Friday, April 11, 2008

The Lazy Millionaire doctrine

I started writing a book called The Lazy Millionaire because I really think that "laziness" is a powerful doctrine that can enrich you BEYOND YOUR WILDEST IMAGINATION.

Some people will ask, "What about work ethics? What about hard work?"

My answer is, "Those are wonderful and noble concepts, and I promise you that I will fully explore their meaning in my next life. But for now -- that is, in THIS life -- I want to do the least while earning the most!"

What do I mean by that? Why do I say that?

Because 99% of mankind is misled intellectually. We have been conditioned to think that hard work leads to wealth and financial freedom.

Not so. In fact, if you pick up the current issue of the Economist, you'll read an article discussing the "civil-rights issue of the 21st century": financial literacy.

The article mentions this: 4 out of 10 credit card holders do not pay the full amount due on their card, and one third do not even know the rate charged by the credit card company.

I would even say that "business education" is the key to wealth in the 21st century.

Business can be neatly summarized by this principle: Do what it takes so you earn more and more while working less and less.

This is EXACTLY what The Lazy Millionaire doctrine is all about.

In other words, wealth will NOT come to you through anything you DO, but through what you THINK. And HOW you think.

By the way, pick up a copy of Larry Winget's latest book, called "You are broke because you want to be." It's like the movie The Secret, but without the sugar-coating! The book will stimulate your thinking most productively.

Okay, back to the Lazy Millionaire. What this doctrine says is that you've got to use your MIND, not your BODY, if you want to become wealthy.

Please note that the mind is not the same as the brain. Your brain is being used every day, and it is being used more by other people than by you. In other words, the more reflexively you react, the more your brain is being used by others.

If you respond (instead of react), then perhaps your mind has intervened and it is using your brain, rather than let your brain be used by others who have their own agenda.

The Lazy Millionaire is a "mental master." He is aware. He is also aware that he is aware.

Rene Descartes said: "I think, therefore I am."

I submit: "I am aware that I am thinking, therefore I am a mini-god."

Think about that for a minute. If you can understand that statement, you'll be able to access tremendous powers within you.

In other words, if your brain is doing the thinking, and you are aware of that thinking, it means you are OUTSIDE your brain! But then, where are you?! You are an entire universe.

This is why the Lazy Millionaire doctrine makes sense. You do not need to "do" anything, you only need to gently and subtly "guide" your universe so it becomes EXACTLY like the universe you want manifested in your life.

People who work hard don't get wealth. They get stress. And there's a recent medical theory called "Life-Course Perspective" which says that you accumulate ALL the stress you experience into your body, and one day, you will have to pay for it.

All of this discussion sounds like the Law of Attraction, yet I would like to add a distinction: your life experience is manifested according to what I would call the Law of Preemptive Sensitivity (LPS).

In other words, if you think of yourself as a millionaire already, then your mind is programmed to preemptively favor or notice things, events, information, people, etc. that ONLY a millionaire would be sensitive to. You would naturally ignore anything or anyone that a millionaire would normally ignore.

So when I talk about the Lazy Millionaire, I specifically refer to "physical laziness," not mental laziness.

Most people do not achieve financial freedom because they are mentally lazy and physically over-active.

Albert Einstein said it best: "If you feed your mind as often as you feed your stomach, you will never have to worry about your stomach or a roof over your head or clothes on your back."