Thursday, May 10, 2007

Ideas are riches

Some amazing quotes in the video clip above. Notice how the theme "ideas are riches" comes back often in Napoleon Hill's writing. That's the first secret.

The second secret is that you can actually create ideas WHENEVER you want. Edward de Bono's books teach that.

You see, most people are time-poor or cash-poor BECAUSE they never come up with any new idea. Yet, you cannot create wealth without creating, first, new ideas.

Here's something I learned from my teacher Brian Tracy a decade ago: write at the top of a piece of paper an opportunity or challenge or problem you wish to solve. Then, for the next ten minutes, write out 20 ideas to solve that problem or tackle that challenge or capitalize on that opportunity.

Remember the quote from the self-made billionaire Ross Perot: "It just takes one idea to live like a king for the rest of your life." I will write more later about what he means, but try to understand it for yourself.