Saturday, November 01, 2008

Allow your inner wealth to express itself

Check out this site:

There are more and more sites like that, offering what seems like a miracle recipe to people who seek financial freedom and wealth.

And yet, most of these wealth "recipes" are only acting as placebo.

Here are two definitions of "placebo":

1. a substance having no pharmacological effect but given merely to satisfy a patient who supposes it to be a medicine.

2. Something of no intrinsic remedial value that is used to appease or reassure another.

In both definitions, it's about a mental operation performed on the person, so she BELIEVES that a cause has been set in motion in order to produce an effect.

This belief is actually relief. It helps people to let go of their resistance, and this very resistance is what PREVENTS people from becoming rich.

In other words, when you study multimillionaire authors and teachers like Stephen Pierce above, or Rich Schefren, or anybody else, keep in mind that their psychological impact on you is immensely more important than their intellectual impact.

In short, their value is that they help you to BELIEVE that you CAN become a millionaire.

However, they cannot just reveal that intention, because it would defeat the purpose of creating a placebo effect.

Once you BELIEVE and KNOW that you are, deep inside, wealthier than you can possibly imagine, then wealth comes to you naturally. But to get to that point of absolute belief and knowing, is very difficult because we have all been trained to think that we are poor, and that we have to work for a living.

The masterful gurus are those who are able to "free your mind." They know very well that their tools and techniques are just props and equipment to help you get to a point where you totally accept and embrace your millionaire identity.

But they know that if they just told you what I told you, you would NOT believe them. So they create all kinds of fancy-sounding techniques and programs to convince you, one step at a time, that you are capable of becoming rich.

My approach could be called "Inner Wealth Consciousness" in that I strive to help my consulting clients to relax and access their natural wealth consciousness.

I tell my clients that "if you do not feel wealthy, you will not become wealthy." In other words, outer wealth comes from inner wealth.

So don't try to "make money" but strive to identify your strengths, your worth, your self-esteem, etc. and translate it into physical terms. Wealth creation then is a translation process.

Many people who seek wealth, have an attitude of poverty. They focus on their lack, on their weaknesses, on their constraints ("I don't have enough time; I have no money; I don't have the right education; I don't have business experience; etc."). This poverty-focused attitude will only bring more poverty into their lives. Not just financial poverty, but social poverty, psychological poverty, etc. Even their health will suffer.

My point is that EVERYBODY, including you, is immensely wealthy -- naturally. But we create resistance to this inner wealth, which is our natural birthright.

This resistance comes from our ego, which is a false self -- an illusion. This ego always wants to be right, even at the expense of being happy or rich. This ego defends itself and justifies everything it does.

So the key to wealth and happiness is simply to let go of your ego. Be like a child, and enjoy life every single moment. Allow your joy to flow forth from within, and you will then feel the power of the spirit inside of you.

Once this happens, wealth will come naturally to you. You will no longer resist your happiness and wealth and joy in life.

Everything that you want in life will naturally appear to you, in what appears to be coincidences. Yet, they are NOT coincidences; they are simply the result of your finally understanding that you create your own reality, and the best way to create the best reality is to cultivate a keen awareness of your infinite worth and to let go of all resistance stemming from the ego.