Tuesday, January 09, 2007

You have the right to remain poor

I give a workshop on strategic blogging, and one of my key revelations to people is: "You have the right to remain silent... and poor!"

Another key statement about the price of success in the New Economy is: "The price is write!"

In other words, it is not possible to get really rich in the knowledge-based economy if you don't SHARE what it is that you know. And we are ALL experts at something.

Every day, there are 80,000 new blogs being created. Every day, 80,000 people are getting AHEAD of you economically. (Well, okay, maybe some of the new blogs are created by manianical and obsessive bloggers like me, but still, the point remains: first-time bloggers are getting AHEAD of you, or established bloggers are getting a little MORE AHEAD of you).

The success secret is to realize that you stand to gain by sharing your knowledge for FREE, and then charging for services (coaching, consulting, etc.) based on that freely shared knowledge.

The first step is to SHARE your knowledge via Internet. Only then will people know you, begin to trust you, and possibly hire you so you can APPLY your knowledge to their SPECIFIC situation.

This reminds me of a posting I wrote before: When you teach, you necessarily sell. But when you sell, you don't necessarily teach.

In other words, share your knowledge generously and gently teach people useful stuff that could help them in their career, business or life. Afterwards, they will be willing to listen to what you have to offer.

But if you start by aggressively selling something, then that tends to turn people off.