Monday, January 01, 2007

FREE tele-seminar by Harv Eker

The average person spends about $800 on Christmas gifts, and the majority are in debt until March 2007 at which time they pay off all the debt related to gift giving.

So I'm thinking, this is a GREAT time to talk about how to make MORE money! :-)

This is precisely why I'm happy to share with you the link above. It's a FREE tele-seminar by Harv Eker. You owe it to yourself to listen to it! I highly recommend it. I recommend his book too, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.

After you've read the book and listened to the tele-seminar, contact me so I can tell you more about the business knowhow you need, so you can create more value and, of course, more money (I've developed in 2006 a super-powerful workshop called BMW, for Business Model Workout (

Enjoy the tele-seminar!