Thursday, November 15, 2007

To succeed, you need 4 types of power

Would a man feel desire if he did not have, in front of him, a beautiful woman? Very unlikely.

Yet, desire -- for love, for money, for knowledge, for greatness -- is critical for success. Napoleon Hill made this point very clear in his book Think & Grow Rich (I would say, "Desire to be rich, then you will THINK about how to get rich, and you will eventually find a way to become rich.")

Desire comes from having a clear goal, and this goal must be written down and reviewed almost every day. The more you stare at your goal, the more you "burn" it into your mind, and then your subconscious mind will go to work for you to unleash your super-mind -- all the latent power within your mind.

Brian Tracy explains brilliantly this process in his book Maximum Achievement. I highly recommend purchasing a copy of that amazing book. I've read it so many times already.

Having a desire which comes from a goal reviewed daily will give you emotional power, but you need other types of power: intellectual, spiritual and financial.

Let's start with financial power.

The truth is that society is structured in a way that makes you LOSE financial power every day. Specifically, 5 days a week, 9 to 5, employers make it harder and harder for people to earn a buck. This is because shareholders want an increasingly higher return on capital, so managers have no choice but to try to make their workers produce more with the same amount of resources and support.

This creates enormous stress. Shoshana Zuboff describes how enterprise logic creates this stress for workers in her book The Support Economy (

Not only does it get harder and harder to earn money at work because capitalists want to exploit "human resources" as much as possible, but it is also becoming extremely easy to lose your money AFTER work. I refer, of course, to all the companies that target consumers and are spending millions of marketing dollars to convince people to buy what they, in fact, don't really need.

Let me summarize the situation clearly: 9 to 5, they make it harder and harder for you to earn money, and after 5 PM, they make it easier and easier for you to lose your money. Often, they even succeed in convincing people to spend the money they haven't yet earned! It's called credit, of course.

For instance, more than half of the people who go for expensive eye laser surgery, now opt for a "financing plan" from the clinic. It might make sense to incur a debt to buy a house, because it's a necessity, but does it make sense to carry a debt to buy medically unnecessary services? I wonder.

The bottom line is that until a person understands how all of this works, he/she will forever lose financial power and be trapped in a vicious debt cycle. As a result, he/she is forced to work for 10, 20 perhaps 30 years for an employer.

It seems that physical slavery has been abolished, but economic slavery is still alive and well.

People spend their entire lives trying to make money in order to "own" things (often bought on credit), without realizing that their very lives are "owned" by capitalists.

This is why I say that when you buy a house, the bank buys your career. In other words, when they give you the keys to the house, you give them the keys to your career.

There's nothing wrong with that, of course, if you found a career that suits you. Unfortunately, upon graduation, most people normally don't spend months trying to design an ideal career. Rather, they try to get -- as quickly as possible -- a job. Then, from that initial job, they try to make a career out of it.

I will talk more about the apparently invisible conflict between "owning a career" vs "owning a house."

Back to financial power. It's easy to imagine people losing financial power every day, when you look at the enormous amount of advertising that goes on in society. Advertising or marketing is basically "selling at a distance." Advertising messages make people more likely to buy a certain product or service, so they do exert a kind of mental influence over people's behavior.

Often, marketers use a ploy known to drug dealers: they give it to you for free the first time, because they KNOW that you will be hooked for life.

Speaking of free products, this brings me to the third sort of power that people lose continually: intellectual power. The time that people spend watching the news or "free" entertainment from television, is in fact time that they could have spent reading books to empower their minds.

Jim Rohn, the well-known motivational speaker, put it this way: "A formal education will earn you a living. Self-education will earn you a fortune."

The fact is, the more books you read, the more intellectual power you gain.

So far, we've talked about emotional power, financial power and intellectual power.

The fourth type of power is spiritual power, which comes from your values, your beliefs, your convictions. Spiritual power is what makes you invincible.

If your goal is to become financially independent one day, then you will need spiritual power. You will need to feel invincible.

(to be continued).