Thursday, January 04, 2007

Internet is your best friend or your worst enemy

Another way to put it is that the Internet will either kill your career, or turn you into a millionaire.

It all depends on HOW you use the Internet.

Without economic creativity (by which I mean "being able to generate ideas that have economic value") and without business training, a person will NOT be able to leverage the Internet for financial purposes.

This is, in fact, the challenge of most people: because they do not know how business works, they cannot reap the enormous economic benefits that the Internet offers.

Even geeks who know all the technical mysteries behind the Internet, and can create so-called Web 2.0 sites to gather content from users, cannot make money. Why? Lack of economic creativity and business training.

To remedy this situation and empower as many people as possible to launch and run their business, I created the BMW workshop (more info at

How does the Internet kill a person's career?

By eliminating time and space barriers. Which means that your competitors can come from China, India, Russia, etc. Yes, they can actually email a compelling proposal to your boss, and in the process, eliminate your job.

Even if your boss cares about you, he/she cannot refuse a better proposal from workers overseas. If he DID refuse such offers, he might get fired!

The best bet, in my opinion, is to act like as if your job will be taken away from you. Because one day, it will.

The best thing to do is to start treating the Internet as your best friend, and to make him work hard for you -- whether you are a free agent or an entrepreneur.