Tuesday, May 15, 2007

FREE online business education

As part of my mission to increase the business literacy of all citizens all over the world, I'm launching a new FREE email-based business education program.

To register for this business education program, just email me at omnidigitalbrain@yahoo.com with "Please enrol me in the Business E-ducation Program" in the subject heading.

You will also have FREE access to my instructional channels on Youtube and Slideshare.net.

Once I receive your email, I will explain to you how the curriculum will proceed. It's fairly easy and simple, actually. I just email you questions, and you can answer them whenever you have time or feel like it. You can answer just one question or answer all of them, it's up to you.

Then, I would review your answers carefully, because they show me exactly how you think. I would suggest to you NEW ways of thinking which may be more profitable to you.

If I detect that you have natural business abilities or that you learn really fast, I can even offer you business opportunities so you can run a business and make profits from your own home.

Click here for more information on the instructional framework I created to teach business so people can create wealth for themselves and achieve financial freedom.

Please note that the above offer is ONLY for subscribers of this blog. This offer ends on May 18, 2007.