Monday, June 02, 2008

I wrote previously that by teaching valuable stuff, one can become rich.

Now, there's a FREE service on the Web where you can have free conference calls:

Many people on Linkedin have provided positive testimonials, so I guess it works.

You can have up to 96 people participating on any given conference call, and the maximum duration of each call is 6 hours. is part of a "free Web services" trend where technologies enable human beings to communicate with one another with greater ease and convenience. Skype, Youtube,, Blogger, Linkedin, Facebook, etc. are part of such free Web-based communication services.

The success secret therefore lies in having knowledge worth sharing.

Indeed, you can be connected to 6.5 billion people via the Internet, yet if you don't have valuable knowledge to share, you won't receive a dime.

How do you start to capture your valuable knowledge?

One way is to complete this sentence: "If I only had 48 hours to live, then I would like to tell the entire world about one thing that I discovered in life, and that is ............................"

In my case, I would write in that blank something like: "In order to succeed, you have to decide what activity to become excellent at, and then practice it every single day without fail."

And from that one statement, I would try to write a 2-page article. From the article, I would try to write a chapter of a book, and then write the whole book.

My point is that sharing valuable knowledge is one of the easiest ways to become rich.

But writing out your knowledge won't be easy at the beginning. However, I can guarantee you that it will get easier and easier over time. But you've got to start now.

Just buy a notepad and carry it with you everywhere you go. And start writing down all your ideas.

Before you know it, you'll have enough material to set up a workshop and charge people for it.

The important thing to understand is that most of your powerful and valuable ideas will not come from you, the conscious you, but from a mysterious, universal Subconscious that somehow communicates with your local subconscious AFTER you have activated your subconscious to be receptive to new ideas.

This is precisely what happened to me in the last few years. I decided to write down ALL the ideas that come to me, and I usually get dozens of powerful ideas every day! And it's not because I'm smarter than other people. It's just that I understand that ideas are the foundations of wealth.

That is, an idea could very well be the seed of your multimillionaire empire.

Of course, not all ideas will result in riches, but still, you've got to plant those ideas in actual environments and watch them grow while taking care of them.

The success secret is quite simple: the more ideas you have every day, the faster you will get to financial freedom.

A person who has no idea, will always be forced to work for someone who has ideas.

Yet, nobody has a monopoly on imagination. Everybody, without exception, has imagination. It's just that so few actually use their imagination.

Why? Because school taught us to value intellect, not imagination.

Yet, without imagination, there can be no new ideas. And without new ideas, there can be no new value created. And without new value created, there can be no wealth.

So the rich and poor should not be called the "haves" and have nots", but "those who imagine" and "those who don't imagine."