Saturday, November 24, 2007

683. Master one book to gain power

Below is a question I answered on Linkedin Answers. Since it relates directly to this blog, I thought I'd share it with you.

My point is that talk is easy and cheap. It doesn't commit a person, nor does it focus a person's attention. Writing, however, is a different story. Writing requires mental focus, and when you write a blog, the focus is even more intense since you know others will be reading your material!

I went even further with this blog, by adding a Subscribe button. This puts pressure on me to write high-quality, success-oriented articles. I'm heading toward great success because I decided two years ago to focus ONLY on success and share the "secrets" with anyone who's sincerely searching for success.

My advice to people is to start writing. It focuses the mind like nothing else! You will know PRECISELY what it is that you know, and you will feel more confident, valuable and powerful.

If you've read ONE book, then you can start a blog and write at least 10 posts or even more. If you've read several books, then you can write a lot. The whole idea is to concentrate mentally and capture the essence of what you know. Understanding will result and lead to personal power.

A wise man once said to me when I was a kid: "The man who masters one book, is more powerful than the man who reads 100 books."


Tell us which success-oriented writers do you think we should read and why?

Hi Zale, I think the best success-oriented writer that a person should read is the writer who appears in the person's mirror.

For so many years, I've read so many "success" authors. You know, the "usual suspects": Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, Anthony Robbins, Brian Tracy, etc. I fully understood the information I was getting, and appreciated it at the intellectual level, but nothing changed in my life.

Then something happened two years ago, when I began to write about success (see blog below). So many great things have happened as a result of me trying, often desperately, to put down on paper what I do know about "success."

My purpose was not to "teach" anyone since I wrote the blog primarily for myself, so I could gather in ONE place all the success thoughts and habits and "secrets" I came across. Maybe one out of 50 posts is good, but I didn't care too much. I just wanted to focus my thoughts on success.

The insight I learned is that until a person begins to "transmit" thoughts of success (that is, become a radio broadcast station), success will not happen -- no matter how many books one reads. The more success energy and vibrations emanating from a person, the more success that person will receive in life. Maybe this is why they say that "nothing succeeds like success."