Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My super success secret!

Recently, an awesome insight came to me regarding this blog and how it has affected my life.

More than an ordinary insight, it is actually a powerful success secret that I want to share with you. It's a concrete example of the Law of Attraction.

Here's what I mean. Over two years ago, I had the idea of writing a blog about success principles, techniques, methods, etc. I wanted all my best knowledge, culled from books, magazines, my own experience, etc. to be in one place.

I didn't know what name to give this blog, so I thought about "success secrets." Next, I added "Real-time" because I wanted to share knowledge with people as soon as I got hold of it.

So the blog name became "Real-time Success Secrets."

So far, nothing really extraordinary. It's just a name.

But here's the incredibly mysterious part that baffles me even now.

This blog's name has two key elements (the "real-time" part and the "success secrets" part) that continually focused my mind and even my life.

The "real-time" imperative drove me to immediately share with readers the information and knowledge I came across. This indeed drove me to write EVERY DAY! I had never written every day before in my entire life!

The "success secrets" imperative structured my mind so that I never just read a book. I would penetrate deeply into the author's brain and try to extract his master ideas, his secret concepts, his supreme frameworks.

Not only that, I would also constantly cross-fertilize ideas from a book with ideas from another book I had read, in order to generate new knowledge and insights.

Today, there are more than 780 posts on this blog, and I find that it gets easier and easier to write or come up with new ideas. In fact, I have dozens of notepads in which I've scribbled over 500 ideas that I want to write about on this blog.

In my Palm pilot, I have over 1,000 ideas that I jotted down and that can easily become posts on this blog.

My point is that somehow, quite mysteriously, this very blog has been an incredible focuser of my mind and has enabled me to fully leverage, albeit unconsciously at first, the powerful Law of Attraction.

Indeed, because I write every day about "success secrets," my mind is constantly and necessarily focusing on "success" and so, as a result, I have been experiencing more and more success in my life.

How can you apply this insight in your own life?

I would recommend that you create a daily activity that you like to do, and that focuses your mind on something valuable or profitable or enlightening. This will guarantee that the Law of Attraction work for you.

If writing is not your thing, perhaps you can use an MP3 recorder and record your thoughts every day. You could also draw or meditate or do anything that will enable and allow your mind to focus on what you REALLY want in life.

Any activity can serve as a "daily mental focuser."

I spend about 10-15 minutes per day writing posts for this blog, so it doesn't really take a lot of my time. What's powerful is the regularity with which I do it. This regularity or consistency creates a kind of compounding power that I can't explain, but I feel its power through the continually increasing ease and pleasure that I feel every time I write.