Tuesday, May 13, 2008

More about the ultimate success secret!

"Networking" has been submitted twice, along with "passion, emotion, desire, acceptance."

Certainly, desire, passion and networking are important and necessary for success, but not sufficient.

Children have a lot of desire and passion, yet we don't see rich children.

Regarding networking, there are people who have over 500 connections on Linkedin who are still employees, that is, working for someone else. If they were financially independent, they would have their own business or live off their financial returns.

You see, the ultimate success secret has to do with a principle that is very, very broad, yet it can be implemented in very, very specific ways to enrich you.

As I mentioned earlier, it can cover a broad spectrum with abstract ideas and concepts at one end and specific mechanisms, processes, techniques and tools on the other end.

The ultimate success secret is not easy to masterfully understand nor is it easy to masterfully apply it.

But as with everything else, perfection comes with practice. Once you know what the ultimate success secret is, life itself will become a perpetual, non-stop seminar where you pick up more and more distinctions and knowledge which will allow you to increase your mastery of this success secret.

By the way, at the end of this month, I'll be presenting my BMW workshop (http://businessmodelworkout.blogspot.com) in a hotel to about 200 people who belong to a Chamber of Commerce in Montreal. I'll ask them the same question I asked you: What is the one word that summarizes the ultimate success secret so that one can become financially wealthy? I'll keep you posted on their answers.

Please keep trying again. Think really hard, it will really pay off! Ask your friends, relatives and coworkers. If there is one person in your network who knows the correct answer, I would recommend that you hang around with that person because there's a lot to be learned from people who know!

This blog itself, which I began writing more than two years ago, is one illustration of the ultimate success secret, but in a small, quiet way.

One last thing: have you ever seen those Ultimate Fighting Championships, where fighters from many martial arts get together to kill one another? Well, not kill exactly, but they fight savagely until one is completely knocked out or taps the floor to capitulate.

The ultimate success secret is a bit savage and raw like that; it's really all out. No holds barred. If you want financial success, you've got to do what you've got to do. No excuses. Only results. And those results must keep improving.

In the end, it might be true that some people are born to suffer in poverty or to struggle financially, because often, it is through adversity that we find hidden forces within and learn to evolve emotionally and spiritually.

But for the majority of people, and this probably includes you, money is a good thing, right?

As Woody Allen once said, "Wealth is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons."

So if wealth is the key to financial success (and there are six other areas where success can be achieved, such as career, family, love, social life, health and spirituality), then it makes sense to know the ultimate secret leading to wealth!

If you ask your friends and they don't know, then trust me, you will have stimulated their thinking and they will bug you until you tell them the ultimate success secret (which I'll only reveal to the people who have answered the question since I assume the others don't want to know).

Once your friends also know the secret, you can then bounce ideas off one another and make fast progress so that you end up enriching one another.