Sunday, October 05, 2008

Why not franchise your success?

Here's a tough question for you: Are you successful in ANY area of life?

Chances are, you are successful in at least one area. I'm convinced of that. Sometimes, you just have to look carefully.

The next question is, Why not franchise your success? In other words, why not capture in the form of a book or a 20-page ebook the process or methodology you used to become successful in your field?

Here's the reason why I asked that question: If you cannot write a simple 20-page ebook to describe your "success process", then perhaps you do NOT have one.

Some people might counter, "Well, Peter, I'm not a writer." That's not a problem, you can hire a ghostwriter.

So what happens if you do not have a success process? What if you succeeded, but do not have a process?

Well, that would be like succeeding at baking a great cake, but not having the recipe to share it (or sell it) with other people.

In that case, you might be losing TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS!

Here's an example in my case. I was successful at creating many workshops now being taught at

So a few weeks ago, I thought, "Why don't I capture the process I (intuitively) used to create such successful workshops, and then sell that ebook and make enough dollars to buy a Maserati?"

Needless to say, I was pretty excited at that idea!

Then I thought of, the portal I created with my brother and associate Joe. We're making money, Joe even took a snapshot of the first check we received from Google!

Why don't I capture all the emails, chats and phone conversations we had, as well as the process we used to plan and launch too, why not?

My point is that if you succeed at something, that's great. You'll be making some money. But if you can CAPTURE the process you used to become successful, then you will BECOME RICH!

Why? Because success requires personal effort, while selling a process (in the form of a DVD, ebook, etc.) only requires a website. This means you'll be making PASSIVE INCOME! Yes, that means making money while you're sleeping!

The key is to ask yourself, "What is it that I'm doing in my life, that works for me and that produces GOOD, POSITIVE results?" Next, write down the process you use, and sell it to the entire world.

I'm available for consulting on this topic, at a rate of $100 for 2 hours by phone. Contact me if you want to further explore this incredible money-making opportunity.