Friday, August 01, 2008


Okay, folks, I have to issue a little WARNING. I have never written anything more powerful or more dangerous than this post.

In fact, if I had been writing this a few centuries earlier, I would have been burned alive by the Inquisition.

Alright, here's the MOST DANGEROUS AND MOST POWERFUL truth you will ever hear about in this life! Are you ready?!

Here goes, ready or not:

"Reality only exists in your mind. Therefore, your mind creates your reality."

Those 12 words express a powerful truth that should never be forgotten.

The Law of Attraction, popularized by the movie The Secret, has to do with the last 5 words, or "your mind creates your reality."

In other words, the movie The Secret actually shares only HALF of the secret!

The other half is that "reality only exists in your mind."

The proof is very simple: when you put your mind to sleep, reality no longer exists. In other words, reality REQUIRES your consciousness. No mind, no reality!

Notice that I could have said that "YOUR reality only exists in your mind." However, that would be inaccurate because you can never experience another person's reality. Therefore, the ONLY reality is YOUR reality. Thus, "your" is superfluous.

In other words, your mind is like a projector and your reality is like the movie you see on a giant screen.

Let me put it this way: your mind is the cause, and reality is the effect of your mind.

James Allen, in his century-old book As A Man Thinketh, says that "as within, so without."

In other words, your life as you know it, is nothing but the reflection of how you feel about the thoughts you have.

That is, if you have definite thoughts and you put your emotions into them, then they will become reality.

Napoleon Hill put it differently: "What a man can conceive and believe, he can achieve."

I prefer to say: "What a man can conceive and believe, the Universe will bring it to him."

If you've read the three books written by Esther Hicks, under the divine influence of Abraham (a group of spiritual guides existing in the non-physical plane), then you know about the REAL Law of Attraction (of which the movie The Secret is just a dumbed down version for the masses).

And if you've tried the Law of Attraction and it doesn't work, then it is likely that you've visualized from an ego (or false self) point of view and not from a true self or Source point of view.

The ego is full of fear, so it doesn't have the ability to create reality. It can only defend its own reality. It defends its own past, which may be full of trauma, abuse, "bad" experiences, etc. You have to release your past before you can create your future. This is so because as long as you're focused on the past, then you are NOT in the present. And the future can only be created in the Present Moment -- what Eckhart Tolle calls the "spacious Now."

There is no fear or regrets in the Now, so if you feel afraid or regretful, then you are NOT in the Now. This means you are not in a position to create the future.

For instance, a woman who "visualizes" a husband, might do so because she is AFRAID of being alone. In that case, the Law of Attraction doesn't work.

Another thing about the Law of Attraction is that it requires a great deal of mental and spiritual self-discipline. It's NOT about having thoughts in your mind, and then expecting those thoughts to become reality.

If that were so, then any morally irresponsible person could just "imagine" and visualize something bad and that bad thing would become a reality. What kind of world would we live in!

So what kind of mental and spiritual self-discipline am I talking about?

Mostly, it's about mastering FIVE key disciplines: faith, alertness, mindfulness, concentration and insight.

I will write more about them later on. Right now, I have to get back to visualizing my date with Kirsten Dunst.