Tuesday, June 10, 2008

you must become You in order to become wealthy

I'm not sure if all readers will understand the following, but for those who are ready to receive this knowledge, it might make a huge difference in their lives.

Here's the secret: "you" have to become "You" before you can access extraordinary powers.

In other words, you have to reconsider your true identity. You have to re-examine who you TRULY are.

Put differently, you are only a role that you're playing out on this planet. Life is a stage, and you are currently only playing a role. You're an actor.

Roosevelt, the former U.S. president, thoroughly understood this. He once said to Orson Welles: "We are the two greatest actors in America!"

Thomas Watson, the founder of IBM and perhaps one of the greatest capitalists of the 20th century, also said: "You should clearly visualize the ideal person you want to be in five years, and start, RIGHT NOW, to act precisely like that person."

In other words, play the role of the person you want to become. Play that role with enough authenticity so that you -- and not only the audience -- will truly feel it.

So when I say, "Become You," I mean become the writer and director of your life-movie. Your life is very much like a movie or a theatrical performance.

In other words, if you don't like your current role, write another one. And this time, write it with precise details so you know EXACTLY how you're going to act it out.

This reminds me of a question that my sister Zoonie once asked me. "Do you ever feel doubt or uncertainty when you make decisions?" Almost as a reflex, as CEO of Talentelle, I immediately replied: "No. I always feel supremely confident."

I meant that as a joke, but in truth, that's precisely how I feel. You can't lead an organization, whether it's a small business or a large multinational consortium, if you don't realize that the top executive must play his role with overflowing conviction and unquestionable authority.

And this is not testosterone talking. Women like Martha Stewart or Oprah or the late Mother Teresa, play their role with utmost conviction. Like any good actor.

Angelina Jolie plays her role as Lara Croft, the aristocratic heroine, with unquestionable authenticity.

Similarly, it would help if you could write out, in detail, the leading role you wish to play in your life, and then start rehearsing that role so you can deliver a performance, every day, worthy of an Oscar!

Now, I have to tell you that there are good news and bad news.

The good news is that there are 6.5 billion people on this planet, therefore there are 6.5 billion plays or movies. This means there are 6.5 billion heroes or heroines who are the stars in their own movies.

The bad news is that most people have not yet realized this.

They haven't yet realized that they ARE the star in their own movie! They are also the writer, director, producer and audience!

So as a woman, you are the star in your own movie. As a mother, you are "only" a supporting actor in your child's life. As a wife, you are "only" a supporting actor in your husband's life.

But as a woman who has her own dreams and aspirations, you are THE star in your own life.

Many women do not realize this, and play a supporting role for 10 or 20 0r even 30 years, before they finally realize, one day, that they've got to life their own life. Oprah calls it "the disease to please."

Many men also have not realized this. They have become "organization men" and sacrifice themselves for the benefit and success of their employing organizations.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with playing a supportive role. They even give out Oscars for best supporting actors!

But the whole point of each life is that it be lived from the point of view of the star, that is, from YOUR point of view.

And to achieve this, you have to move from a "you" identity (which is just a role that, somehow, almost by accident, you fell into) and a "You" identity (which is a powerfully creative identity composed of a talented actor, writer, director, producer and audience).

The "you" identity is, in most cases, a victim identity: you find yourself in an environment that conditions your responses and "forces" you to think and act in certain ways. Most of the time, you don't know exactly which lines to deliver with conviction.

The "You" identity, on the other hand, is one where you have supreme control over your life experience, because you KNOW that you can create it exactly as you fantasize it to be.

Since wealth is a matter of economic creativity, then shifting to a "You" identity will give you the immense powers you need to create value which, once compounded, will result in enormous wealth.

In plain English, it means you have to grow aware of the fact that you are the creator, instigator, driver, writer, initiator, etc. of everything in your life. You have to take responsibility for everything that happens in your life.

Even a wife who's being, say, abused verbally by her husband, has to acknowledge that she bears some responsibility in creating that situation. In other words, as long as she thinks of herself as a victim and plays out that role, the situation will continue exactly as before.

Same thing with an employee who feels that his boss is exploiting him. He has to stop thinking of himself as an "exploited employee" and rewrite his new role.

Duality exists everywhere. There cannot be an oppressor if there is no oppressed. There cannot be black if there is no white.

Similarly, if you want to receive ideas from the universe, you've GOT to start acting and behaving like creative people. For example, creative people ALWAYS carry a notepad and pencil everywhere they go. Picasso carried a notepad, Leonard Da Vinci carried a notepad, and I also carry a notepad.

(Notice how I elegantly inserted myself into such distinguished company, haha!).

So my number one advice to people who want to become wealthy is: "Generate ideas!"

Every day. Next, test your ideas. Create a prototype and put it in people's hands. I often do this on Linkedin Answers. I reveal a LOT of product or service ideas, and get instantly feedback from dozens of very smart people.

In other words, stop intellectualizing. Stop thinking. Stop complaining. Stop justifying why you're doing something or not doing something. Stop watching the news.

Just generate ideas so that eventually, you can select a good idea and develop a product from it.

A product is absolutely critical if you want to become rich.

I will write more about it, I call it the Productism Doctrine. Briefly, this doctrine predicts that all professionals will, one day, become Product Managers. And this "product" will be created through the strategically orchestrated reengineering of their human capital.