Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Donald Trump's secret, part 2

"Show business is real business."

Donald Trump said something like that in an interview for a business magazine I read a while ago.

That is one of his impenetrable secrets: he considers his life on Earth to be nothing but a "show" or spectacle, and he is the writer, director, producer, actor (or star) and audience. He is a world onto himself. He marvels at who he is, and his own opinion of who he is and what he's capable of is of supreme -- supreme as in majestic, sovereign and all powerful - importance.

The opinions of others, whether it's 100 people or 6.5 billion on this planet, are of absolutely no relevance to him. In fact, other people's opinion have absolutely NO POWER over Donald Trump's thinking or feeling at any point in time in his life. People's feelings about him simply do NOT matter to Trump (although those feelings are of GREAT importance to the people's having them, for they reveal to such people -- if they are wise enough to recognize it -- that they cannot see their own Greater Self, and because they cannot see their own Greater Self, they cannot recognize it in Donald Trump.

This is why T. Harv Eker, as well as his trainers, often mention Donald Trump as a success story to draw inspiration from. They say that Trump is who he is because he has an inner blueprint inside of him -- a permanent part of him -- that constantly says, "I am a billionaire."

Trump would feel truly depressed if he were "only" a millionaire. If he had only 100 million dollars in his bank account, he would feel frustrated.

Another one of his secrets is that he realized that wealth is emotionally created. So in a way, all the books he wrote (or had ghostwritten) are misleading people, although of course that was probably not his intention. His books (and the books of so many "success gurus" or financial freedom authors) are misleading because the central idea is that "we, the authors, know something you don't, and if you read his book, you too will know the secret and begin your path to financial freedom and wealth and everything you desire."

In other words, such books are based on the premise that a person is lacking, intellectually, certain knowledge or experience or knowhow, and that by reading the book, a person can gain the knowledge required in order to succeeed (no matter how he or she specifically defines "success").

The true secret, the REAL secret lies in how you FEEL about yourself. If you feel GREAT about yourself, you can accomplish GREAT things. If you feel AMAZING about yourself, AMAZING things will happen to you. If you feel INCREDIBLE about yourself, INCREDIBLE things will come to you.

Donald Trump may seem arrogant, "full of himself" and irrationally optimistic when he says things like "this building (which I'm building) is the best thing in the world, The Apprentice is the number one TV show on Earth" etc. but in fact, such statements REVEAL his secret to wealth and success: pay attention to YOUR opinion of yourself, YOUR evaluation of yourself, YOUR estimation of yourself, for those are the ONLY things that matter to your success.

He does a service to millions of people because as viewers watch him on television say such extravagant things, they usually feel one way or the other: inspiration or annoyance. People who feel annoyed by his seeming "self-centeredness" are usually poor and struggling in life.

However, people who feel inspired by his example are usually either rich already, or rapidly on their way to wealth.

Indeed, what I am saying is that Donald Trump's secret is:

Success and Wealth = Magnificent Thought + Emotional Energy

If you want a more memorable acronym, I offer:

Success, Wealth, Everything You Ever Want In Life = M.O.R.E.

where M.O.R.E. = Magnificent Obsession + Raging Energy

This post reveals to you some of the most powerful secrets on this planet, yet only people who truly care about Great Success will print this post and re-read it over and over again.

I will write more about this topic.