Sunday, April 23, 2006

Filter or Falter

The quality of your life depends on the quality of your decisions.

And the quality of your decisions depend on the quality of your information.

Yet, for the overwhelming majority of people, the information they get is from mass media sources such as TV, newspapers, magazines, etc. They also get information from social (i.e. superficial) conversations, where no real knowledge is exchanged (of course, a lot of emotional support is provided, but I mean "knowledge" in the sense of "capacity for effective action.")


We get low-value information --> We make low-value decisions --> We get a quality of life way below what we could have had

This is where we begin to understand that "information is power."

In particular, information that helps you achieve your goals.

Here comes the success secret: you cannot possibly get "good" information if you don't have a goal (career goal, life goal, fitness goal, etc.).

For example, my career goal is "To be able to work anytime anywhere by using my passion for learning, my business knowhow and my writing skills to transfer strategic knowledge to people so they can succeed in their worklife."

In other words, once you have a goal or a mission, then they can work for you as a FILTER which eliminates irrelevant information, and allows you to focus time, energy and attention on the RIGHT information. Without a goal (hence, without a filter to screen out information), you falter. That is, you become a victim of information overload.

In short, if you filter, you won't falter.