Friday, January 05, 2007

About Donald Trump

A woman asked this question on Yahoo! Answers ( and I answered. She chose my answer as the best because it is "fact filled." I thought I'd share it with you.

Donald Trump-Business Success or Failure?

I just got into an argument with my husband about Donald Trump. He thinks he is AMAZING and I think he is lucky in business. While he has had success he has taken several businesses to the point of bankruptcy. Does anyone have any facts either way? Thanks.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

FACT: Multimillionaire Harv Eker (author of the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind) always cites Trump in his seminars as an example of someone who has a "financial thermostat" that keeps his thinking focused on big business opportunities, and that convinces him that he is worthy of being a billionaire.

FACT: Trump owed two billion dollars in the early 90s, yet came back a few years later as rich as he was before.

The truth is, most people are poor because they despise (are jealous?) of rich people. There is really no luck in business. If a person works hard at creating solutions, he or she will succeed all the time. Trump himself says in the current issue of Fortune magazine that his secret is that he's "obsessed about solutions." His wealth is only a natural result of this craving for creating solutions.

Many people might say that he's a "human failure," but this is just envy and jealousy, because the FACT is, he's a good father who got his two kids (Ivanka and Don Jr) through the MBA program at Wharton, one of the most prestigious business schools in America.

Another fact is that he created an incredibly popular TV show, that he also produces, called The Apprentice, that inspires people to go for their dreams.