Sunday, January 17, 2010

Focus on ROI might limit your wealth creation

I wrote a few days ago that a focus on ROI (return on investment) might actually LIMIT how much money you make, and how much wealth you build for yourself.

Let me explain.

The mindset of someone who calculates "strategically and rationally" where to invest his time, energy and/or money, will sometimes force him to overthink and over-analyze. That is, he will tend to be very, very cautious.

This doesn't mean he or she cannot get a good ROI on investments. In fact, people who understand investing and actually take the time to scrutinize the business and micro economics of the companies they invest in, will definitely earn a satisfactory return.

So please understand that I am not "bashing" people who are smart enough and courageous enough to delve into investment seminars, workshops and books in order to better manage their money (which, in most cases, was hard earned).

Indeed, anyone who uses her brain strategically, is to be commended. So few people actually use their intellectual faculties.

However, the secret I want to share with you is that often, in life, you've got to GIVE EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW WITHOUT THINKING RATIONALLY. Just do it spontaneously.

When (or if) you are able to do this, you actually activate a certain vibration within you. The sacred vibration of wealth.

This is why the current Haiti disaster, at a higher level, is a strange blessing for hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. They see the misery, feel compassion, then go to the Red Cross website to donate money.

I heard of a woman on welfare who gave forty bucks. I also heard of an old lady who used her $1,500, which she had saved for a vacation this year, to give to the Haiti relief.

The people who give their time, such as Roger Federer's excellent idea of organizing a exhibition tennis match called Hit for Haiti, or who give their money, are activating within themselves the wealth vibration.

And given the infallibility of the Law of Attraction, they will attract more wealth into their lives.

My point in this post is that when you give WITHOUT THINKING, then you create wealth WITHIN YOU.

Unlike smart investing decisions,which occur at the conscious level, giving without thinking (and doing so consistently) operates at an UNCONSCIOUS level.

The spiritual secret that I'm currently discussing, has been explained extensively by T. Harv Eker in his best seller, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. Read that book over and over, it will change your life.

This spiritual secret is simple: you only give to yourself, and you only receive from yourself.

So if you want to receive a LOT of abundance, you must first give out a LOT of abundance.

Some people will wait until they are rich before they give to others. But that is like waiting for your reflection in the mirror to smile before you smile. It cannot work that way!

You must give before you can receive, in the same way that you must smile before you see a smiling reflection in the mirror!

Given that principle, how do you get wealthy? You must give, give, give, and then give some more.

Giving must become an unconscious reflex of every day.

This has been my secret in business: I never stop thinking about giving more, more, more, and more to my clients.

This principle of giving before receiving, explains why the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. The rich acquire capital or create businesses which enable them to give more to more people, hence they receive more wealth as a result.

Poor people often look at their conditions, and conclude that they are poor and have little to give. So they don't even give the little they have. Result? They get poorer and poorer.

In short, it's not that there are the haves and have nots. Rather, there are people who think of giving (business people) and there are people who don't think of giving (the poor).

Please understand I'm not passing judgment against poor people. I merely observe how the rich get richer.

Poor people don't understand how it works, so they unwittingly perpetuate the poverty cycle. Hence, it is said that "it is extremely expensive to be poor."

It is not the poor conditions surrounding a poor person that perpetuates the vicious cycle, but the poor thinking that the poor person has adopted and keeps sustaining.

Employees could also be considered "poor." In particular, employees who only do the minimum and who never create anything new at work, are destined to remain employees for a long time.

I was able to quit corporate America at age 31 because I read all of Edward de Bono's books and learned to be creative.

I created all sorts of value in the last 10 years, and am now well on my way to become rich.

Of course, it wasn't easy. But as a wealth teacher, it was necessary for me to make all the mistakes so I could properly teach other people. This way, they won't have to make the costly mistakes I made.

