they are able to create an ideal life experience for themselves.
If you wish to read more about this powerful Law of Attraction technology, read the three books written by Esther Hicks. James Allen's As a Man Thinketh is also excellent.
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