Sunday, June 22, 2008

Everybody will be naked

In the New Economy, nobody can hide anymore. Everybody's productivity will be in full view. In short, everybody will be "naked."

In other words, income will be solely determined by outcome -- that is, by what you actually produce.

To put it more bluntly, it will be useless to show up at the office. Rather than show up, you have you show results.

A new book by Cali Ressling and Jody Thomson drives this point home:

This is a RADICAL change in how people normally view "work."

Indeed, in the past, all you had to do was compete for a job, get it, and then do whatever was on your job description. You didn't have to "manage yourself" since that was, essentially, the job of your boss.

Today, however, there are no bosses. You are your own boss, and you have to manage your own productivity, whether you're a receptionnist or a VP of marketing.

All employees, in effect, have to learn to operate as "business units of one."

Ressling and Thomson, in their book, reveal an unconscious formula that most corporations seem to operate under:

Time + Physical Presence = Results

That equation might have been true in the previous era where "labor" did not know much, and where the central management paradigm was "command and control." Sort of like an army. Workers were soldiers who MUST execute the procedures as written by higher-ups.

Today, however, there are more and more knowledge workers who work with their brains, not their hands. And creativity is a funny thing: it follows its own schedule.

For instance, you can't tell a programmer or a marketing planner to be creative next Monday morning at 9:00 AM sharp. All an employer can do is create the right conditions for such talented professionals to be creative.

Beyond the time aspect, there is also the space aspect. Forcing workers to show up at the SAME place, every day, five days a week, is NOT a recipe for boosting creativity.

So what will replace the Time + Physical Presence = Results formula?

Mind X Passion X Talent X Values X Desire to serve = Business Outcome = Personal Income

I will write more about that.