Friday, May 25, 2007

Why not franchise your career?

A job is like a battle, whereas a career is the overall war strategy.

You need to excel at both, although excelling at career management is a higher-level, strategic and very cerebral affair whereas excelling at one's job is a hands-on, action-oriented, results-driven endeavour.

Here's a killer idea that can make you a fortune, if you implement it right.

Why not franchise your career and/or your job?

Most people, from the receptionnist to the CEO of a Fortune 500 corporation, currently work like cooks in the kitchen of a restaurant. If they don't show up for work every day, the customer has nothing on his plate (and won't be happy).

The customer is your boss, in most cases. Or he can be your direct client who benefits from your professional services if you work as a lawyer, accountant, consultant, doctor, etc.

By TRYING to franchise your job, you will be forced to ONLY retain the proven and tested procedures you use which actually WORK in producing desirable outcomes.

Similarly, by TRYING to franchise your career management, you will be forced to ONLY retain career activities and practices that actually work in producing desirable outcomes.

In either case, the franchising process moves your thinking from the action level to the system level, where the leverage power is much greater.

Indeed, why "waste" your entire life doing something when you can create a system that teaches others how to do it FOR YOU?

Some people might say: "Well, Peter, that sounds nice, but only I can do the work that I do."

If that were true, you would be making a six-figure income. Since you're probably making a five-figure income, my guess is that you are not that indispensable to your organization (with all due respect).

Also, nobody ever became rich by working for somebody else.

However, if you franchise your career or your job, you CAN make an enormous amount of money and even achieve financial independence, because your income-producing system is now based on a non-personal system, NOT on your person.

In other words, by standardizing the process by which you create value for your current employer, you can sell that process to an unlimited number of people (via the Internet) and can then generate multiple streams of income.

As I mentioned elsewhere on this blog, to become wealthy, you've got to remove yourself from your wealth-creation system or equation.

You must create a system that works even when you don't! A system that creates value even when you are sleeping!

Your current job -- no matter what it is -- is only part of a system that creates value for (sleeping) business owners or shareholders.

Only by shifting to a system-oriented mentality can you BEGIN to understand what wealth is all about, and BEGIN to pursue it until you reach financial independence.