Why employees are losers
But wait! Put down the cross, the hammer and the nails, and hear me out. I might be able to "ressuscitate" your genius so that you, too, can create wealth as easily as you breathe.
Here's my main idea for today: A job is a container, and work is the content.
An executive job obviously is a bigger container than a receptionist job. Not surprisingly, the executive makes more money than the receptionist, although the receptionist is probably more charming.
In other words, the REASON why employees are POOR is that the value they are allowed to create, is RESTRICTED by the job they took.
A free agent has a slightly different challenge: every contract he gets, is a container, and he is usually not very motivated to "pour more value" into that container. This is a mistake, of course, but one can hardly blame a person for not giving more value than he is paid in return.
Your mission impossible, should you choose to accept it, is to STOP thinking about "jobs" and start thinking about "value."
Value is similar to work, but sounds less stressful and seems to involve less effort!
If your goal is to make more money, you MUST create more value. One book that will open your eyes is Harv Eker's Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. Read it once, read it twice, read it three times. Even a fourth time. Pick a principle in that book, and apply it for a whole week. Then, pick another principle and apply it the following week. Only then will you TRULY understand what Harv is REALLY talking about.
Millions of dollars are contained in that book, IF you consciously choose to apply its principles.
So how do you create MORE value? Think of how many MORE people you can serve.
First, who are you serving right now? Who's paying you right now for your services?
Picture that person, and then picture hundreds of people who look like, think like, behave like that person. In short, CLONE the clients you are currently serving.
If you currently don't have a job, no problem. Unless you're 11 years old, you DID hold a job before. WHO was the client at that time? Well, CLONE that person. Serve more people like that person. And you WILL get paid more.
Most people believe that money is a big deal when it isn't.
Money, wealth, financial freedom, etc. is only a big deal (and it gets more and more complicated as you read business books written by so-called gurus who confuse you even more) IF you are not interested in serving people, and IF you don't care about people.
If you TRULY care about people, then your wealth is guaranteed in this life. Why? Because there are 6.5 billion people on the planet!
The bottom line is that if you care about people and WANT passionately to serve them, they will throw money at you faster than you can count it!
This is called enlightened self-interest: in serving people well, you are in fact serving yourself!
But you've got to stop focusing on yourself, your problems, your constraints, your situation, your challenges, your whatever. Focus on helping other people.
Many seekers of financial freedom say they want to help other people, but can't really answer my simple question: "Who did you help yesterday?"
You see, the MORE people you help EVERY DAY, the MORE MONEY you will make in the long run.
That's because within every gesture of help, there is something valuable that EVERYBODY wants: love. Kids want love, teenagers want love, parents want love, senior people want love, politicians want love, aliens from planet Mars want love. Just kidding.
Your ultimate product is LOVE!
And you give it by talking, sharing, caring, teaching, guiding, helping, etc. And the more you give it, the more you will receive in return (in cash, goodwill, reputation, etc.).
People who are poor, are simply people who are withholding the love inside of them, and refuse to give it to others.
And to make matters worse, there are business books written that advocate the use of military principles from Sun Tzu or political (and diabolical) principles from Machiavelli.
In the end, wealth is very simple: it's about unleashing the natural wealth that you have within you, and that can only be love. If you don't love the people you are serving, and you don't empathize with them, then forget about wealth.
Wealth comes from spiritual knowledge, not business knowledge. Business knowledge gives you the HOW, but only spiritual knowledge (in particular, knowing that we are all one and that serving the other person is REALLY serving yourself) gives you the WHY. The WHY is the all-powerful force or Omniscience that flows into your being and whispers to you exactly what to say and what to do to enrich other people and yourself, and make the world a better place.