Tuesday, April 18, 2006

You are King!

One of the most powerful things I ever heard:

"Madam, if I may. A prince should never flinch from being blamed for acts of ruthlessness which are necessary for safeguarding the state and their own person. You must take these things so much to heart that you do not fear to strike! Even the very nearest that you have if they be implicated."

You might think that such ruthlessness is only for heads of state or shadow advisors (such as Machiavelli or Karl Rove) who stand behind the one wielding power. But in fact, you ARE a head of state. Your life is the realm over which you have total dominion.

I believe there is a God, yet even God does not interfere with your decisions. Have you ever seen an angel appear suddenly before you and say: "Stop! Your intention and course of action are defying the laws of God, and hence I hereby issue the solemn warning that if you proceed, you shall face instant obliteration!"

In comparison, whatever society or humans can do to stop you in your pursuit of your dream is so INSIGNIFICANT. Yet, most people are paralyzed and prefer a comfortable but sterile routine over a bit of risk-taking that accelerates the flow of life through our veins!

The opening quote was said by Sir Francis Walsingham, who advised Queen Elizabeth during her reign. His character was played masterfully by Jeff Rush in the movie Queen Elizabeth.

Of course, I don't recommend ruthless courses of action where you eliminate rivals in your ascension to the throne! But I do recommend with unreserved seriousness a ruthless attitude toward anything or anyone who thwarts your advancement toward your goal.

Don't hurt people's feelings, but at the same time, don't consciously put yourself in a situation where what they say can make you feel bad or raise doubts in you. There are some people that you talk to and, in five minutes, they are skillful enough to kill your dream.

In the end, ruthlessness is about the exercise of sovereignty over your own life. We are all born with a sceptre in our hand, yet we unnecessarily and unwittingly give up our sovereign power when we let other people's opinions exert disproportionate influence over the critical decisions we make in life.

A Spanish proverb goes: "After the game of life is over, both the king and the pawn return to the same box."

In this life, you choose to be either king or pawn. It's really up to you!