Friday, August 01, 2008

To search for riches is to make sure you never find it

If you search for riches externally and in the world, that is, outside of yourself, then that is a sure way never to find it.

Whether the business model is Internet marketing, direct sales, network marketing, traditional entrepreneurship, real estate, or any other model, your efforts will be fruitless unless you first learn how to "feel" wealthy.

Think wealth, talk about wealth, be wealth. Only then will you attract wealth into your life. And this kind of wealth, unlike the millions of dollars that one might win in a lottery, can never be taken away.

So what's the trick to "feeling" wealthy?

Give away everything you've got. This is one of the tricks I've used for more than two years. I give away all my knowledge and ideas via blogs, including this one.

People who don't give to others, but always think and calculate (explicitly or in the background of their thinking mind) the "return" on what they do, will not achieve wealth. They may achieve it at the material level through diligent planning and doing, but there is no "being" in what they do, and much stress will come from such doing.

True wealth doesn't come from planning and doing, no matter how flawless your execution. True wealth comes effortlessly, through being centered and focused on feeling the wealth you ARE. If that moment is achieved, then wealth flows out without effort, through spontaneous and breathtaking ideas that capture your imagination and inspire your actions.

The above is based on the universal principle that says, "Giving starts the process of receiving."

The more you give, the more you activate the universal process whereby you receive from the universe.

The rich get richer because they are thinking, all the time, about how to give MORE to the world, while the poor get poorer because they have a "poor" mindset and only think of "getting" or hiding and hoarding the few resources and assets they have.

My ultimate point is that wealth is self-determined. If you decide, right now, to think and talk and feel only "wealth," then it is inevitable that the universe will deliver wealth into your life. Nobody can stop this process because nobody is as powerful as the universe, and the universe will only do what it is programmed to do.

Through your thoughts and the feeling you put into them, and the being you put into everything you're doing, you are indeed programming the universe to deliver massive wealth into your life.

Youtube, for instance, was an ingenious device by Chad and Steve to not only give to the world (even while both were sleeping), but to also allow countless others to give to countless others. It is not surprising that Steve and Chad have become so wealthy.

The lesson to learn from them has less to do with technology, than it has to do with the principle of becoming wealthy by enabling the GREATEST number of people to become wealthy and share their wealth.

This is one of the secrets behind my "nuclear entrepreneurship" technology, where I enable every customer, client and employee to become wealthy by sharing the wealth with as many people as they casually interact with.

Gina Bianchini, founder and CEO of Ning, has also understood this powerful principle. She has gone beyond Facebook and Linkedin since Ning allows people not only to connect to others, but also to create the special space (that is, their own social network) within which connections between like-minded people can be made.

The bottom line is that you CANNOT become wealthy unless you abandon all selfish thoughts and calculations. Give away what you know and what you have selflessly, and only THEN will you feel truly wealthy. As a result, wealth will flow into your life effortlessly.

For example, forward this blog to all your friends. If you keep it to yourself, then the "scarcity" mindset will plague you and prevent you from becoming wealthy. If you share it with friends and acquaintances, then you will "unblock" the inner obstacles that prevent wealth from flowing to you.

Keep in mind that whether you have a scarcity mindset or an abundance mindset, both of them are highly infectious and viral, in that they tend to reproduce themselves in everything you see, touch, think about, perceive and sense.

In other words, one thought of scarcity (which often arises out of fear) will easily escalate into MORE thoughts of scarcity through the Law of Attraction. And before you know it, your whole being is full of thoughts of scarcity which prevent you from having any useful, productive or wealth-unleashing ideas.

The good news is that the reverse works as well: one thought or act of generosity, flowing from a feeling of abundance, will easily escalate into MORE thoughts and acts of generosity, leading you to a place within yourself where wealth is your natural state of being and indeed your legitimate inheritance in this world.

Once you learn to follow the path to such a place within yourself, where an incredible feeling of wealth and well-being takes over your entire being and feeling, anything you want in this life is yours.