Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Cyber-programming for great WEALTH

I wrote previously: "Serving a huge number of people is not as difficult as most people believe. But for that to be possible, you need a "genie." My favorite genie is Mr. Internet. He exists to serve YOU, and make YOU rich. Unfortunately, most people are not aware of this reality!"

This powerful genie, however, doesn't respond to verbal command. He only obeys keyboard commands. That is, you have to program the Internet to work for you.

Before we get into the nitty gritty details of cyber-programming, it's important to understand that the Internet is really your Star Employee: he never complains, works 24 hours a day, gets paid only about $30 a month (Internet connection fee), and never calls in sick!

As far as I'm concerned, I'm giving my vote to Mr Internet for the Employee of the Century Award!

This is why I chose the picture of a giant hand holding a globe at http://talentelle-bmw-products.blogspot.com/

Think of the Internet as a giant glove, and you can only use it IF you insert your hand into that glove. "Inserting your hand into that glove" simply means you have to get into the Internet and understand how it works.

You have to learn how to use the following free software applications: Payloadz, Blogger, Youtube, Slideshare.net, geocities, Linkedin, Audacity, etc.

Yes, it will take some time, but without knowing how to use the above apps, you simply cannot program the Internet to work for you.

In the globally interconnected cybernetic economy we live and work in today, great wealth is created and amassed in cyberspace. Most people don't realize this because it rarely makes the six o'clock news.

Most people -- think of your friends and family -- go to work every day, and work like as if the Internet did not exist. For most people, the Internet is like a catalog of websites that they browse. As for email, they use it like a fax machine (except that it's much faster).

In short, people don't view the Internet as THE critical driver of the two main functions of business (the engine of wealth creation): INNOVATION & MARKETING.

Think of Youtube, for instance. With a mere 10 million dollars in seed investment from Sequoia Capital, Steve and Chad built an AUTO-INNOVATION platform onto which people upload 65,000 videos every DAY. Then, they sold Youtube as a marketing platform to Google for $1.65 billion. (Remember: 100 million videos are being viewed every day via Youtube).

Let's get back to cyber-programming. The first distinction to learn is the difference between writing and coding.

Writing means you're sending a message to someone, and once the message is read and understood, then that's the end of it. So if you spent 10 minutes writing an email to someone, then after that person has read your email, he/she WON'T read it again. Also, nobody would normally read that email. The only "return" you get for spending 10 minutes writing that email, is the action that the recipient might have taken after reading your email (assuming your email called for some kind of action).

Coding or programming, however, is an entirely different matter. It's an instruction you write which can have INFINITE RETURNS! That's because what you coded or programmed can be REUSED again and again and again.

It's basically why there are 21,000 millionaires at Microsoft, and not a single one at the New York Times. Microsoft coders write something that can be reused again and again and again, whereas NY Times writers (even the best of them) write stories and columns that people read only ONCE and then throw in the waste basket (or recycling bin).

My main message is that whatever you do at work or in your business, make sure it can be reused infinitely, either by you or by someone else who's willing to buy your value-creation process.

Cyber-programming for great wealth involves the creation of value online so that millions of people can, for a small fee, access that value immediately.

This is probably one of the thoughts that Bill Gates had one fateful morning in 1995, when he decided to change his mind about the Internet and refocus the company on being an Internet player.

Today, in 2007, 12 years later, I hope all professionals and careerists will similarly view the Internet as the single greatest opportunity of their lifetime, and use it to achieve financial freedom.