Saturday, July 05, 2008

What is Twitter?

See what Twitter is all about HERE, HERE, and especially HERE.

Most reporters will describe what Twitter obviously is all about, but not what it could strategically be for.

Similarly, 99.99% of people will use Twitter the way it was designed to be used, NOT the way it could strategically be used for, to advance one's personal, professional or business agenda.

In the following example, one guy uses Twitter to write a book, probably a best-seller soon:

Ahem, as I was saying, most people do not have the strategic imagination to develop NEW ways to use a specific Internet application to serve their specific goals.

The most important feature perhaps of Twitter is that you can read a 140-character post by someone, and ask that person a question about it. That person can reply to you (and can choose to make that reply visible to all or not).

I wrote in a previous post that one of the best ways to get rich is to TEACH.

Twitter enables precisely that, although I would call it "micro-teaching" since you can't write more than 140 character per post (although you can post as often as you like).

A few well known Internet marketers, such as John Reese, have publicly recommended the use of Twitter so anyone who is seeking Internet wealth would be well advised to study Twitter and learn how to leverage it.

Twitter is so exciting that I feel like writing a User Manual about it, just like the Linkedin User Manual I wrote several years ago (

Before I forget, feel free to open an account at Twitter and to follow the Lazy Millionaire at This guy is onto something big, and you definitely don't want to miss out on the secrets he shares every day.