Friday, May 09, 2008

The secret to becoming a millionaire

If you're pursuing financial freedom, then it means you are considering the *possibility* that you might become a millionaire. Yes, in this lifetime.

Not many people have the courage to hold such a thought. After all, you might be wondering, “Who am I to be so preposterous as to consider myself ‘millionaire material’?”

Most of you might not even earn a six-figure salary right now. So why would I suggest that you are “millionaire material” and could be making a seven-figure income?

First of all, I totally understand if you have doubts about your ability to become a millionaire.

Indeed, how can you be confident about something if you've never done it?

I remember my first business deal of $10,000 years ago. I was still a "virgin" and a bit nervous with the client. He invited me for lunch and I was hectically thinking, in my little head, "How can I close this deal?!"

Suddenly, he reached into his leather suitcase and pulled out the 3-page proposal I had sent him a few days before. He then quickly read the proposal, asked me a question (which I don't remember), and then signed the contract.

Needless to say, I had a wonderful afternoon. In fact, I took the afternoon off and went to see the Star Wars movie, Attack of the Clones, which had just come out.

I mentioned the word "virgin" before, and my point is that often, we've got to accept that we don't know how things will work yet at the same time, we have to trust that the universe functions perfectly, assuming that all the conditions are right. (This principle is called Conditionality, and I will write more about it later).

I basically created all the right conditions for this deal to happen, and so I made $10,000 in about 4 hours.

But prior to creating those conditions, I had to BELIEVE that I was capable to close such a deal.

The secret is this: You’ve got to get used to the idea of your being the ideal person you want to be.

Many motivational authors and speakers exhort people to “believe in themselves” and that is certainly a good exhortation.

But the key is to proceed incrementally so that you get comfortable with your new beliefs one step at a time. In other words, get more and more familiar with thoughts of you being the ideal person you want to be. This is much easier than to “suddenly” believe that you are a millionaire.

It’s like the old riddle, “How do you eat an elephant? Answer: one bite at a time.”

In other words, I’m NOT asking you to “believe” in the extraordinary thought of your being a millionaire. For most people, such a belief is impossible.

I’m just asking you to think about yourself like as if you were a millionaire, and to think about it a little bit every day. Get used to the idea of your being immensely rich.

Here's what will happen to you: your mind, now that it is greatly expanded by your new identity as a millionaire, will begin to notice details and information and opportunities that you did NOT notice before.

You will also begin to take your ideas seriously and start writing them down. You will think about your ideas and play with them in your mind. You will develop them on paper.

Someone will enter your life and help or guide you in further developing your idea(s).

And before you know it, you are actually contemplating the possibility of your creating a product that is worth $10 or $20.

Since you have a millionaire mindset, you naturally think about offering your product to (at least) a million people, so that's 1,000,000 X $20, or $20,000,000.

This quick mental sales projection now makes you FEEL like a real millionaire (whereas before, you only THOUGHT of yourself as a millionaire).

As you begin to FEEL more like a millionaire, all your previous fears and (self-)doubts begin to melt away and fade out of your life forever. You begin to feel invincible, as if you could do anything and nobody could stop you.

You begin to feel like a true leader, and you propose deals to people in such a self-confident manner that even your mother doesn't recognize you anymore. "You, over there, yes you! Would you like to make $200,000 a year? Then join my global sales team!" You are surprised, just a little bit, at how you can hypnotically persuade people through sheer self-confidence and supreme self-mastery.

You don't even have to recruit sales or business associates. They feel your power, and they want some of it. So they keep chasing you until you finally accept them on your team.

Anyways, I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. A destiny starts with a single thought.

Do you DARE to think of yourself as a millionaire? if you do, you will soon be able to create a product worth about $10 or $20, and you will easily imagine yourself (or your sales army) distributing your products door to door or email to email, and from that point on, you're on Easy Street.