Monday, July 07, 2008

Farrah Gray, Reincarnation, Spiritual Beliefs

At the video above, you can catch a glimpse of the breathtaking life of Dr Farrah Gray, who became a millionaire by the age of... 14!

I became aware of his existence only today, as I was browsing through his latest book, Get Real Get Rich.

"Millionaire at 14." I thought it was a typo. Nope. The kid made a million dollars when he was 14. (I made $3.54 an hour when I was 16. Life is so unfair! To compensate for my ridiculously low minimum wage, I shamelessly flirted with the two cashiers at the fast food joint where I was working -- Jasmine and France). :-P

Enough whining, let's get back to the main story.

It's quite inspiring how he explained the word "Reallionaire," which he coined. It's somebody who became rich from the inside, by being REAL.

Watching this video, I remembered a conversation over supper with my brother and his wife two days ago. We were talking about reincarnation.

I suggested that it's possible that as spiritual beings (or souls), we have many lives. Furthermore, we carry in our subconscious memory the knowledge, skills and qualities developed in prior lives.

So it's quite possible that when Farrah Gray was born, he already had in his memory the knowhow, qualities and talents -- developed in past lives -- which enabled him to succeed so quickly, despite the fact that he came from a poor family.

Reincarnation also explains how Mozart and other geniuses had such extraordinary gifts at a young age.

These beings came into Life with a very firm and very specific intention. In the case of Farrah, it is obvious that he wanted to be a teacher who would inspire others, especially Black boys and girls who, for historical reasons, have had a hard time believing in themselves.

But as a teacher, he is only as credible as his biography. So it was necessary for him to be born in a poor family, so that he could prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that ANYONE can succeed and become a reallionaire.

Had he been born with a silver spoon and to wealthy parents, with all the associated priviledges, he would not have been as effective nor as credible as a teacher.

Many who come into Life with the firm intention of becoming teachers, have often had a very hard life. Yet the harsh life and the adversity are only testing conditions designed and calculated so that the greatness of the person would emerge.

Indeed, one can only teach strength if one has had the opportunity to develop it from within, as as result of adversity. Well-known examples of teachers include Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, etc.

This is why I think spiritual beliefs are important. If you're going through a tough time, it's probably calculated so that a good quality will emerge from your situation. You will become a stronger person. A more sensitive person. A more caring person.

If you're going through smooth sailing and everything is fine and dandy, then enjoy your life for it's also probable that your abundance and joy and happiness came as a result of efforts that you made earlier in this life or in a previous life.