Saturday, May 10, 2008

To have more, aim for more!

In a previous post titled "Prove yourself wrong and you're heading toward great wealth," I argued that "most people (including myself) tend to think that we are right. Very few of us ever go to any great lengths to demolish or disprove our own reasoning. This is why most people never get rich."

Here are a few statements which capture the same idea:

"Aim for more if you want to have more."

"Whatever you are looking for, is looking for you."

"Whatever you are ready for, is ready for you."

Einstein once said that we only use 5% of our intellectual capacity. (If professor Einstein used 5% of his intelligence, that means I'm probably using only 0.00001% of mine!).

In other words, here's the distinction I would add to my previous post about striving to prove yourself wrong. Try to to think BIGGER than you previously thought.

Indeed, the size of your thinking will expand the realm of possibilities and the number of opportunities that you notice in your life.

The best book by far about "thinking big" is The Magic of Thinking Big, by David Schwartz, published in 1959. This book is definitely among my top 10 best books for personal development.

If, like many normal people, you tend to think "cautiously" and are not really comfortable with "big thinking," then may I suggest this thought experiment: Imagine that after a long life, you pass away (peacefully and surrounded by family and friends). You go to Heaven and God asks you, "So? How was your vacation? Did you get EVERYTHING you wanted?"

Like the majority of people, you might answer something like: "Er, well, I got a few things, yes, and I had a moderate amount of success..."

God: "What?! But we agreed prior to your going into physical existence that you could have EVERYTHING you wanted! You even asked me to sign a contract whereby I would release to you EVERYTHING you wanted, if you asked for it. Don't you remember that I thought you were so courageous for being willing to venture forth on planet Earth in order to evolve spiritually that I agreed to give you EVERYTHING you asked for? So why did you settle for a "moderate" amount of success?"

You: "My Lord, once I got to planet Earth, I kinda forgot about that agreement. I forgot that I could have EVERYTHING I wanted... So I did like other folks around me, I asked for a "moderate" amount of success..."

God: "But that's why Peter was sent on Earth and a scenario was developed so he would cross your path. Peter's job was to remind people that they could have EVERYTHING they wanted. Didn't you subscribe to Peter's highly popular blog titled "Real-Time Success Secrets"? In his usual irrepressible drive to do a perfect job, Peter even created the knowledge portal and explicitly used the slogan "Live a life without limits."

Of course, I'm being facetious about this because humor is often a great pathway to understanding, but you get my point: You can be, do or have anything you want, but you first have to decide to BE the kind of person who wants to do and have everything.

You have to remove all the limits that you've imposed on yourself, on your thinking, on your imagination, on your creativity, on your capacity to create value and to earn money, etc.

This is probably what Einstein meant when he said that imagination is more important than intelligence.

An "intelligent" person knows what he knows, while an "imaginative" persons knows when he's not supposed to know. In other words, he opens up his mind to receive insights from the Universe.

Unlike the intelligent person, he doesn't have to think much; he just "allows" cosmic intelligence to "pour" into his mind!

Some people call it "infused knowledge," that is, knowledge that suddenly and mysteriously appears in a person's mind without that person knowing HOW or WHY it got there!

It does take some spiritual training to get to that point where you just tap into some Universal Consciousness in order to receive powerful insights, some of which could make you a millionaire or allow you to create a fabulous invention or enable you to seduce beautiful women. Just kidding.

So when I say "aim for more," ultimately I mean "expand the size of your thinking, because ultimately your life is as big as your mind." A small mind will have a small life, but a big and expanding mind will have a big and expanding life.