Sunday, May 13, 2007

I had a crush on a girl

In the early 90s, I had this crush on a beautiful girl so I followed her everywhere. Don't worry, I had her permission so I was not at all stalking her! :-)

Anyways, one day, I followed her into a philosophy class she was taking, and that's when & how I discovered Nietszche's "superman" philosophy. Nietszche is an exciting philosopher, not always consistent, but definitely exciting.

However, one woman thought more clearly than him and wrote more brilliantly than him: Ayn Rand. I will write more about her philosophy later on, as I suspect she will influence you to believe in capitalism so that you can use it to your advantage in life.

Let's get back to the beautiful girl I was stalking, oops, I mean following.

***** influenced me to take the same Existentialism course the following semester. What I remember from Nietszche is that man should overcome himself in order to become the Overman (or "superman").

Today, over a decade later, I finally decided to launch -- please don't laugh -- the Superman Portal. Visit it by flying to

I had this project in mind since 2004, but was too busy in the last few years in the launching of a company that became Talentelle (

I don't know exactly what the Superman Portal will become, I just feel it might be useful as a place to gather resources for men who want to improve themselves. I'll be the first to admit that I need a lot of self-improvement, so I very much look forward to learning what this portal will teach. :-)

The bottom line is that we've reached a dangerous point in history where we are far too powerful yet far too unwise. We have nuclear weapons, biological weapons, environmental problems, etc. yet at the same time, the amount of knowledge is diminishing as fragmented and junk information is exploding. This creates an environment where we watch the Internet, TV, movies, etc. but learn very little that could help us improve as human beings.

I hope this portal will help in some way. I invite all male readers to provide feedback, and thank you in advance.

Actually, I'd love to hear women's point of view too. Thank you in advance, ladies!