Saturday, December 09, 2006

Steps of knowledge

In the previous posting, I mentioned "steps of knowledge."

Such a step can only be made IF:
  1. You know precisely what to do
  2. You do precisely what you know

In fact, it's little more complicated because it takes a while before you develop perfect knowledge of what to do, and perfect faith in the knowledge to do exactly what you KNOW you should do. However, the following are five phases that you can go through in order to develop precise knowledge and disciplined action:

  1. Focus on one task to do.
  2. Implement it. Just do it.
  3. Reflect on the results you get.
  4. Seek feedback from wiser and more experienced people on the results you got
  5. Transfer your lessons learned and distinctions acquired to the next activity.

Notice by the way that step 4 is critical in acquiring useful experience. Many people neglect that step and, as a result, they often misinterpret the results they get. Therefore, they learn the WRONG lessons and this keeps them going perpetually in the wrong direction.