Saturday, October 20, 2007

You can be Jason Bourne

In cyberspace, you can become Jason Bourne -- that is, acquire the same super-fast reflexes (to create value and wealth, not kill people!).

You can have superhuman reflexes in cyberspace because it's an entirely different world, where the laws of physics don't apply. It's like the computer-generated world depicted by the blockbuster movie The Matrix: time and space barriers are demolished, only mental barriers remain.

"Free your mind, Neo!" says Morpheus.

I guess through this blog, I've been saying the same thing to readers (although I'm no Morpheus since I'm missing Lawrence Fishburne's deep voice and way cool sunglasses). :-)

My point is that most people have not yet realized how powerful the Internet really is.

Some view the Net as a social tool, whereas others see it as an economic tool -- that is, a way to create value and monetize it. (By the way, there IS a way to make money from Facebook, which gets 150,000 new members every day. More on this later).

Many money-making bloggers understand how the Internet can act as a powerful economic value multiplier. They write one article yet leverage it thousands of time, across time, space and minds. One blogger reportedly makes $40,000 per month from his site.

My brother Joe and I also get it (after only two days of being operational, has attracted over 1,000 visitors and has generated more money than the best bloggers make after six months). And I haven't yet started any marketing campaign nor launched any affiliate program! :-)

All of this unlimited money-making sounds great, and you're probably wondering, "How do I get started?"

My advice is to learn basic business principles first. And then master them.

I created a workshop called Maximum Business Learning (MBL), as well as a special workshop for entrepreneurs called BMW (for Business Model Workout -- details at

If you'd like to get those two workshop manuals for a ridiculously low price, please contact me at with "Request info on MBL and BMW" and I will gladly empower you so you can become an unstoppable Jason Bourne on the Internet and make money fast.