Sunday, September 28, 2008

Feminist and Masculinist

I met a friend a while back, and he asked me if the training company I co-founded,, was a feminist organization.

I'd say that I'm a feminist but also a masculinist. I fight for the liberation of BOTH men and women.

We often hear the expression "it's a man's world," yet it's highly inaccurate. If it's really a world where men are winning at the expense of women, then how can one explain the fact that more men than women die in wars, or are imprisoned?

The challenges and indeed woes that men and women face, are different, but men struggle with their own issues and need help to find their "masculine" side. They need help and guidance to find their strength within, so they can live consciously and according to what they feel is right.

The minute a man decides to fearlesslt live the life he WANTS to live, regardless of the opinions of others and of society (by the way, "society" doesn't exist), then he becomes captain, and the men around him will recognize their leader and learn from his personal example of leadership. They might even follow in his footsteps and join the fight for the freedom of Man.

It is the same with women. It only takes ONE woman who lives consciously, courageously and boldly, for other women around her to raise their energy to her level, at which point they too will feel their eternal strength within. This is when they decide and commit to taking charge of their lives.

Most people delay living the life of their dreams, not because there are real obstacles, but because they hang on to their fear.

This reminds me of the technique that circus people use to control an elephant: at a very young age, the elephant's foot is attached to a big pole, so the elephant cannot go anywhere. It tries to, but it soon feels the chain. Over time, the elephant grows in size and strength and is indeed capable of breaking free from its chain, yet it DOESN'T! That's because it has been conditioned to think that it CANNOT break the chain.

In psychology, it's what they call "learned helplessness."

It's the same with people. They are intellectually capable of achieving financial freedom, but psychologically paralyzed.

In today's society, most people are helpless. But this helplessness and powerlessness is only an illusion. People indeed have enormous powers within themselves. They can do anything.

Unfortunately, they doubt themselves at every turn. For every new idea they have, they immediately think of 10 negative consequences, and this raises the specter of fear within them.

Fear is like the brake, while faith is like the gas pedal. You simply CANNOT press both the gas pedal and the brake!

Once you let go of your fear, and start pressing the gas pedal of faith, there is no limit to how far you can go.

This reminds me of the almost hallucinating experience I had, years ago, when I learned how to drive a car. I couldn't believe that by gently pressing the gas pedal, the whole car moved forward!

It is the same with your life. If you let go of fear and do, right now, what you've always wanted to do, your whole life will start moving forward. Learning how to "drive" one's life, is no more difficult than learning how to drive a car.

Here's another analogy to drive home the point that fear and faith are opposites: try to flex your biceps while ALSO flexing your triceps. You can't. The split second that you decide to flex one muscle, you are instantly paralyzing the other muscle.

The success secret is to realize that freedom is your eternal condition, and so you can choose fear or freedom at any point in time. It's up to you. Fear leads you to repeat the past, while faith leads you to create the future that you want.