Friday, June 06, 2008

My strange yet powerful secret

This post will sound a little strange, so I just thought I'd warn you ahead of time. But don't worry, it won't be too weird! (I've been weirder before in my life, haha!).

Here's what I want to tell you: I have the incredible feeling that this year, I'll be getting super rich. Just as I wanted and actually predicted at the beginning of this year. Things just happen so fast. The manifestation process is truly working.

My fortune will happen in the information and advice publishing industry, although I plan to launch businesses outside of that industry.

How do I know for sure that I'll be a millionaire soon? Simple: There is a mysterious flow of incredible, powerful and highly profitable business ideas that keep coming to my little brain!

If you came to my place, you'd see boxes and boxes containing notebooks and notepads all FILLED WITH MILLION-DOLLAR IDEAS. I'm not kidding.

I don't mean "million-dollar ideas" in the sense of an invention like Google or a similar technology, but rather, a simple digital product which can sell for as little as $10 and can be sold worldwide via Internet.

Why am I telling you this? Because I'd like to encourage you to review all the posts I've written so far. Some of them contain the secrets that have enabled me to create such powerful fortune-making ideas.

Also visit, where I share many more ideas and will keep sharing until I die (at around age 120). :-)

Another thing I want to say is that if you want to learn the MAXIMUM from me, I invite you to email me all your questions. As a guide and teacher, I simply cannot give answers when the question has not been asked.

It would be like a parent ramming food down the throat of a child who is screaming, "But... but... I'm not hungry!!"

People who don't ask questions, are not curious. That is, their minds are NOT open (even though they may say that are "open-minded"). They really get nowhere in life, because they somehow think they already know everything.

Obviously, as a subscriber to this blog, you value knowledge. And you know that I freely share my knowledge as soon as I get it (hence, the blog name "real-time success secrets").

So go ahead and ask me anything about new product creation, entrepreneurship, marketing, business, finance, management, women. Wait, don't ask me about women, I'm still clueless! Women are fabulous creatures who also happen to be blissfully complex. Give me ten more years of studying them! :-)

Anyways, my strange yet powerful secret is that I act like as if every thought I have will become reality, and that nothing in this world can stop me. If you act the same, you will realize -- as I did -- that you have vast and incredible powers to create any life you want.