Here's a powerful secret I want to share with you: the path to wealth is sequential and includes the following steps (which I will discuss in more detail later on):

analysis --> value --> job --> business --> investment vehicle --> wealth

Friday, January 15, 2010

Exciting jobs for my subscribers only

I'm in the middle of creating a Job Creation Program (JCP), where I help people to create their perfect job within one of my companies. Register here:

This offer is only for subscribers of this blog. There are about 450 of you. :)

Do or doubt + sexy girl in a bikini

Yesterday, I wrote about a success principle stating that you can choose to either DO or DOUBT, but never both.

Doing, is like pressing on the gas pedal. You're moving forward in whatever project you've undertaken.

Doubting, is like pressing on the brake. You will slow down until you completely stop.

This analogy will help to see how ridiculous or silly it is to do something while doubting that you will succeed at it. It's really like pressing on the gas pedal and, AT THE SAME TIME, pressing on the brake!

Some people might say, "Well, I'm not doubting myself, but there are people around me (well-meaning family and friends) who make me lose confidence. Then, I start doubting myself."

Not true. Only you can doubt yourself. The negative or pessimistic opinions and views of others, are like road signs. Concretely, it's like as if they were holding the red STOP sign.

You do NOT have to slow down or stop. If you do stop or slow down, it is because you choose to.

Given the above, it should be fairly clear that you can do anything in life -- one step at a time, of course.

Once again, an analogy will be useful for this principle of progressing "one step at a time."

When you drive a car and accelerate, you CANNOT go from 0 miles per hour to 90 mph instantly. You have to go through intermediate stages or speeds, such as 10 mph, then 20, etc.

Yes, your goal might be to get to a speed of 100 mph, but you can only do so one step or stage at a time.

This success philosophy is what I call "practical idealism."

It means you set an "ideal" vision or goal, but you take "practical" actions where you are right now, and you fully invest yourself into each step or action.

Oprah has a neat saying: "Doing my best right now, puts me in the best position for my next move."

Given the awesome success she has achieved, one would be wise to study what her statement means exactly.

It means that investing yourself 100% into whatever you do, is a reflex of mind and being that will inevitably lead to great success.

So whether you're cleaning the house or walking in the park, do it 100%, with your consciousness fully absorbed into what you do.

In short, "what" you do is not as important as "how" you do it -- with full concentration and focus.

Whatever success and excellence I have achieved in my life, I owe it totally to my ability -- developed early in life -- to focus 100% of myself on the task at hand.

For example, I'm so focused right now on writing this post. My mind is fully absorbed and I strive to share the best of what I know with you.

I'm so concentrated that if a sexy girl in a tiny bikini passed in front of my laptop right now, I wouldn't even notice her. Okay, I'm just kidding, hey I'm not gay and I'm not dead.

I would stop typing and would talk to her while thinking of a casual way to pull out my business card and give it to her, so she can see my title ("President") and be impressed enough to give me her phone number.

By the way, if you're a guy reading this, that is a cool secret you must know. Print business cards because that's an easy way to attract women's attention. Doesn't matter what your business is (women don't care about theh details anyways!).

But seriously, EVERYBODY on this planet will soon become entrepreneurs. "Jobs" will no longer exist, at least not for people who are seriously ambitious.

Here, we go back to my main idea for this post: you cannot DO and DOUBT at the same time, and then expect to succeed in life.

An employee is usually someone who does something (presumably of value) every day, but doubts herself so she stops every day at 5 PM.

This is why there is no "acceleration" in most jobs: by the time the clock shows "4 PM", employees start slowing down.

This is like accelerating from 0 mph to 40 mph, then STOPPING at 5 PM.

Entrepreneurs don't stop at 5 PM, they continue the acceleration. They never stop thinking and "obsessing" about their product or service or solution, and continually use their imagination to create more value -- more, more, more!

This is how they get rich. This is how they attract girls in tiny bikinis, like the one I mentioned a few paragraphs ago (hey, where did she go? Anybody seen her?).

(to be continued)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Focus on the process, not results

To complement what I wrote yesterday regarding believing in yourself and ACTING on your inspired idea, I wish to make a clarification.

I wrote that you should implement an exciting idea without regard to other people's opinions, however do keep in mind that this idea should feel EXCITING to you.

