Sunday, June 08, 2008

Find the seed of WEALTH within you

People seeking financial wealth and freedom often -- and I mean, most of the time! -- think that wealth is something external that is "out there" and so, they venture forth into the world to seek "opportunities."

But the outer world is only a reflection of the inner world. If you feel wealthy inside, and are deeply grateful for the (amazing) wealth that you ALREADY possess, there will be more wealth in your life. Opportunities will come to you effortlessly, as if by magic.

Concretely, it's important to search within and find, within oneself, the "seed of wealth."

This seed could be your irrepressible passion for something (what Richard Bolles, author of What Color Is Your Parachute, calls your "field of fascination"). For instance, some are passionate about cars, others are passionate about jewelry, yet others are passionate about graphic design or interior design or, in my case, calligraphy (Western calligraphy).

Your seed of wealth could also be a talent that you have. Read Tom Rath's Strengths Finder 2.0 book, to find your five top talents. Then, make them work together synergistically to create your "super-talent."

Also, your seed of wealth could be a type of client that you feel a really, really, really great connection to, and want to work with absolutely. I feel a strong connection to graphic designers because I like the way they think. They always try to make the world a more beautiful place. Being a calligrapher, I also understand some of their visual language.

I can't really say whether your seed of wealth is about your passion, your talent or your connection to a certain kind of people, but I DO know that whatever it is, this seed of wealth lies within you.

But it is hidden. You cannot easily find it. Sometimes, people find it by accident but then ignore it, dismissing it as just some seed. Of course, they don't understand that great things grow and flourish from a single seed! They don't understand that with the exception of the lottery, all wealth is first created in a very small way, but that it grows effortlessly and in a compounding fashion, like the compound interest on a savings bank account.

The tragedy is that most people go out in the world looking for wealth while completely ignoring their major source of wealth, which lies within.

By careful introspection, one can find this seed of wealth within, and begin the exciting process of cultivating this seed until one becomes extremely rich.

If you are currently working as an employee, you can be sure that a person, a long time ago, did find his or her seed of wealth. That's how your employing organization was born.

There's nothing wrong with being an employee while you are searching for your own seed of wealth, because you can learn from your employer how business is built, developed, refined. Everything that you learn as an employee, will be useful to you as an entrepreneur -- should you choose to become one later on.

Sometimes, it can be greatly beneficial to work for free for an entrepreneur that you believe will make it big. This way, you learn from the entrepreneur how to align with your true self -- this alignment is where incredible power is found and unleashed.

In fact, Robert Kiyosaki did precisely that. In his formative years, he worked in Hawaii as a volunteer for Anthony Robbins, and learned as much as he could from the famous personal development guru.

Once you've found your seed of wealth, the next step will be to "plant" it in a fertile environment where it can grow.