What's your erotic fantasy?

Awesome music, awesome scenery, awesome fashion statement!
In my teen years, I even dressed like Don Johnson and sometimes carried a water pistol. :-)
Maybe that obsession led me, unconsciously, to work for the Justice Department in 1993-1994.
You're probably wondering: "Peter, why are you sharing your "erotic" fantasy with the whole wide world?"
My point is that everyone has a secret metaphor that defines the lifestyle they want to lead. It's what I call a person's "erotic professional metaphor." This means you want your work to allow you to live your fantasy.
I'm not saying I want to drive around in a white Testarossa, wander around (while looking oh-so-cool) in the drug-trafficking underworld of Miami and arrest (or shoot) drug dealers. I'm not qualified for that. In fact, if you give me a real gun, I most likely would accidentally shoot myself in the foot! (So stay away!)
I am saying that I want to operate at the federal level. I imagine myself, as in the picture above, "flashing my federal badge" at CEOs so they let me into their companies and I can start training all employees using a technology I'm currently developing, called StarMaker. It's a technology the federal government will pay me a seven-figure amount to release to all Canadians. Why? Because it has to do with national economic security. More about this secret technology later.
You see, my friends, we all operate according to some semi-conscious or subconscious erotic metaphor. I mean "erotic" in the sense that it gets your juices flowing, and can really, really, really excite you.
People who don't have a metaphor guiding their lives, just go through the motions. Their lives are monotonous and dictated by routine because they never dared to dream of a fantastic life.
The truth of the matter is, our lives are just movies. Your life is your movie, and you are the star. You are also the director and the producer.
That's another secret I'll write more about later.
Right now, I've got to go to a meeting with a notorious drug dealer and it's a sting operation I've been working on for the last few months. :-P
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