Thursday, April 17, 2008

Prepare to win in order to win - Law of Conditionality 0:06

At the above video clip, you'll hear Roger Hamilton mention a powerful success principle that few people know about. He says that the "role of an entrepreneur is not to create success, but to create the environment that allows success to happen."

Another way to put it is this: "Everybody wants to win, but very few people want to PREPARE to win."

Essentially, Hamilton is talking about an extremely important and POWERFUL principle governing the universe, called "Conditionality."

This principle says that success will happen when all the conditions for success have been met.

In other words, success is not something you get by doing something specific. It's not a linear cause-effect chain of events.

Same with wealth or financial freedom or the realization of your dream.

Your role is really to create, in your life, all the conditions that allow success to happen.