Other people, including friends, family, coworkers, will tend to be cautious, conservative and, well, pessimistic.

Nevertheless, this does not mean you shouldn't consider their analysis.

Just keep in mind -- and this is really important as I have found out myself -- that people will evaluate your ideas based on the PAST.

Most importantly, they will not consider your feeling excited (about your idea) as a relevant factor in their analysis of whether your idea will work.

Yet that is precisely my point: if you truly feel excited about your idea, you should implement it right away. Why even talk to other people about it?

This doesn't mean you can FULLY implement your idea. It simply means you can take decisive steps (these steps should be irreversible, if possible) toward implementing your idea.

The secret is this: In life, in order to succeed, you either DO or you DOUBT. You cannot do both.

Yoda put it differently: "Do or do not. There is no try."

In other words, he's saying that when you "try" to do something, you implicitly acknowledge to yourself and others that there is the possibility of failure. In short, you doubt that you will succeed.

This doubt itself WILL attract to you all kinds of obstacles and difficulties that, had you been totally confident and secure and calm, would not have appeared.

In short, your doubts CREATE your difficulties.

Doubting oneself, is like driving a car down the road while focusing on the tree instead of focusing on the road. You will eventually run into the tree!

This may sound obvious to you, but trust me, I coach entrepreneurs and have noticed many times that they doubt themselves.

So how do you get rid of your doubts?

Here's a trick to put yourself into a supremely confident state of mind WHILE fully enjoying the process or the project you are doing.

Think of a movie that you've enjoyed watching before. In my case, it would be Fight Club.

Now, you KNOW how it ends. It does end well.

So the second time you watch it, you no longer worry or wonder about the ending. You just fully enjoy the movie.

It's the same whenever you do a new project. Imagine that it ends well. Then, you only have to enjoy the process of "getting it done."

What makes it hard for us to enjoy the process, is society's obsession with "results."

As long as a person obsesses about results, he/she is not fully invested in the process (or the game being played). Ironically, the result therefore cannot be good.

On the other hand, when you focused on HAVING FUN right here and right now, the results will take care of themselves.

Think this is farfetched? Consider the advice that Tony Hsieh gave on Oprah. Hsieh is the founder and CEO of He's only 26 years old.

He said, you should choose work that you are totally passionate about, even if you don't make money for 10 years.

In other words, he's saying that process (or the game being played) is more important than results.

In the next post, I go even further. I will explain why a focus on "return on investment" can actually be detrimental in business and investing.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How I made $1,000 per hour

In my other blog,, I wrote in December 2008 about making $1,000 an hour and in 2009, I did... precisely that!

I earned about $1,000 an hour while working on contract for a university.

The secret I want to share with you, is that you can earn ANY amount of money per hour. You just have to set your intention and learn to believe it. By this, I mean you have to think OBSESSIVELY about making $1,000 an hour (or whatever amount you aim for).

That is the power of the Law of Attraction!

I spent two years studying the teachers of the Law of Attraction, mostly Esther Hicks.

A similar law is described in the book The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace Wattle, written precisely 100 years ago, in 1910. I highly recommend that you get a free copy on the Internet and read it and study it. It will make you fabulously rich.

In short, they are too logical.

They often reject an idea because their rational mind cannot see HOW the idea can be implemented, or how the goal can be achieved "realistically."

The HOW will be provided by the Universe; you only have to set clear intentions about WHAT you want.

The HOW, that is, the specific ideas as to how you can make a large sum of money (or achieve any goal you want), is like a song being broadcast over radio waves. Your job is only to TUNE IN and receive those ideas.

Your next challenge is to TRUST the idea and implement it RIGHT AWAY. Implement it confidently like as if you could not fail!

Even if a survey of 1,000 people revealed that 999 people (except for your mom, of course!) believed you would fail. DO IT ANYWAYS!

If you invest 100% of your energy and faith in your idea, it will not fail. Even in cases where it doesn't show the results desired, you will be at the right place for the next idea which usually is BIGGER and more BEAUTIFUL than the first one.

I will write more about the LOA, stay tuned!