Success requires correcting your mental vision

The above screenshot is an ad for laser correction of one's physical vision, but I think a similar operation is required to correct one's MENTAL vision (that is, seeing with the mind's eyes).
Here's the problem.
If you can't see far with your physical eyes, it will be quite obvious to you or to other people. For instance, a doctor can test your vision. Without good vision, you cannot drive a car.
But if your mind's vision is not good, then it is not so easy to detect it. Your mind's eyes are invisible, and we live in a society of "managed public response," that is, where mass institutions are created that will look far into the future and TELL you what to do. Most people are spectators, so they are not required to drive any enterprise or lead any organization, so mental vision acuity is NOT necessary.
However, for people who want great success and the realization of their dream life, something that mass institutions (schools, corporate employers, etc.) do not want for individuals -- they want obedient, conforming and no-trouble citizens who do what they are told --, then the only way is to improve one's mental vision.
An entrepreneur therefore has to develop his/her mental vision by writing a business plan. This will be hard, for his first reaction when sitting in front of a blank sheet of paper is: "Oh my God, I'm "blind"! I can't see anything! I can't see my future!"
This is good.
He becomes, for the first time, conscious of his mental incompetence.
He begins to lift the eyelids of his MIND! And these eyelids are very, very heavy.
Most people live their entire lives without opening their mind, so they cannot see their own future. They let their own future be determined by other people, who have sharper mental vision.
In other words, if you don't have a plan, then you are living your life according to someone else's plan (and are helping him realize HIS goal).
Failure to plan is easily the number one reason why most people fail in business. In Canada, statistics have shown that of all the people who fail at starting a venture, in 72% of the cases, it's because there was no business plan (or a highly insufficient one).
Anybody who wants financial freedom MUST have a business plan. That's because there is no "freedom" without a war. The expression should be "financial freedom war."
The freedom only comes AFTER the war has been fought, and no war can be successfully fought without a plan.
If you launch a business and you don't have a business plan, then nobody would invest in your business. And neither should you.
If you asked 6 billion people to invest in your business, then 6 billion people will say "No!" That's because without a business plan, they are NOT able to see what will happen to their (hard earned) money. It would be like inviting them to throw their money out the window!
Same thing with recruiting for a network marketing business. If you don't show them a clear, detailed, specific plan of action -- with numbers, dates, metrics, performance indicators, etc. -- then you are asking potential recruitees to throw away their time and money into a black hole.
However, once you have a clear, detailed and specific business plan, then any rational person would seriously consider investing in your business. A serious business plan is in fact the main instrument for receiving as much capital as you need to run your business effectively.
The absence of a business plan is the perfect formula for failing in business.
In an upcoming post, I will also argue that the absence of a career plan is the perfect formula for failing in one's career.
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