Friday, June 20, 2008

Tell me what you want me to write about

The following are posts that I plan to write in the next few weeks. If you see one that particularly excites your imagination, please feel free to email me while writing the number (e.g. 505) in the subject heading, and I will write that post first. No need to write anything in the email.

This is what I call "on-demand blogging" and it enables me to write about what you want to read. Thanks for participating!

501 - An imperfect product is better than a perfect job. This is because only a product can be distributed worldwide through Internet, thereby enriching you so you can become financially free.

502 - Income depends on outcome, and outcome depend on process design, the right talent and the right environment.

503 - The first step to wealth is to email all your knowledge, tacit and explicit, to all your friends and connections. You can also use the PKI format (professional knowledge index, in mind map format).

504 - "Work Once Liquidate Forever" economic doctrine. This doctrine says that you should only do work that you can reuse or leverage the following day. "To do" lists therefore are not as useful as "to create" lists. It's best to create "digital currencies" which you can trade or sell to others. A digital currency is any digital document that has value and that you can email to others.

505 - Compounding intellectual capital doctrine. This doctrine is about how to create intellectual capital (i.e. valuable and marketable knowledge) in a way that allows this capital to grow almost automatically, so that you can get rich in a seemingly automatic way.

506 - The richness of your life depends on the degree to which you have mastered the art of seduction. It's about seducing others, but mostly about seducing oneself. Se-duce means "to draw to oneself," and it is best to first have a keen awareness of one's best or highest self. One can then allow oneself to be drawn to this ideal self.