Friday, January 12, 2007

Linkedin now has 9 million users!

In June 2005, when I created a blogzine exclusively dedicated to Linkedin (, the socioprofessional networking site had only 4 million users.

Now they have 9 million! I correctly predicted the success of Linkedin (I should pat myself on the back for this one!).

Now, Linkedin has developed a new service, very much like Yahoo! Answers, where people can ask questions and get answers. Here, however, unlike Yahoo! Answers, the questions are very technical and one can expect the answers to be also of high quality.

One main reason is that on Linkedin, you are known and your profile is publicly available, so people tend to do their best to maintain their reputation. Not so with Yahoo! Answers, where everyone is pretty much anonymous.

I strongly encourage you to network via Linkedin. I notice that there are very few women on Linkedin. Unfortunately, this is a career and business mistake for women, but also for men who neglect to use Linkedin.

If you would like to connect to me, simply send me an invitation from your Linkedin page to